Why doesn't the KC forum have one of these going?


If we do, I'm certainly not aware of it. It sure seems like a good idea to me, though. I'm sure many providers would utilize it. Thoughts?
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 11-12-2012, 02:13 PM
I don't think we need it so...as many (if not all) of the providers are having kind of similar lines (except time) in their signature.
KenMonk's Avatar
Can't the ladies use the ISO area as well?

I believe it to be a viable option as long as it isn't spammed every few hours. However, ladies can just start a threAD with some random bullshit with some of this info in a sig line and that works too. Or replay to a random post, at least thats what ladies in some Texas areas do.
I don't think we need it so...as many (if not all) of the providers are having kind of similar lines (except time) in their signature. Originally Posted by modda
So what you suggest is that each day we change our signature lines to reflect our hours that day? I'm not saying that sarcastically, at all, I'm honestly trying to figure out if that's what you're saying...lol
Can't the ladies use the ISO area as well? Originally Posted by KenMonk
To be honest, I wasn't sure what the rules were. Can we?
One ad a week SEVERELY limits our exposure here, and when we post on threads we are accused of "putting ourselves out there" too much. What's the solution, so that it isn't "overkill" on our parts?

Just truly curious...
KCQuestor's Avatar
A number of us guys have asked for it many times, in both directions:

"Hey ladies, I have the afternoon free. PM me if you have time to fit me in"
"Hey guys, I am available this afternoon. Contact me through the normal channels."

But, as been hinted at above, what's to stop a lady from posting "Short Notice Availability" every day? After all, there are many ladies who work every day and are almost always available on short notice. In the linked post, I see providers who have posted many days in a row. And with almost every post written like an ad, with huge fonts and colors and symbols and emoticons and pictures, the thread is pretty rough to read.

We do have a "Weekend availability" forum, which has some similarities to a "Short Notice availability" forum. I certainly wouldn't mind adding an additional forum that women could use to promote availability that day.
I honestly hadn't read clear through the whole thread from Dallas. I glanced at it briefly and got the gist of things, and thought it was a great idea.

I think daily availability is a great idea, though. By the time a week rolls around most provider ads in the ad forum are clear down at the bottom, if not on the next page. Common sense tells me that a lot of guys are generally picking from the first 5 ads or so. I'm sure it is a little overwhelming at times on your part! Also, just because a provider was available a few days before doesn't mean that she is now, maybe she's taking a few days off! Just seems like it would make it a lot easier on you guys to know "who's ready".
Sounds like an excellent idea to me! :-)
Looks very good to me, looks like it works for another part of the country. May need some watching on the part of the mod's. I know it would work good for me. May need some LIMITED guide lines.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 11-12-2012, 05:58 PM
The only problem I see is....it can span pages and pages uncontrollably. As KCQ said I have seen many threads in "Request" sub forum.

Staci as I said in the signature lines most you don't have time info. I didn't mean to say that you need to edit your signatures all the time...just a thought.
KenMonk's Avatar
You can put it in your showcase and gents doing research should be visiting showcases for updated information... at least thats what I do.

hint hint gents do your damn research lol

Ladies, update your showcases... problem solved :P
pyramider's Avatar
You can put it in your showcase and gents doing research should be visiting showcases for updated information... at least thats what I do.

hint hint gents do your damn research lol

Ladies, update your showcases... post some taint. :P Originally Posted by KenMonk

Finished your thought.
I guess you guys missed the point entirely. What about a lady who's schedule varies from day to day? I just can't imagine that there aren't guys out there who want to know who's available right away... just a thought.
KenMonk's Avatar
Finished your thought. Originally Posted by pyramider
Thank you sir I am still learning.
KenMonk's Avatar
I guess you guys missed the point entirely. What about a lady who's schedule varies from day to day? I just can't imagine that there aren't guys out there who want to know who's available right away... just a thought. Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
Adjust the showcase daily and make sure you put in your sig line to check showcase for availablity from day to day? If a gent can't take 2 minutes to look at a showcase, do you really want to waste your time with him?