Being undesirable sucks

Most guys that hobby are undesirable. Whether its young men that can't get laid, or older men that are in dead bedroom relationships, its all the same: women do not find them truly desirable. In some cases, like mine, even escorts find some men undesirable.

I'll give you an example. If a lady that is known for providing BBFS as an option does not even ask you if you want a cover or no, and just sticks one onto you, it means even she does not even pretend to desire you. That is beyond brutal and can ruin a man's self esteem.

In the case above, if the escort truly desired the man in any way, she would ask him if he wants a cover or not if she provides that. Being confident or whatever doesn't work if there's no spark. You're either attractive or not. Generally if multiple women find you unattractive, even the escorts will find you unattractive and undesirable.

To the guys who say stuff like "who cares bro. I'm just trying to get a nut in bro." you are delusional as hell. You are coping because you know that women don't find you sexually attractive. You justify it in your mind that you're their for your own benefit when deep down you know you are just lonely. But women do not truly desire you and even escorts don't fake the desire.

Its over for most men. For some men, it never even began.
Clearly, you are speaking about yourself. I am 68 and have no problem with non-sw'ers noticing me and talking to me. I get dates , no problem. Don't project your short comings on other people. Fix your problems instead of trying to spread your misery
  • Vulva
  • 08-01-2023, 01:05 PM
Clearly, you are speaking about yourself. I am 68 and have no problem with non-sw'ers noticing me and talking to me. I get dates , no problem. Don't project your short comings on other people. Fix your problems instead of trying to spread your misery Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
well said. I only date amputees', and I get all the pussy I want for free.. Sounds like the OP has some serious issues that HE needs to address. OP DO NOT SPREAD YOUR MISERY! NO ONE WANTS IT

Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
This may be about the most depressing thing I’ve ever read on here. I’m Sorry you feel that way big money. I’m guessing you prob just having a bad day. Things will look up tomorrow. Remember even if you are a 5 there’s a 3 out there that would love to have you. And with some confidence a 5 can get a 7. It’s true. Fake it till you make it is a thing if you ain’t got it. But I bet you better then you think.
The last thing you should ever do is let some whore make you feel bad about yourself.
But humility is a desirable thing so there’s the good news.
limerick304's Avatar
Insightful post. Those thoughts once crossed my mind. Eventually, you find a place where you're appreciated. Some of my colleagues found that special place by importing Asian brides.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 08-02-2023, 12:07 AM

I'll give you an example. If a lady that is known for providing BBFS as an option does not even ask you if you want a cover or no, and just sticks one onto you, it means even she does not even pretend to desire you. That is beyond brutal and can ruin a man's self esteem.

In the case above, if the escort truly desired the man in any way, she would ask him if he wants a cover or not. Originally Posted by bigdickbigmoney
Makes no sense, seeking a provider that does BBFS wouldn't offer a condom, you know the menu.
Men can bring their own condoms and put it on, she can't read your mind.
Maybe I didn't understand his point, sorry... if that's the case
what a fucking confusing set of posts. What is the point?
Title should read being miserable sucks.
  • LRH76
  • 08-02-2023, 06:49 AM
Sounds like you need a lifestyle change, start with your attitude, nutrition and exercise
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Eccie is clearly not the place to go to find any compassion from these MFers. Lol. I hope you find your peace brother.
  • LRH76
  • 08-02-2023, 07:44 AM
If you are referring to me you are correct. Don't whine on the forums. Go make a change. If you are fat or insecure, obviously those things are unattractive. I changed my life I was in my 40's 320lbs I went back to school and got my degree in kinesiology not I am 230lbs with plenty of muscle. If you want sympathy find a dictionary and look between shit and syphilis. If you want to make a change in your like grab a piece of paper start writing down what you are eating and look up the what you are putting in your body fix your nutrition. Then walk start walking 30 mins a day a good brisk pace, additionally start resistance training a few days a week. After a few week when you feel good up the volume and Intensity. Stay consistent and don't try to it, Rome wasn't built in a day good luck you should start seeing good results in about 8 weeks
Barack Obama's Avatar
Interesting take. This hobby is just that... a hobby. It's not that serious. I think the majority guys doing this are just here to have fun with no strings attached. It's a transaction. You're paying for someone's time, company, and services. When it ends, it ends. Sometimes true friendships can spawn from these interactions. Often times it will not. That's the nature of this hobby. If you're looking for any sort of validation from providers, then that's your first mistake. Enjoy it for what it is and go work on yourself.
ntxguy's Avatar
what a fucking confusing set of posts. What is the point? Originally Posted by kitty hawk
Welcome new member/handle
  • Vulva
  • 08-02-2023, 09:06 AM
Welcome new member/handle Originally Posted by ntxguy
Hey LIL ENOS how is it hanging

Where is BIG ENOS? He fall off the treadmill again