HELP!!!! Any veterinarian hobbyists out there!!!!???

I know this is way off the subject here....but I need help!!!! Is there a vet. out there that can help me save myn puppy? He has parvo and he's dying...I took him to a vet., and they wanted a huge deposit to care for credit is bad, so they turned him away. I am not asking for anything free....I will gladly pay whatever...I just need someone to work with me. Please call me anytime a.s.a.p. if you can help..... I don't thimk he can hold on much longer....Thank you,
Bad-Barbie (hater magnet),
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-22-2011, 12:09 AM
Not off topic for this forum at all.

I hope you find the help you need.

All the best to you and your pet.
sushiguy's Avatar
I hope all turns out ok.
Go to Craigslist....under communities there is a pet section....I know there are a bunch of people with parvo experiance that offer suggestions....sorry, I lost a puppy to parvo a few years a request for help under the Dallas area....
A vet in uvalde Texas which is 45 min away was the only one that help me by letting me take home the medicine for my dog when she got parvo. +1 (830) 278-2322 that's the number hope they can help u. Again this wad 4 years ago though but I'm sure it hasn't changed. Good luck
Bad barbie! My dog had parvo when he was a pup took him to the vet and they wanted serious cash ilike 2300 dollars looked at everything they were trying bill and I thought a lot of this was bs so I got my bill down to about 800 all I wanted was him to have fluids I .V and monitored while I was at work he started getting a tad better finally I had a few days off and I discovered this medicine online called parvaid it cost at the time about 80 or so and then payed to over night it. I gave it to my dog and after about 30 mins or so he began to eat! So I gave him the med a few times a day until he made a full recovery amazing? Or coincidence? Hope this gets to you in time!
Barbie, I hope you got help for your pup! Fireguy, great info!!!
Likki Thanks!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear about your little pup. I lost dogs to heartworms awhile back and it was a very sad thing to go through. I couldnt afford the treatments at that time and had them put down when they began to suffer. Horrible thing. I know the fear and pain. I do hope you got the help you need. If not PM me- I know a great vet and I am sorry I didnt see this thread sooner. If you still need help PM me. I hope he/she is ok by now though. All my best to you!