Can you stop being a monger? Can a provider stop being a provider?

sixxbach's Avatar
I was recently contacted for a job with my side business by a civie gal. We have a long history together. I met her on yahoo chat before it was taken over by bots back in 2003/2004. We ended up meetting on a blind date. She was really beyond my league. She was a hot MILF, latina, flat stomach even after a couple of kids. I can say she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever known. She reminds me of a hispanic Terri Hatcher.

Anyway, we met and hit it off. This started a months long affair. You would think that I would be satisfied sexually now. We did quite a bit and not much was off limits. The crazy thing was that I was still seeing others (civie) and still in the street scene.

Eventually, she ended the affair. She told me she felt so guilty and we could not have anything positive with all the lies. We lost contact for a while but time heals all wounds and we are on FB etc. I have had her on my mind lately.

Mongers, even with a woman who is hot, you don't pay for enough to keep the monger out? Or is it true that once you have the taste of the monger life, you can never go back?

Providers, do you think its possible for a monger to change? Can you change from provider mode to civie ?

nuglet's Avatar
Sure.. I quit all the time.. twice last week.. I'll quit again ..maybe thursday?
I agree with Nuglet, I quit at least every other week. Do I believe you can change? Of course! Do you want to ? , is a entirely different question ! Noooooo way !!!

" Variety is the spice of life " .
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Much like anything in life, if you want to stop you can and probably will. If you don't stop, it's a good sign you don't want to. Keep on keeping on in my opinion, as long as it's making you happy.
I quit all the time. Last year I started a relationship with a 20 yr old hottie and stopped messing around while we were together. When I met her I was banging at least two other girls each week. After we split I didn't get back into hobbing for about a month and even then limited for a while before cranking it back up this year.
austinkboy's Avatar
Hmmm don't know the answer. At best go UTR? Trying to formulate an exit strategy...
Elephant's Avatar
Trying to formulate an exit strategy... Originally Posted by austinkboy
sorry bro, there is no exit strategy...
governmentguru's Avatar
I think the question is "Do you control the hobby, or does the hobby control you?" Other addicts recover
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
"Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
�relax,� said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
But you can never leave!"
knotty man's Avatar i was just thinkin. mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice....
Welcome to the No-Tell California .
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-20-2012, 07:33 PM
Yep, was in love for about a year...I didn't hobby at all during that time...and if it happens again, I'll leave the hobby for however long it lasts.

I do love the hobby & when I do the research (other hobbiests reviews) I have not gone wrong...
Whispers's Avatar
I've hit a rather unique spot in life a lot around here would enjoy. I fall asleep next to and wake up with a lady 33 years younger than me and the BCD time is all I could want.

I find it incredibly easy to be faithful and loving from about 2 hours before we go to sleep until a couple of hours after I wake up. I never think or dream of another.

But those daytime and early evening hours are a bitch!

But Hey! I'm over halfway there right?
I've left the hobby for a couple years at a time when I've had real isn't hard for me at all. The only thing that ever brings me back to the hobby is the need for money and since I don't date broke ass guys in real life that means if I'm in a civie relationship "the hobby" a.k.a cheating on my boyfriend is the very last thing on my mind. A decent boyfriend that pays attention to me and can afford to take care of me takes away the need to hobby on my end of things.
honest answer: Nope I cant. Too spoiled w the exotic and beautiful endeavors, dates, money, exotic food and drinks, hotels, playing, dressing up, taking it off... just cant. Now if i fell in love w someone who could offer me all this...then maybe... but has never happend. If I ever grow tired of it... then Ill move on, til then, Im still young, and living my underworld life to its fullest.

I dont think the men who like variety can stop. Unless they become tamed by true infatuating love...that lasts...catch 22 I say.