Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent

By Christopher Goins
January 20, 2012

( – So far, during the presidency of Barack Obama, the price of a gallon of gasoline has jumped 83 percent, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

During the same period, the price of ground beef has gone up 24 percent and price of bacon has gone up 22 percent.

When Obama entered the White House in January 2009, the city average price for one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $1.79, according to the BLS. (The figures are in nominal dollars: not adjusted for inflation.) Five months later in June, unleaded gasoline was $2.26 per gallon, an increase of 26 percent. By December 2011, the price of regular unleaded gas per gallon was $3.28, an 83 percent increase from January 2009.

The price of unleaded gasoline never reached the 10-year high of $4.09 back in July 2008 under George W. Bush’s administration, but it did get close.

By May 2011, gas prices hit a high under the Obama administration at $3.93, about four percentage points away from the July 2008 high.
Ground beef.

The U.S. city average retail price for one pound of 100 percent ground beef was $2.36 in January 2009. As of December 2011, that price had risen to $2.92—a 23.7 percent increase and a new peak. (Ground beef prices have risen every month since November 2009 – 26 months of price increases.)

Whole wheat bread prices from January 2009 to December 2011 increased about five percent (5.02 percent) from $1.97 to $2.07. (The inflation rate in December 2011 was 3.0 percent.)

Among the first 36 months of Obama’s presidency, the last four (September, October, November, December) showed the average price of one pound of whole wheat bread hovering slightly above two dollars.

Other refrigerated items like ice cream and bacon have increased by substantial amounts.

Ice cream prices, for a half-gallon, were $4.44 in January 2009 and $5.25 in December 2011, an increase of 19.1 percent.

One pound of sliced bacon in January 2009 was $3.73 and in December 2011 had climbed $4.55, an increase of 22 percent. The price hit a high in September 2011 at $4.82 per pound.

Whole milk prices averaged above three dollars 33 out of the 36 months since Obama took office. In January 2009, the price for one gallon of whole milk was $3.58; but by December 2011, milk prices had slightly declined less than one percent (0.28 percent) to $3.57 per gallon.
The average retail price of Grade A eggs per dozen from January 2009 to December 2011 increased by less than two percent (1.30 percent) from $1.85 to $1.87.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
another stupid post by a stupid guy- ok under Clinton the cost to rent an apartment was 500 dollars- the same apartment during the Bush years was 700 dollars- a candy bar that was 40 cents during the Clinton years rose to 65 cents under the Bush years- do you see where I am going with this you fucking moron?????
WTF does any President have to do with the average cost of goods increasing? I work as a Pharmacist there are drug prices that go up and down over the period of years it has nothing to do with a President.
If that was the case Whirlway hell Barack Obama must be the greatest President we had in terms of technology- heck Big Screen TV's are much cheaper now than during the Bush years- heck at one time under George Bush the elder cell phones couldn't only be afforded by upper middle class to rich people now I guess under Barack Obama anyone can afford them- yeah give credit to Obama.
WW you are one dumb fuck- either you have nothing better to do or you or just plain stupid- learn some simple economic terms like inflation, cost of goods, etc.
Read it and weep Wellendowed; you truly are a dumb shit if you think the consumer price increases under Obama are nominal inflation of the cost of goods. Obama' economy polciies are bankrupting us (as consumers and taxpayers).

His corporate cornies do very well (Buffet, Immelt, et al); but Obama doesn't know what he is doing or he is destroying our economy on purpose.

Obama’s America: How the misery index is at one of its highest levels for 28 years

By Daily Mail Reporter

The next time some wise cracker tells you to 'cheer up' you can correct their annoying chirpiness with the fact the entire country is miserable.

For the Misery Index, an unofficial chart totalling unemployment and inflation rates, is at one of its highest levels in 28 years.

In a direct reflection of how weak the economic recovery has been the Index is set to register at 12.7 for May - 9.1 per cent for unemployment and 3.6 per cent for inflation.

Nothing to smile about: Barack Obama may look happy as engages in a spot of golf, but his nation is miserable, according to the Misery Index, currently at a 28-year high

It just tipped that amount in December 2009 at 12.72, but before that has not been so high since 1983.

In fact since the Obama Administration took office in 2009, the Misery Index has been steadily rising.

Last year saw the highest average rate of misery since the 1990s under George Bush Sr.

But President Obama, not to mention the 13.9million unemployed Americans, may be heartened to know it's not all bad news.
Paul Dales at Capital Economics analysed the Misery Index.
He said: 'The good news is that other measures suggest conditions aren't quite that bad and over the next 18 months the gloom should lift a little.

Miserable administration: The table shows the Misery Index throughout the Obama Administration. Unemployment is in blue, while the inflation rate is in red

'The bad news is that households won't be in the mood to boost their spending significantly for several more years.'
The index was first compiled by economist Arthur Okun during the soaring inflation days of the 1970s.

