Butt Chuggers

Fastcars1966's Avatar
Thanks to Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Butt Chugging has gone mainstream, and now you can own the T-Shirt.
I was waiting for something like this. Too funny. The thing that amazes me about the entire event is how the young man who almost died and his father seem to want to keep this in the news. Yesterday the kid held a press conference to say that it was not butt chugging. He was clearly raised not to do something that perverted. No, he got his BOL to .4 the traditional way -- drink until he passes out, shits his pants, and almost dies. What a great guy!
big boi terry's Avatar
I have never, and I repeat, read my lips, i feel your pain, and whatever else you can think of, ever, "BUTT CHUGGED" LOL
Fastcars1966's Avatar
What the one thing you never say to a Pike?

Bottoms up.
That is some crazy shit (pun intended)!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL Fast! tff

I heard the sound bite on the radio and almost drove off the road laughing at the term "butt chugging"...... damn those sick frat boys!!!
Sensei's Avatar
Its a known fact that its a fast way to cure someone of dehydration when other methods won't do; so its no wonder someone took it to another level...but dang, how fast do you want to end up in a pile of your own vomit and poo?
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
man how you gonna drunk up your ass?
I think I’ll stay within “My Comfort Zone” and continue to take my alcohol like I always have. Double 7n7 short glass… and have the bar tender place it on the bar in front of me.
I reckon pier pressure must be a lot worse now than it was when I was in school….. I’m just saying…..LOL