Do very many provider use social media in association with their business?
Do very many gentlemen follow any of these providers?
While building my current website I noticed the option of putting Twitter, Facebook, etc links. But I'm not sure if anyone want to follow me on Twitter or the likes.
What are your experiences in this hobby with social media?
Jessica Knightly
Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
Jessica, since you mentioned website building, I followed your link and had a look ... wonderful! I like it a lot. I wonder, though, if I could suggest one very minor edit. Your "considerations" tab has a couple of incidences of "dinner and dessert," except that "dessert" only has one S as you have spelled it. So, unless you are in fact referring to a landscape characterized by insufficient rain, you might want to add that second S, next time you're in there doing maintenance.
I hesitated to mention this, because it might easily be seen as some kind of smart-assery, and I'm truly just trying to be helpful. Your web presence is much too elegant to be marred by any trivial problems of orthography, if I can do anything about it by bringing it to your attention.