Private message seen by others?

I have a question, is it possible for providers to see when a private message is sent from a client to another provider.

Case in point: I sent a private message to a provider and got a response. But then 50 minutes later I got a PM from another provider referencing my PM from earlier.

Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Is this a giant red flag telling me to stay away from these two ladies?

Boltfan's Avatar
Can they share your private message?


Only you know if what was sent should have remained private or if she has loose lips.
ck1942's Avatar
Perhaps you were seeking a session wth 1 and she asked 2 for reference?
There is the option to forward a message in the inbox. I only forward messages when the person has asked that I check their references. If it's a lot of info... physical description, phone, email, etc, I will just hit the "forward" button and delete out all non-essential info. Doing this eliminates the possibility of me accidentally mistyping the info or copying the wrong info into the email (i use hotkeys so sometimes there's a misfire).

I recently forwarded a PM from a hobbyist to another provider bc he provided way too much personal information about that provider (unsolicited) and I thought she should know and deal directly with him on proper etiquette.