Cleopatra was not an ethnic African.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Have fun talking about this lefties:

Remember, cultural appropriation.
Remember, the historical facts.
Remember, that Egypt is up in arms.
Remember, this is Jada Pinkett-Smith. The wokest of the woke.
Remember, black facing is wrong.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Just curious about how the fuck Cleopatra's race has anything to do with politics. Is she affiliated with the right or the left? If you can answer that, maybe this thread would actually make more sense to me other than the usual whining about dems crap from many of you angry and bitter old timers who want this country to remain in the 60's and the 70's. LOL
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You unloaded a lot with your statement. