Why do famous black men almost always marry white women?

I'm not trying to be racist but just want to know why most rich or famous black men marry white women? Think O.J. Simpson, Bryant Gumbel, Tiger Woods, Justice Clarence Thomas, Kane West, Michael Jordan, etc. Yet I bet you can't name one rich or famous black woman who married a white guy. Is it a holdover from segregation and slavery when interracial marriage was illegal? Do famous black men feel the need to have a white woman to be more accepted in rich society? Maybe its just the white women who push themselves on men who are rich AND have large equipment or a BBC in the vernacular. If I were a successful black woman, I would feel disrespected. Even poor black men often want a white woman by their side, but usually they only get the fat ones or the drug addicts. I'd love to see a response from black men as to why this is so prevalent, as I guess I have a hard time believing that true love is the reason and it's just coincidence that it's mostly the rich and famous.
The answer isn’t as complicated as you think lol.

I’m black. All my exes are white.

It’s a cultural thing that most black men are sick of. Most black women are absolutely masculine in the way they act inside and outside the home. Men are universally attracted to femininity. Sometimes that includes submissiveness. Most black women are not submissive. Most black women will fight you on every decision. And look it’s not exactly the black woman’s fault 100% either.

Unfortunately in the black community we have an internal matriarchal system. Black women hold some standing… you can say it’s because of single mothers or because of the lack of fathers or the mixture of both inside a ghetto environment….. whatever the case may be since older black women raise a majority of the children the black culture in itself has become a matriarch. Unfortunately that has bled down into generations and all black women feel the need to be right, be “strong and independent” (you don’t think that originated from a white women do you lol), and take care of business as a man should. That puts them in a very combative light. Compound that by the fact we have been raised by these type of women and have been around most of these women in are respective families….

Long story short…. Black men are mostly done. I’m not going to argue with you when I can just cross the street and get a more feminine looking woman who is submissive more than you want to be. And it’s not all black women are masculine and all white women are submissive… there are certainly outliers in both camps. But why should I as a black man put up with it? Lol I’ll just go play in the snow.

And not all black men will jump ship. Some will deal with the stupidity and stress…. Also to be fair men have to be…. Men… in order for a women to be respectful and submissive. Just about everything in this world BEGINS and ENDS with men…. This is no exception. But how can a man… be a man…. If he’s raised by women……. That right there sums up the biggest issue in the black community.
Wow - thank you so much. That explanation is the best one I have ever heard or read. It makes so much sense. There are exceptions to every generalization as you point out - i.e. President Obama is a great husband, father, family man and example for ALL young men. I guess I'm just a bit jealous that I have neither lots of money, a large cock and I am not a "bad boy". Many women want at least one of those three. Just ask Whitney Houston - she chose Bobby Brown over me and look where she ended up!
chizzy's Avatar
Wow - thank you so much. That explanation is the best one I have ever heard or read. It makes so much sense. There are exceptions to every generalization as you point out - i.e. President Obama is a great husband, father, family man and example for ALL young men. I guess I'm just a bit jealous that I have neither lots of money, a large cock and I am not a "bad boy". Many women want at least one of those three. Just ask Whitney Houston - she chose Bobby Brown over me and look where she ended up! Originally Posted by StudMuffinPA

FYI, not that this matters for the main subject of ur question but the myth of blacks having big salami compared to whites is just that...a myth. On average we are all the same.
They don't almost always marry white women. You just hand selected a few. Even out of those, Michael Jordan is married to a cuban american woman and was previously married to a black woman. The reality is that more often than not famous black men marry non white women.

John Lewis
Elijah Cummings
Cornell West
Michael Eric Dyson
Ben Carson
Jay Z
Dr Dre
Ice Cube
Bob Marley
Russel Wilson
Lamar Jackson
Joey Porter
Mike Tomlin
Chris Rock
Bill Cosby
Will Smith
Denzel Washington
Deion Sanders
Michael Irvin

