Mya Madison

I have heard from a reliable source that Mya Madison was found dead In Poughkeepsie. Stay safe, y’all!
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Your source is very reliable..
text or call me for link
Never met her. Saw her ads, wanted to, etc....
but news like this still shakes me a bit. Hobbyists, providers, all of us.....we are all people with lives and families and news of someone in our albany hobby community passing stings. Puts it all in perspective.
Rest In Peace.
Toonman's Avatar
Read the news story. Met her once, she was a complete sweetheart. Sad to hear.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Yes.. Thank you for your respect..
sin.di.vine's Avatar
May I add .
That this shared by those of us that respect.. care for.. and really loved her..
So please do not text or PM me with curiosity unless it is genuine ..seriously okay? Thank you
Randilyn's Avatar
May I add .
That this shared by those of us that respect.. care for.. and really loved her..
So please do not text or PM me with curiosity unless it is genuine ..seriously okay? Thank you Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
well said sin!!!!! me and mya shared many ref's over the years she was good girl .. she was not into drugs or anything of the like . she was a human being with a family and a life and friends who loved her.. ....RIP MYA
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
Very sad to hear. I met her once and thought she was a very nice person, inside and out.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Randilyn.. you are so sweet and so very kind.
I'm crying right now..
I just hope she knows... that we love her..
Do you think she might?
Say yes
"Yes" I believe so.... I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. TTF.
Randilyn's Avatar
Randilyn.. you are so sweet and so very kind.
I'm crying right now..
I just hope she knows... that we love her..
Do you think she might?
Say yes Originally Posted by sin.di.vine
they say that heaven is real place and that's where we go when we pass on sure she's looking down from heaven right now, reading all the posts about her from everyone, and smiling! I say yes !!! .....
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 07-11-2018, 08:35 PM
#28 - On occasion, we may lose a valuable member of our community as a result of an unexpected accident, natural causes, or other various circumstances. The grieving process when these situations arise is often difficult and ECCIE has established a procedure to follow in such cases to protect the memory and more importantly the anonymity of our deceased member. A brief announcement will be made to inform the membership and honor the deceased member's contributions here without revealing any circumstances that may jeopardize the privacy of any of the parties involved. It will be immediately locked, and no further discussion allowed.