republicans racists?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
midnite312004's Avatar
Just to put my two cents in the Republicans were actually the preferred party for African Americans a long time ago. Racists come from both parties and the independents also. I don't think that republicans are racists. I just think a lot of republicans are out of touch people caring way to much about other peoples business. My point 1. They are against abortion- Well so am I but is that any of my business -nope between them and the God they serve. 2, They generally cater to the rich and wealthy for taxes. I am neither of those two so you already know I am a democrat. 3. They consider themselves conservatives - fiscally and socially. Most of them are a bunch freaks like the rest of the men on this planet. Its in our nature. Most who claim to be conservative out in public or no where near that BCD. Newt been married several times, Herman Cain has got skeletons falling out of the closet, Mitt Romney is a Mormon and they openly practice polygamy. This is conservative!

There was one Republican Senator who said on National TV that his sole purpose in life is to make sure President Obama was a one term president when he had been in office his first year. He did'nt even give him a chance. Furthermore the statement Newt Gingrich made about blacks. All I can say is WOW. I guess he really isn't counting on the black vote to get him over because if he did he just lost that. Like I said not racists just completely out of touch.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Just to put my two cents in the Republicans were actually the preferred party for African Americans a long time ago. Racists come from both parties and the independents also. I don't think that republicans are racists. I just think a lot of republicans are out of touch people caring way to much about other peoples business. My point 1. They are against abortion- Well so am I but is that any of my business -nope between them and the God they serve. 2, They generally cater to the rich and wealthy for taxes. I am neither of those two so you already know I am a democrat. 3. They consider themselves conservatives - fiscally and socially. Most of them are a bunch freaks like the rest of the men on this planet. Its in our nature. Most who claim to be conservative out in public or no where near that BCD. Newt been married several times, Herman Cain has got skeletons falling out of the closet, Mitt Romney is a Mormon and they openly practice polygamy. This is conservative!

There was one Republican Senator who said on National TV that his sole purpose in life is to make sure President Obama was a one term president when he had been in office his first year. He did'nt even give him a chance. Furthermore the statement Newt Gingrich made about blacks. All I can say is WOW. I guess he really isn't counting on the black vote to get him over because if he did he just lost that. Like I said not racists just completely out of touch. Originally Posted by midnite312004
Very well said you make very valid points and I agree with you on all points- racist are in all parties, but generally republicans are pretty much a white male party- look at their conventions and look at the Democratic conventions- it's very easy to see that at GOP convention 98% white- Democratic conventions it's a melting pot. IMHO the GOP is so out of touch- I am also socially conservative but I could give a rat's ass who is sleeping with who- they have to answer to God for their sins an I have to answer to God for my sins- but you hit the jackpot when you stated that Republicans are not conservative BCD- take a look at the Conservatives who post on this board- some of them have reviews- so how can you say you are socially conservatives but frequent a hooker board smh!!!!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So if I had a party downtown open to anyone and the word got out that black people should not attend then that shows that I'M the racist? The GOP was the party of freedmen after the Civil War. The first black Senator was a republican from Louisiana. This was over 100 years ago. The Klan and the democrats working together turned in their own election results. They practices voter intimidation. Jones County, Mississippi had 1200 registered republicans in 1876 and most of them were black. During the election only 2 voted because the polling places were patrolled by the Klan. The southern chain gang was invented by democratic politicians to put black men back into chains. Up until the 1930s 90% of chain gang members were black. Most for petty crimes.
The republican party is open to anyone. It is not the fault of the party that black people buy into the BS dished out by the democratic plantation owners. Explain why some of the most popular republicans (Condi Rice, JC Watts, Herman Cain) are black?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It is not the fault of the party that black people buy into the BS dished out by the democratic plantation owners. Explain why some of the most popular republicans (Condi Rice, JC Watts, Herman Cain) are black? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
those named are considered "uncle toms" and "aunt jemina" I think.
pyramider's Avatar
The "moral majority" took over the Republican party in '92. The platform committee just about got into fistfights about the all the "pro life" add ons to the platform. But the Democratic party at least on the local level is just as corrupt. I have seen Democratic precinct judges openly tell the voters walking in the door how to vote and why. It was enough to make you sick.
midnite312004's Avatar
No I like Condeleeza Rice, and I really liked Gen. Powell. Actually wanted him to be president. But Herman Cain is a misguided individual. JC Watts -no. Also republicans have a problem with gays I guess because of their so called conservative nature. I could care less what somebody does bcd. Republicans want to be in others business. Like I said previously out of touch.
I only read the first sentence before I dismissed the entire article as racist bullshit. I'm stick to death of hearing about anyone that either is not black or who doesn't luv Obama as a racist. He has given me many reasons to dislike long before I consider his race.

