How long (PUN intended) do the AVN awards run? I'm coming (PUN intended again ) into town on Sunday afternoon, will the awards still be going or where will everyone be partying, typically?

thanks for any intel.
I am not sure of the host casino/hotel but there will be plenty going on every. You cant go wrong!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
How long (PUN intended) do the AVN awards run? I'm coming (PUN intended again ) into town on Sunday afternoon, will the awards still be going or where will everyone be partying, typically?

thanks for any intel. Originally Posted by J.Wayne
Rolo Tomassi's Avatar
I was in Vegas about 5 years ago during the AVN Awards. The Mandalay Bay casino was overrun by young, hot porn star wannabe's/B listers the night of the awards. When they ran out of money at the craps tables they would show their tits and guys would throw $25 chips at them.

I was propositioned twice in the elevator, but they wanted way too much (500 to 1000). One was drunk off her ass.

I am hoping this time the rate has come down.

The key of course if finding out where they are going after the awards and I believe Chica's links tell you exactly where to go.
thanks, i noticed the awards were on Saturday night and I'll be in on Sunday, bummer so I set up an appointment with someone that night and Im looking forward to meeting her!!!