The President and Travon Martin

President Obama comes out with a statement saying that we should all strive to curb gun violence.

Is this the best he can do? Has he run out of pandering statements to inflame his constituents?

What he should be focusing on is the growing trend among the young men, and women, in this Country to embrace the "thug mentality" that was instrumental in getting Travon Martin shot.

The President stated that if he had a son, he would look like Travon. Does that mean he would have already have turned into a wanna be punk and thug before he was 18.

Did he, or any of these idiot protesters on TV, even listen to any of the sworn testimony presented in Court, under oath. They have now crossed over from a State of ignorance into one of pure stupidity.

By the way, Allen Derchowitz has called for the disbarment, and even prosecution, of those responsible for bringing this prosecution in the first place, mainly that idiot Woman Prosecutor who was so eager to bow to the whims of the mob.
Woohoo, there goes that Ruger stock again!

And yes, that is the best he can do, but we might as well make money off of the stupidity.
I dunno Jackie. I disagree with the verdict but the jury decided. Do you really think that in a situation like this one, where a 17 year old kid has been shot to death...under circumstances that are questionable at best....that there shouldn't be a trial? Allen Dershowitz is an attention whore.

This case is a classic example of the purpose of a jury trial. Jury heard the evidence and decided. I disagree with the result but refuse to argue with the process and ultimate result.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Look up Adrian Crump, Jacksonville, FL, and 1992.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2013, 08:13 PM
President Obama comes out with a statement saying that we should all strive to curb gun violence.

Is this the best he can do? Has he run out of pandering statements to inflame his constituents?

What he should be focusing on is the growing trend among the young men, and women, in this Country to embrace the "thug mentality" that was instrumental in getting Travon Martin shot.

The President stated that if he had a son, he would look like Travon. Does that mean he would have already have turned into a wanna be punk and thug before he was 18.

Did he, or any of these idiot protesters on TV, even listen to any of the sworn testimony presented in Court, under oath. They have now crossed over from a State of ignorance into one of pure stupidity.

By the way, Allen Derchowitz has called for the disbarment, and even prosecution, of those responsible for bringing this prosecution in the first place, mainly that idiot Woman Prosecutor who was so eager to bow to the whims of the mob. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And you're just an angry old white man. Enjoy.
LexusLover's Avatar
And you're just an angry old white man. Enjoy. Originally Posted by Doove
And perhaps the reason why he got old has nothing to do with his color, but has to do with the manner in which he displays his anger and distain for others ... Martin wasn't taught that.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Everyone's acting like either something wonderful happened or that there was a miscarriage of justice. Both conclusions are wrong.

The kid is dead.

Zimmermann's life is hosed for whatever remaining time he has left unless he moves somewhere out west to some gun state and lives in a completely white area. Even that has a little problem, Zimmermann doesn't look all that white.

I wonder what marketable skills he might have so he can hold a job? Or, will he and his family have to live off of the good will and contributions of all of those bleeding heart, sensitive and forgiving rat wangers?
LexusLover's Avatar
Everyone's acting like either something wonderful happened or that there was a miscarriage of justice. Both conclusions are wrong. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
I agree. There was not going to be a resolution that made both sides happy.

Civil disobedience will further deepen the already widened differences in this country, and more importantly it will reinforce the image painted of Martin as an angry Black man.

Unfortunately, ...

.... the most powerful Black man in this country at the moment will say nothing to quell it.

But perhaps the Martins are not as important as others .....
Apparently you are pissed you weren't invited as you keep drawing attention to it.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
President Obama comes out with a statement saying that we should all strive to curb gun violence. Originally Posted by Jackie S

This wasn't a case of gun violence.

This was a case of a gun being used to stop violence.
Obama, a man who use to be in touch with the nation; is now a joke.
Zimmerman was found not guilty because his account of the events was supported by the evidence. The fact that a young man lost his life is tragic, but the right to defend yourself is basic. People are protesting; where were these people when Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson got off? Casey wouldn't know the truth if it bit her in the ass and OJ struggled with a glove so he could go free.
The President and Eric Holder should shut up and take care of their own messes instead of trying to appease minorities by jumping in where they have no business.
Zim was innocent before he ever met Martian in Florida according on the laws you can slap the crap out of someone and if they stare beating the shit out of you then you can use a gun and kill them and you are only standing your ground.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obama, a man who use to be in touch with the nation; is now a joke. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Just now, Whirlyturd? JUST NOW? You've been howling about him ever since he crawled out his mosque in Kenya!

I suspect you'll be shrieking the same anti-American blather for years to come.

All you HE-MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB members will go batshit when the NEXT president takes HER place behind that desk!
Hero Zimmerman's Avatar
Zimmerman is a hero. Martin wouldve gone on to be a career criminal.