supper bowl

offshoredrilling's Avatar
errrrrr You would think I would learn. Never make a bet with a sick bored hooker . Well not over yet come on Steelers!!!!!
Good thing I like her. Yes TD as I type this, and covert yes back in it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So far the ads suck. Have not found one I really liked. Has any ads seem really good to anyone? and witch ones? I was not into the music in the half time. But visual was good.

edit GreenBay just one crap I'm her lap boy for a day. errrrrrrrrr I had her and she talked me into another bet.
ben dover's Avatar
Game was good, won a couple hundred, CA killed the anthem, Black eyed peees sucked. Agree on the ads, nothing really stood out...BD
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Maybe if Fergie had a wardrobe malfunction!!!!!!!(edit add) She had them before on stage. Darn not this time

edit: It was a good game. Even with the team I wanted to win lost.
the half time show sucked!!! I have never heard people that horrible sounding live! Not sure what the deal was but I was laughing pretty hard the whole time. I just kept saying REALLY?????

I am sure B.E.P.'s record sales have plumage today. I also wasn't impressed with Christina's version of the national anthem. Yuck...but that is a hard song to sing.
CA killed the anthem Originally Posted by ben dover
I'm going to have to disagree heavily on this one. She ruined the anthem. As a person who feels the National Anthem in every bone in his body, it made me sick to hear her sing it the way she did.

Extra notes and added "style" do nothing for the song, it's beautiful and stands quite well on it's own, as written. Her "interpretation" of The National Anthem was all about HER and not the Anthem...on top of forgetting the words.

The problem IMO, is simply that the singers often are singing a song. Not the anthem. If they sang the ANTHEM, perhaps they would take more pride in the words and belt out a rendition that demonstrated their personal patriotism, versus their personal hangups.

I'm betting she was paid more to sing the Anthem (accounting for four minutes of her life) than most deployed E-4's make in a year, I digress...

Forgetting the words is unforgiveable.
taggert's Avatar
Forgetting the words is unforgiveable.
Agreed! Couldn't have said it better
I cannot believe anyone would pay the $200 they charged to stand outside the stadium to watch the game on the large screen! I guess everything is bigger in Texas, including the ripoffs.

BTW, I don't usually like to comment on spellings, but OSD's "Supper" instead of "Super" in the title to this thread is hilarious!
haha i just noticed the "supper" bowl. Guess its true that when you are reading things that are misspelled, you read the actual word and not is what is written.

Water..well said, couldn't agree more with you. It's a shame because Christina has such a beauitful voice, with a range of notes she can hit. She could have sang that song beauitfuly the way it was intended to sing. Too bad she ruined it.
  • Laker
  • 02-07-2011, 12:56 PM
This is worth going to Sabres game to hear Doug allen sing the national anthems! Super Bowl should have hired him!! Bonus O Canada Lead In!!
This is worth going to Sabres game to hear Doug allen sing the national anthems! Super Bowl should have hired him!! Bonus O Canada Lead In!! Originally Posted by Laker
Laker - I would have preferred nearly anyone else's version of our National Anthem (Roseaan Barr excluded WTF) This display showed a total lack of repect for our nation. She should be ashamed of herself, not because she messed up a lyric, but for treating the song with such disdain. There should be a certain reverence that is displayed not an all out effort to make it different. If I never hear her sing again, that's ok with me and I actually thought she was talented when she first arrived on the scene. Another bimbo to add to the list.
she got paid over ONE MILLION DOLLARS, to sing a song.Why not give that money to someone serving our country that sings better?
  • Laker
  • 02-07-2011, 01:30 PM
Laker - I would have preferred nearly anyone else's version of our National Anthem (Roseaan Barr excluded WTF) This display showed a total lack of repect for our nation. She should be ashamed of herself, not because she messed up a lyric, but for treating the song with such disdain. There should be a certain reverence that is displayed not an all out effort to make it different. If I never hear her sing again, that's ok with me and I actually thought she was talented when she first arrived on the scene. Another bimbo to add to the list. Originally Posted by Perryay

Mr P. I agree!! It was truly sad!
she got paid over ONE MILLION DOLLARS, to sing a song.Why not give that money to someone serving our country that sings better? Originally Posted by JOHNBALLS

If she had any class at all, she would donate that amount and a matching amount to a group assisting our wounded veterans and their families......
well, at least Fox got it right when they interviewed the 2011 DAYTONA 500 winner!!Don't worry, Nascar will get the ANTHEM correct..and the crowd will be able to see, feel, and hear those warriors when they do the fly by..