the jig is ...up

Plastic Man's Avatar
guys yer ...plastic man abouts ta be fingered ...fer the kennedy assassination

...the fbi done ...gots the grassy knoll photos puttin ...plastic man ...ats the ...scene a the crime

...pray fer ...plastic man
lilylivered's Avatar
It OK Plastic Man.
They have a nice little rubber room they will put you in
Maybe the space invaders wont find you there
so you wont have to worry about being probed anymore

I knew there must have been another shooter!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
you worked for LBJ ?
Lexxxy's Avatar
Plastic Man's Avatar
you worked for LBJ ? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
ya means bbbj?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ya means bbbj? Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Lyndon B. Johnson
your Tricky Dicky Nixon and your plane ride to NYC was later then said
guys yer ...plastic man abouts ta be fingered ...fer the kennedy assassination

...the fbi done ...gots the grassy knoll photos puttin ...plastic man ...ats the ...scene a the crime
...pray fer ...plastic man Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Could he have really done something bad(?):

Plastic Man

Join Date: Jan 31, 2010
Location: leading the ass pirate circle jerk crew
Posts: 8,431
This is a travesty....
Missburger's Avatar
What a shame

The jig is up
lilylivered's Avatar
Leave town a couple days and Plastic Man is voted off the island WTF
Next Best Thing's Avatar
This is a travesty.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
You should straighten this out right away.

Leave town a couple days and Plastic Man is voted off the island WTF Originally Posted by lilylivered
Something tells me there's not much of a connection between these two events.
lilylivered's Avatar
You should straighten this out right away.

Something tells me there's not much of a connection between these two events. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Thanks as usual for your insights
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Thanks as usual for your insights Originally Posted by lilylivered
Perfectly reasonably responses to the observations of the two of you.
This is a travesty.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
You should straighten this out right away. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
While I have many responsibilities to the board and the members here, and am in the middle of a few important projects.... it is more than obvious that our beloved Plastic Man really is the straw that stirs the drinck and the gloo that holds this fragile forum together. I shall devote my time and energy to resolving this situation and will not rest until I do in fact, straighten this out.

Who's with me???