Another COVID conspiracy theory debunked...

texassapper's Avatar
Oh, did I say debunked? I meant proven.

Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says

Maybe in 3-4 years they will figure out it was released at the behest of the Democrats... that's why they were introducing legislation to allow unfettered vote by mail in Federal elecations a year before COVID arrived in the US.
It was obvious to anyone that it came out of the lab. The only real question was whether it was accidental or planned. Odds of it being planed are about 60% since Trump was screwing up the world powers in favor of helping the United States.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Who is "they", as in "why they were introducing legislation to allow unfettered vote by mail in Federal elecations a year before COVID arrived in the US."?

Several states had total mail-in voting prior to 2020. And there is absolutely no proof that mail-in voting is more subject to fraud tha any other type of voting.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Who is "they", as in "why they were introducing legislation to allow unfettered vote by mail in Federal elecations a year before COVID arrived in the US."?

Several states had total mail-in voting prior to 2020. And there is absolutely no proof that mail-in voting is more subject to fraud tha any other type of voting. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

The November 3, 2020, general elections included races for president, 35 U.S. Senate seats, 435 U.S. House of Representatives seats, 120 statewide ballot measures, 165 state executive offices, state legislative seats in 86 chambers, and thousands of local offices and ballot measures.

All told, 37 states modified their absentee/mail-in voting procedures for the general election. These modifications can be divided into five broad categories. Here’s a recap of all of the changes made throughout 2020.

• Automatic absentee/mail-in ballots: Five states (California, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, and Vermont) automatically sent absentee/mail-in ballots to all eligible voters.

• Automatic mail-in ballot applications: Eleven states (Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Wisconsin) automatically sent absentee/mail-in ballot applications to all eligible voters.

• Eligibility expansions: Twelve states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia) expanded absentee/mail-in voting eligibility.

• Deadline extensions: Five states (Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania) extended absentee/mail-in ballot application or submission deadlines.

• Other process changes: Four states (Alaska, Ohio, Texas, and Virginia) made other modifications to their absentee/mail-in ballot procedures.
From: Table 18: States With All-Mail Elections

Surprisingly less you think. Have not found the perfect table for what changed by state and when. But the one at this link has some.

NOTE: I would also add/caution that mail-in voting is not across the board the same. Some states only allow all mail-in for local contests vs all contests.
Who is "they", as in "why they were introducing legislation to allow unfettered vote by mail in Federal elecations a year before COVID arrived in the US."?

Several states had total mail-in voting prior to 2020. And there is absolutely no proof that mail-in voting is more subject to fraud tha any other type of voting. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
... Struwth! .... just spilled-over me beer..
"No voter fraud there!"

We conservatives KNEW it was a lab leak.
But NO WAY was Biden gonna ever admit it.
He's surely compromised and what-not.

But I got another beer... ....

### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
From: Table 18: States With All-Mail Elections

Surprisingly less you think. Have not found the perfect table for what changed by state and when. But the one at this link has some.

NOTE: I would also add/caution that mail-in voting is not across the board the same. Some states only allow all mail-in for local contests vs all contests. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Your statement was that states started making drastic changes to mail-in voting laws a year prior to Covid hitting our country, which was in early 2020. The article you cited CLEARLY states that the changes made by several states were made during 2020.

Yes, only 7 states send mail-in ballots to all voters. I can request a mail-in ballot in Texas but I prefer to go to the polls to vote. But the main point is that there is little to no fraud in mail-in voting.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Struwth! .... just spilled-over me beer..
"No voter fraud there!"

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
As usual, you make claims with zero supporting evidence.
Do ask Salty for any facts. His overlords at Breitbart have told him facts don’t matter. It’s about saying the lie repeatedly.
texassapper's Avatar

Read what I wrote, not what you imagined.
... Crikey! ... "... without additional conditions or requirements"

Hmmmm... Now THAT couldn't be rife with voting fraud, could it?

... They should just call it "No Rules Voting"...

### Salty