Is Sochi safe?

Looking Very ominous in Russia these days as the
Olympics Approach.
The torch carrying is under extremely
heavy security.
The Soviet govt is not allowing
The US or anyone else
To help with security by sharing Information.
Threats have been made
By Terrorist Groups.

Would you go as an US athlete?
Would you go as a spectator?

I will be saying a few Prayers.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-27-2014, 07:52 PM
As an athlete, I would be concerned, but as a spectator, no way I would go. It just seems like it is primed for an attack. I certainly hope that nothing happens.
  • Coupe
  • 01-27-2014, 07:52 PM
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I trust the ring, but once you leave the village your'e on your own my friends. Hence, getting in and out of there will be the security bitch of the matter. Once you're in your seat...your good...I think...but no guarantees on the trip out of Russia however. Everyone involved pretty much knows this.

ps kind of like going on vacay in cancun....just don't leave the compound...unless you're packin the bad news which aint that easy to do down there. Ditto Russia.
I would not go. Russian police and troops are so corrupt, they all watch each other and bad guys still slip through due to bribes and incompetence. Their society will have another chaos period when Putin and high oil prices are gone. Big trouble in future for them.
bigphd's Avatar
No chance, although the adventurous side says yes, I'd go....I'd never bring a family though.
almost as safe as Pleasant grove on a Saturday after 2am, or south oak cliff
To many Chechens, Ingushetians, and Dagestanis nearby. Those dudes are fucking crazy and have been fighting the Russians for hundreds of years. They are certain to try something. And then Russian security will botch the rescue, just like they did in that theatre and school.
pyramider's Avatar
Sochi will prove to be an epic fail. Putin and his buddies will make a ton of money, primarily in construction and consulting. I believe the Olympics have outlived any usefulness.
I went to Sochi every summer with my Babushka growing up. Back then it was as safe as Highland Village.. But Chechen and Dagestanian militants and Ansaar are wanting to make a point.. And this gives them a perfect platform for what they have been trying to accomplish for the past two decades.
Mojojo's Avatar
I went to Sochi every summer with my Babushka growing up. Back then it was as safe as Highland Village.. But Chechen and Dagestanian militants and Ansaar are wanting to make a point.. And this gives them a perfect platform for what they have been trying to accomplish for the past two decades. Originally Posted by Nastya
That whole Chechen shit is crazy. I remember before going to Iraq they showed us footage of the whole Russia vs. Chechen deal and man was that some crazy shit. I guess it was a good way to prep us for what was to come.

I'm sure they'll provide extra security there especially after the Beslan hostage crisis but still one can never be too careful.
fletch's Avatar
i wouldn't worry about sochi. its getting to sochi where the problem will be
There's been a ton of terrorist threats..... Not in a million years.
Sorry, typo. Meant Sochi