There are other measures, including the Robert Barro index, created in 1999.

...And by president: The index breaks down by year and president. Last year the Obama Administration had the highest rate of misery since the 1990s under George Bush Sr

This encompasses a larger field of misery to take in aspects including whether gross domestic product is below its 'potential'. It also compares the yields of the 10-year Treasury note against previous years.

Comparing both indexes Mr Dales said: 'The upshot is that Americans might not be quite as miserable as the Okun misery index appears to suggest.

'And as inflation falls back, some of the gloom will lift.'
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Whirlway this is like your 4th or 5th similar post of this topic no one is reading it or buying it- give it a rest- under the Reagan years inflation misery, taxes went up as well- same under Bush years- it's old news and is irrelevant of who is President- take any leader in any country and you will see that prices on food and fuel have gone up since 4 years. WhirlWay find e an industrialized country where oil prices/gas prices are cheaper today than 4 years ago? Show e a European country or hell produce data from Canada or Mexico and show me some stats where food prices are cheaper today than 4 years ago.
You expect me to believe some right wing article- you can take any President in any recent years and point to another time where prices were cheaper- it's a strawman article.
Let's also keep in mind the recession took place in 2008- the housing boom took place in 2008- under Bush's watch- this was the biggest recession since the Great depression and somehow you expect people to have low misery after a failure under Bush? Did you expect the that the tie Obama hits office that it was supposed to go away over night?
Get lost WW- why don't you talk about Romney's very low tax rate- a man who makes 100 times your income paying less on his capital gain taxes lol- but here's the bigger problem WW- even Rush Limbaugh of all people are saying that the GOP is in a state of panic. Newt is on fire and their are Republicans in his OWN party who are hoping that either someone else joins the race are that his momentum is halted. Sucks to be a Republican right about ow- but of course WhirlWay you are ot a republican you have becoe a troll- you are a man who didn't even for McCain i 2008- why any other Republican in this forum takes you serious is beyond my belief.
You see WW if you were so much against Obama you would have voted for McCain- but than you said well I am not a "Republican" but a Federalist than you said you are some social libertarian but you really are a nut job that lies about everything. If you were some type of social libertarian or Federalist than you would be more so behind Ron Paul- but you have yet to post 1 Pro- Paul post- you just a miserable low life that listens to Rush- what a loser LMFAO!!!!
...take any leader in any country and you will see that prices on food and fuel have gone up since 4 years ago. WhirlWay find an industrialized country where oil prices/gas prices are cheaper today than 4 years ago... Show me a European country or hell produce data from Canada or Mexico and show me some stats where food prices are cheaper today than 4 years ago....

Let's also keep in mind the recession took place in 2008- the housing boom took place in 2008- under Bush's watch- this was the biggest recession since the Great depression and somehow you expect people to have low misery after a failure under Bush? Did you expect the that the tie Obama hits office that it was supposed to go away over night?

You're just a miserable low life that listens to Rush- what a loser LMFAO!!!!
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
jhende3's Avatar
This post can't be serious. If what was said is case Obama needs to be out of office because when Nixon was in office my dad said a loaf of bread was a nickel, a gallon of gas a quarter.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Shit, I nearly had a heart attack!! I thought you were talking about natural gas. It's about a third of what it was when he took office.

What I wouldn't give for it to be back at $7/mcf.
Roothead's Avatar
stats mean nothing....

the sad economic state we are in had it's roots back in the Reagan supply-side economic policy voodoo

Throughout the following administrations, the lack of political will-power to take on special interests, the entitlement mentality and fix the tax code (aka reduce/control expenses and improve/controls of revenues) has only increased the rate of growth

This has been a problem for ALL PARTIES....

add to this witches brew of economic folly the need of some a$$holes in power to impose our will on others, via starting wars that killed our children and further emptied our depleted pockets, and you have the current situation....NO ONE, NOT McCAIN, OBAMA or anyone else could possibly "fix" the current situation - it took 25+yrs to dig this hole and it will take a friggen long time, if ever, to fix this (hell, to even agree as to what the "fix" should be)...

So GOPers, blame the Dems and Dems, blame the GOPers.... cause they all share it
Good job defending a failed President boys. Just dismiss the fact that under Obama, inflation for ordinary consumer goods is thru the ceiling.

Keep whistling .....thru November 2012.

tick, tick, tick
Shit, I nearly had a heart attack!! I thought you were talking about natural gas. It's about a third of what it was when he took office.

