Ways To Know You're A Hobbyist

I made these up myself. Any additions (or criticisms) are welcome:

You crank your vehicle, the GPS voice starts giving you directions and you think 'Yep golden pussy syndrome.'

You hear a hockey announcer talk about shots on goal and smile to yourself.

You see the Detroit Red Wings on TV and think about a motorcycle gang.

You see baseball stats and DP makes you think of something else.

Your girlfriend talks about getting a facial and you say 'I might can arrange that.'
Giving your wife / gf 200 for the hour of sex you just had
Referring to a girl as a spinner and your friend has no idea what you meant by that. And then trying to explain yourself—
Making ECCIE your home page.
Making ECCIE your home page. Originally Posted by duraman
Good one...lol. Its on my favorites but No not my home page that would be pushing it.
When the well known providers use your phone as a vibrator.