But I thought this was Putins fault....

texassapper's Avatar
LOL.... Democratic Communists are indeed idiots. After claiming that rising gas prices are Vlads fault... Beijing Biden now threatens use of emergency powers on oil companies if they don’t ramp up production

So before it was Putins fault, now it's greedy capitalists... I wonder why they weren't greedy when Trump was in office?
the dimocrat presidential primary debate on march 15, 2020 jake tapper asked biden what he would do to combat climate change.

biden,. "number one, no more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry, no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling, including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill. period, ends."

first thing he does is stop the pipeline

ppl might say, well that didnt do anything...it certainly did ollie.... it set the tone of his idiotic administration and immediately began the price spirals

he threatens to regulate oil out of existence.....sets regulatory hurdles and impossiblities and permit delay after permit delay...investors shy from funding oil and gas companies and projects to such an extent that theres a 90% reduction in investment by wall street

and now he threatens oil for "not producing"

what a clown

i think this time...americans know the truth
Jacuzzme's Avatar
These guys aren’t rocket scientists.