What I wouldn't give for it to be back at $7/mcf. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Who wouldn't? Dah, we're both in Texas. Natural gas prices are at a rock bottom low because it hasn't gotten cold this year in the up North, and particularly the North East, this year. Obama has done nothing to control, aid or hinder the free fall of natural gas.
Due to massive recent discoveries in the Haynesville, Marcellus, and other shale plays, we have several times more natural gas reserves than anyone imagined several years ago.

I and a few others have been trying to make the case that it's imperative we make maximum use of this resourse as a transportation fuel. For starters, we have about 7 million 18-wheelers carrying freight around the country, as well as several million diesel-powered buses, garbage trucks, and delivery trucks. Collectively, they are responsible for a large percentage of the imported oil we burn, and oil imports contribute heavily to our terrible balance-of-payments deficit.

Obviously, the phony, politically motivated "stimulus package" of 2009 wasted hundreds of billions of dollars on political payoffs which did not do a whole lot of good for the economy. I have suggested that if instead we had spent some of that money on something useful -- such as conversions to CNG for over-the-road trucks (about $60K per truck) and a national fueling infrastructure -- we would be a lot better off, especially inasmuch as we would be well along the road toward dramatically reducing oil imports. One might also note that fleet operating costs would be greatly reduced, as well -- and that's true even if gas prices rose to $8/mcf or higher. So the trucking industry would obviously be incentivized to invest a lot of capital in an effective conversion plan if the fueling infrastructure were in place.

And the development of this infrastructure would also have put a lot of people to work -- something which cannot be said of a lot of the other "stimulus packages" and "jobs" programs we've seen passed or promoted over the last few years.

Natural gas is also a much cleaner-burning fuel, so air quality would improve.

Of course, a plan such as this would not exactly put a smile on the faces of Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chavez, or the Iranian mullahs -- which is all the more reason to like it!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There you go again, TTH. Wanting to make money on the misery of others. And how are you any different than Romney? Except he could buy and sell you with what he leaves for a tip at the golf course.

I and a few others have been trying to make the case that it's imperative we make maximum use of this resourse as a transportation fuel. For starters, we have about 7 million 18-wheelers carrying freight around the country, as well as several million diesel-powered buses, garbage trucks, and delivery trucks. Collectively, they are responsible for a large percentage of the imported oil we burn, and oil imports contribute heavily to our terrible balance-of-payments deficit....................... Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Yes, but why would we do something that is intuitive, cost effective and to our benefit? Oh, because it would be a Republican idea or a Democrat idea thereby making it bad, and therefore unachievable. Bipolar Politics, as I call it and the re-surfacing of the acceptable Good Ole Boy Network has ground our government and policy to a halt, and thereby grinding our country to a halt.

Another reason is because it would gore someone's ox - the oil companies, shipping companies, refining companies, trucking companies and unions for each of the aforementioned. The Hell No Not in My Back Yard and Not My Ox syndromes are two other cogs in the wheel that has ground to a halt also.
Interesting..............I think what has ground our government and policy to a halt isn't the good old boy network, but tribal politics. Making concensus building impossible.

Yes, but why would we do something that is intuitive, cost effective and to our benefit? Oh, because it would be a Republican idea or a Democrat idea thereby making it bad, and therefore unachievable. Bipolar Politics, as I call it and the re-surfacing of the acceptable Good Ole Boy Network has ground our government and policy to a halt, and thereby grinding our country to a halt.

Another reason is because it would gore someone's ox - the oil companies, shipping companies, refining companies, trucking companies and unions for each of the aforementioned. The Hell No Not in My Back Yard and Not My Ox syndromes are two other cogs in the wheel that has ground to a halt also. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
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  • 01-25-2012, 12:23 PM
Due to massive recent discoveries in the Haynesville, Marcellus, and other shale plays, we have several times more natural gas reserves than anyone imagined several years ago.

! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
That is it in a nutshell. Low NG prices are a result of the massive input at the supply side, not the mild winter.

Now let's look at wtf they are trying to do with this oversupply....

20% of production
Liquefied natural gas companies want to export up to 14 billion cubic feet per day, according to the Energy Department's Office of Fossil Energy. That's about 20 percent of the natural gas production in the U.S. in 2011, according to federal data.
The federal researchers determined that domestic natural gas production, which has begun to slow because of the lower prices, would increase if exports are allowed.
The higher production would cover 60 percent to 70 percent of the natural gas exports, the report found.
Higher prices also would lead to lower domestic demand, driven mostly by power companies turning to coal rather than gas to generate electricity, according to the federal report.

I agree with you btw CM. Instead of the wasteful stimulis spending (40% which was tax cuts) we should have looked at longer term projects.

I think TTH point was that whirly blames Obama for thing out of his control and will not give him credit for other things out of his control!

Here is the question: Should we allow Big Oil to ship the oversupply overseas?

That was the question in the other thread on the Canadian pipeline and is the question in this thread.

What good does it do this country if we ship our refined products overseas.