I could go on and on. The truth doesn't fit the narrative of this thread.
Wow - thank you so much. That explanation is the best one I have ever heard or read. It makes so much sense. There are exceptions to every generalization as you point out - i.e. President Obama is a great husband, father, family man and example for ALL young men. I guess I'm just a bit jealous that I have neither lots of money, a large cock and I am not a "bad boy". Many women want at least one of those three. Just ask Whitney Houston - she chose Bobby Brown over me and look where she ended up! Originally Posted by StudMuffinPA
That explanation is only his. He doesn't speak for all black men.
I find the fact that a black woman is usually more assertive to be true. I have dated both white & black. With white women, I'll ask "Where do you wanna go eat?" and get the well known "I dunno" crap. With a black woman, I get a definite answer. There are no weird mind games. Not all were like that but thats just my experience and one reason I would date a black woman.
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  • Devo
  • 11-27-2022, 11:56 AM
The answer isn’t as complicated as you think lol.

I’m black. All my exes are white.

It’s a cultural thing that most black men are sick of. Most black women are absolutely masculine in the way they act inside and outside the home. Men are universally attracted to femininity. Sometimes that includes submissiveness. Most black women are not submissive. Most black women will fight you on every decision. And look it’s not exactly the black woman’s fault 100% either.

Unfortunately in the black community we have an internal matriarchal system. Black women hold some standing… you can say it’s because of single mothers or because of the lack of fathers or the mixture of both inside a ghetto environment….. whatever the case may be since older black women raise a majority of the children the black culture in itself has become a matriarch. Unfortunately that has bled down into generations and all black women feel the need to be right, be “strong and independent” (you don’t think that originated from a white women do you lol), and take care of business as a man should. That puts them in a very combative light. Compound that by the fact we have been raised by these type of women and have been around most of these women in are respective families….

Long story short…. Black men are mostly done. I’m not going to argue with you when I can just cross the street and get a more feminine looking woman who is submissive more than you want to be. And it’s not all black women are masculine and all white women are submissive… there are certainly outliers in both camps. But why should I as a black man put up with it? Lol I’ll just go play in the snow.

And not all black men will jump ship. Some will deal with the stupidity and stress…. Also to be fair men have to be…. Men… in order for a women to be respectful and submissive. Just about everything in this world BEGINS and ENDS with men…. This is no exception. But how can a man… be a man…. If he’s raised by women……. That right there sums up the biggest issue in the black community. Originally Posted by blckstuff412
Wow, just wow.

I may have never seen such an honest post, ever.

Now, jump one step further, and it begins to explain the crime problem, which is, no one is teaching young men, to be men.

If I had said that, HERE, I likely would have gotten points or banned, because every time I try to delve one step further into the crime and killing problems in the inner cities, its deemed racist, because no white man can speak and criticize the black community for not pointing at their social ills, which you succinctly take the time to do.

YOU, should be a leader in the black community, because you are the first person from the community I have ever heard speak honestly about what it is.

The problem is, YOU are Clarence Thomas, YOU are every black man, who marries a white women EXACTLY for the reasons you state, and, that makes YOU an Uncle Tom.

Tell me, would you be accepted as someone to be a spokesperson, or, treated as others who dare to speak the truth?
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  • Devo
  • 11-27-2022, 12:09 PM
To note, of course, since I am a racist to some of you, because that's what you ASSUME, my one BLACK friend, who married a very good looking black woman, because he truly wanted to have all black children, was always attracted to white women, and, even had an affair, secretly with a white girl we went to school with, and, her only redeeming quality was the size of her tits.

Seriously, personality about as good as a soft boiled egg, and, a white woman that I would never, ever be attracted too, unless it was just to cum on her face, and leave, literally as a friend once described to a vapid little cumslut, "You are just a WHTCI."

A "Wet Hole to Cum in."

But, he just proudly posted pictures of his entirely fully black family at Thanksgiving.

I give him all the credit in the world for making his life all about raising a good family.

One of his sons, who worked with me for a short while will only date White Women, even if they are rather unsightly, and even very large, and I mean LARGE.

Funny thing is, we were on the Norf Sayeed working, right off Western Avenue, and I know his dad has a thing for large assed black women, I have even asked him why, when he married a beautiful, and THIN wife, and he said, "I just love those big booties", I'm sorry, but I don't get it.

In any case a very large assed black girl, not unattractive, just big walked by us, and I said, "Hey man, there you go...", and his reply was, and I shit you not, "I don't date street apes.".....

Now, that may have been one of the most racist things I ever heard, but, it couldn't be, because he is 100 percent AA.

