The Masked Singers... What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Chung Tran's Avatar
So I went to a High School Choir performance.. And I was distracted as I saw a girls choir, 36 members, 5 of them wearing masks onstage, presumably singing through the masks!

More groups would appear, and I continued being distracted.. A Boys choir, 20 guys, ONLY one masked. A new group of girls, 45 on stage, 4 masked.. Anyone who took a brief solo was unmasked.

I'm trying to decide if I was viewing something ''political''. My obvious questions begin with ''why was anyone onstage wearing a mask''?

Were the masked folks even singing? Or were they props of a sort? Maybe the masked were the ones who had not been vaccinated? If so, fuck, the masks are not going to save them or protect anyone else on the stage. Were these masked Folks just being careful, since Covid is increasing lately? Why be onstage at all? Do you think 5 masked people out of 36, is necessary? Can't 31 deliver the performance? Were the masked faking it to get a participation trophy? Lip-synching is common today, at concerts where people pay $100-$300 to go. Maybe the idea of REAL performance has been dumbed down, and it's acceptable to go onstage and be what you want to be, with no accountability to your audience?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this goes to the national forum!
.... Maybe it IS something POLITICAL, mate.

Last time I got dragged-off to see a secondary school play,
it was about Anne Frank - and I wrote about it in the Joke forum.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2022, 11:18 AM
Women are more cautious with their health than men. They're more likely to see doctors for an ailment. Maybe that's part of the reason why they live longer than we do.

One of the first documented super spreader events in the USA was a choir practice in Seattle. Apparently singing is a good way to spread COVID.

If they want to mask up, more power to them. I have no idea to what extent it affects the sounds of their voices. But what's the harm?

Were any wearing KN95 or N95 masks?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Women are more cautious with their health than men. They're more likely to see doctors for an ailment. Maybe that's part of the reason why they live longer than we do.

One of the first documented super spreader events in the USA was a choir practice in Seattle. Apparently singing is a good way to spread COVID.

If they want to mask up, more power to them. I have no idea to what extent it affects the sounds of their voices. But what's the harm?

Were any wearing KN95 or N95 masks? Originally Posted by Tiny

First thing I thought of when I read that first sentence.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2022, 02:33 PM
First thing I thought of when I read that first sentence.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Pretty funny. I actually knew an acquaintance who did try to bang a semi-passed out woman behind a dumpster at a Grateful Dead concert while a crowd looked on. One person said, "Do you think he's really going to fuck her?" The happy couple and onlookers dispersed when a cop walked up.
Ripmany's Avatar
Only 1 in 9 since can't tell tones I will say it doesn't make a difference.
Ever get a mask blow job.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ever get a mask blow job. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Got a saran wrap blowjob. SWBJCISW.

One of the first documented super spreader events in the USA was a choir practice in Seattle. Apparently singing is a good way to spread COVID.

If they want to mask up, more power to them. I have no idea to what extent it affects the sounds of their voices. But what's the harm?

Were any wearing KN95 or N95 masks? Originally Posted by Tiny
No harm, probably, but pointless. Of course it affects the sound of the voice. You lose some of the higher register, and sound muffled like a 3rd or 4th generation copy.

None wore N95's. The lone hajib-wearing Muslim was unmasked and facially uncovered.
The lunacy of mask wearing reached a peak when they made participants in a cross country running event wear mask.

Since just about everybody in Washington DC this side of Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid, and just about every body in DC wears a mask, wouldn’t deductive reasoning indicate that masks are useless against air born viral infections.
Chung Tran's Avatar
The lunacy of mask wearing reached a peak when they made participants in a cross country running event wear mask.

Since just about everybody in Washington DC this side of Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid, and just about every body in DC wears a mask, wouldn’t deductive reasoning indicate that masks are useless against air born viral infections. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I see kids waiting for the school bus still heavily masked. One boy in particular I see often, and he is ALONE waiting at the curb. Put it on when you get on the bus, if it makes you feel better, but outside, no one around, makes you look mentally suspect.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I see kids waiting for the school bus still heavily masked. One boy in particular I see often, and he is ALONE waiting at the curb. Put it on when you get on the bus, if it makes you feel better, but outside, no one around, makes you look mentally suspect. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

i'm sure that kid's been told by his parents to wear that mask at all times. they are the mentally suspect for telling him that.

i still occasionally see people driving, alone, wearing a mask. i see some people in my neighborhood walking alone and wearing a mask. i laugh at them every time.
Chung Tran's Avatar

i still occasionally see people driving, alone, wearing a mask. i see some people in my neighborhood walking alone and wearing a mask. i laugh at them every time. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ha! I remember 2 years ago, before we knew much about Covid, seeing those masked drivers. I was fine and willing to wear a mask, but the driver in his own car, alone, never made any sense. That's one reason the US has been stuck at 2/3 vaccinated for 6 months. That 1/3 sees enough crazy that they won't be convinced to get the shots.

I said ONE reason. Of course there's quite a few more.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ha! I remember 2 years ago, before we knew much about Covid, seeing those masked drivers. I was fine and willing to wear a mask, but the driver in his own car, alone, never made any sense. That's one reason the US has been stuck at 2/3 vaccinated for 6 months. That 1/3 sees enough crazy that they won't be convinced to get the shots.

I said ONE reason. Of course there's quite a few more. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
that 1/3rd has valid reasons not to. want me to list them?

1) herd immunity. by now 90+ percent of the US population has been exposed to covid. the data tells us now that natural immunity is several times if not more than what you get from the vaccine. so why would anyone already exposed bother with the less effective vaccine?

2) side effects. the side effects are far more than reported. the short time span did not allow for long term testing of side effects and what was revealed in testing was covered up to get people to take the vaccine.

3) preexisting medical conditions make the risk of side effects dangerous.

4) the death count is greatly exaggerated. by a order of magnitude. or more. the PCR tests are worthless, the inventor of them himself said so. so any use of them to determine covid related deaths is false. the stats were padded for financial incentive and propaganda scare tactics.

5) all of the above

Chung Tran's Avatar
I accept your points, with the disclaimer that much of it is contingent on the source of information you choose to believe. The WHO says Covid deaths are vastly under-counted, and says non-vaxxed covid acquirers lose immunity faster. Yeah, I know, they are a left-wing agenda-laden, power-hungry organization whose veracity is more or less on par with Chinese Communists.. So some say.

My feeling is similar to the abortion issue. Everyone has his own opinion on the level of safety he needs, many others differ. Everyone has different beliefs on when a fetus is a Baby, what circumstances should be allowed to kill the fetus/baby, and when?

Do what is right for you, with the knowledge you possess. Keep Government out of it.

Spoken like a REAL Republican.