I do not like Obama. I am not a racist. The Civil Rights Movement and Act were almost 50 years ago. Can we move along now?
This question was already asked and answered in an on-line poll. The results were overwhelming. By a margin of 82% to 18% ECCIE voters said the Democrats will play the race card against Romney.

But if you don't beleive me, then poll the question yourself.

The Obamazombies on this board are few; but they throw up alot of gorilla dust defending their man. But whenever I poll, the results always show they are in the minority with regard to the ECCIE community results.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
So if I had a party downtown open to anyone and the word got out that black people should not attend then that shows that I'M the racist? The GOP was the party of freedmen after the Civil War. The first black Senator was a republican from Louisiana. This was over 100 years ago. The Klan and the democrats working together turned in their own election results. They practices voter intimidation. Jones County, Mississippi had 1200 registered republicans in 1876 and most of them were black. During the election only 2 voted because the polling places were patrolled by the Klan. The southern chain gang was invented by democratic politicians to put black men back into chains. Up until the 1930s 90% of chain gang members were black. Most for petty crimes.
The republican party is open to anyone. It is not the fault of the party that black people buy into the BS dished out by the democratic plantation owners. Explain why some of the most popular republicans (Condi Rice, JC Watts, Herman Cain) are black? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How can you say those 3 Cain, Watts, and Rice are some of the most popular Republicans- popular compared to who???? If I asked a Republican name his top 5 or top 10 Republicans do you think post would have Rice, Watts and Cain in the top 10 are you freaking kidding me?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I only read the first sentence before I dismissed the entire article as racist bullshit. I'm stick to death of hearing about anyone that either is not black or who doesn't luv Obama as a racist. He has given me many reasons to dislike long before I consider his race.

I do not like Obama. I am not a racist. The Civil Rights Movement and Act were almost 50 years ago. Can we move along now?
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
So are you saying there's no discrimination anymore???? That is a most ignorant statement- maybe we can move a long when racism on all sides end and if you don't think racism is till around than you have some issues.
Olivia why don't you tell members of the KKK and the White Aryran Nation can we move along- last I check they are still in existence - if racism was gone I don't think there would be a need for a Black Panther Party.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, that's not what she said. Learn to read before you post. You sound stupid.
So are you saying there's no discrimination anymore???? That is a most ignorant statement- maybe we can move a long when racism on all sides end and if you don't think racism is till around than you have some issues.
Olivia why don't you tell members of the KKK and the White Aryran Nation can we move along- last I check they are still in existence - if racism was gone I don't think there would be a need for a Black Panther Party. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

And I would say the same thing to any redneck that has racism as his badge just like the race card is a badge for race carders. I have race carderism. How’s that? Like that better?

WE, that's not what she said. Learn to read before you post. You sound stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Exactly, that is not at all what I said. I never said that racism, sexism, ageism or any other ism isn’t around. It will never disappear. It’s just the nature of man to judge. What I said is, let’s move along. The longer the bullshit race card is played, the longer there will be resentment towards race carders. Most people don’t have it against race, they have a rash on for race carders. Move along.

If you can’t move along from your race, try being a woman. Oppression due to race has been around since Colonial days. Oppression of women has been around since the dawn of time. And at that, without a specific protection under the Constitution we have closed the dollar gap significantly, albeit it mostly for the upper end of earners and beating your wife is finally illegal well kinda, but we’re getting there.

In Obama’s first run the race card was the elephant in the room that no one talked about. It was comical to watch the media dance around not saying anything about his race. It was like the ever-present elephant was interfering with their Obama-gasam. This time around, since he has no real record (other than healthcare which is in the courts and killing Bin Laden), and he’s not running against an even bigger looser – W, he’ll actually have to work for it. The race card will get played; it’ll get played big.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
WE, that's not what she said. Learn to read before you post. You sound stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well you are stupid- there's a big difference in "sounding" stupid and being stupid!!!!!
I think there is racism on both sides of the fence. I do see however more disrespect toward this president more than we have ever seen toward any president here in this country. From the guy who shouts "thats a lie during one of his speeches" (don't remember the guys name), to Newt and others refusing to address him as President Obama and just calling him "obama", or the justice sitting during one his state of the union speeches mouthing out on camera to him "that's not true".. (or something to that affect) to the Arizona Governor getting into it with him when he landed and met her at the Phoenix Airport and wagging her finger at him like somehow he was a child.

I think the disrespect in my opinion is very very telling.