How in gods name does a "Honky" react to that?

And I hope in the sake of honesty, my post is NOT taken in a light of bias, but rather to seek the truth of the situation.

Because honestly blkstuff412 said things just about as critical of the females he has had to deal with, and, that I find refreshingly honest, and very difficult to voice.
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  • Devo
  • 11-27-2022, 12:13 PM
That explanation is only his. He doesn't speak for all black men. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Do you?

Because I hear you inside calling him an Uncle Tom, as all liberals do when a black man says something they don't like or, just because they are conservative.
Do you?

Because I hear you inside calling him an Uncle Tom, as all liberals do when a black man says something they don't like or, just because they are conservative. Originally Posted by Devo
Lol. Just like you, when a black man says something you agree with, fall all over yourself trying to compliment him as "one of the good ones". We see you, dude.
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  • Devo
  • 11-27-2022, 12:55 PM
Lol. Just like you, when a black man says something you agree with, fall all over yourself trying to compliment him as "one of the good ones". We see you, dude. Originally Posted by tommy156
So, if he isn't one of the good ones, what is he?

An Uncle Tom?

How can anyone on the "Outside" of a community have any concern for that community, when you persecute the people in that community for honestly speaking about what he see's as it's problem.

No wonder nobody want's to speak out, either to the police, or the the "Leaders" of the black community, because they know there will be a negative reaction, and a "Connotation" placed on them forever, as being a "House Slave" or an "Uncle Tom", or a "Snitch".

And, what exactly makes you someone to judge who is and who isn't a good member of the black community, what exactly is your pedigree that allows you to speak for them?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The answer isn’t as complicated as you think lol.

I’m black. All my exes are white.

It’s a cultural thing that most black men are sick of. Most black women are absolutely masculine in the way they act inside and outside the home. Men are universally attracted to femininity. Sometimes that includes submissiveness. Most black women are not submissive. Most black women will fight you on every decision. And look it’s not exactly the black woman’s fault 100% either.

Unfortunately in the black community we have an internal matriarchal system. Black women hold some standing… you can say it’s because of single mothers or because of the lack of fathers or the mixture of both inside a ghetto environment….. whatever the case may be since older black women raise a majority of the children the black culture in itself has become a matriarch. Unfortunately that has bled down into generations and all black women feel the need to be right, be “strong and independent” (you don’t think that originated from a white women do you lol), and take care of business as a man should. That puts them in a very combative light. Compound that by the fact we have been raised by these type of women and have been around most of these women in are respective families….

Long story short…. Black men are mostly done. I’m not going to argue with you when I can just cross the street and get a more feminine looking woman who is submissive more than you want to be. And it’s not all black women are masculine and all white women are submissive… there are certainly outliers in both camps. But why should I as a black man put up with it? Lol I’ll just go play in the snow.

And not all black men will jump ship. Some will deal with the stupidity and stress…. Also to be fair men have to be…. Men… in order for a women to be respectful and submissive. Just about everything in this world BEGINS and ENDS with men…. This is no exception. But how can a man… be a man…. If he’s raised by women……. That right there sums up the biggest issue in the black community. Originally Posted by blckstuff412
This is an excellent post. Thanks for writing it.
This is an excellent post. Thanks for writing it. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It is, but if I was a black women in todays society I’d be bitter as fuck at black men.
Black men abandon their baby mamas in unequal numbers then all other races. These single moms must be strong and independent so they can turn young black boys into men.
Then when they grow up, they abandon black women to chase white women who are less strong and independent. Crazy
So, if he isn't one of the good ones, what is he?

An Uncle Tom?

How can anyone on the "Outside" of a community have any concern for that community, when you persecute the people in that community for honestly speaking about what he see's as it's problem.

No wonder nobody want's to speak out, either to the police, or the the "Leaders" of the black community, because they know there will be a negative reaction, and a "Connotation" placed on them forever, as being a "House Slave" or an "Uncle Tom", or a "Snitch".

And, what exactly makes you someone to judge who is and who isn't a good member of the black community, what exactly is your pedigree that allows you to speak for them? Originally Posted by Devo
The fact that you can only see him as "one of the good pnes" or an "Uncle Tom" tells me all I need to know.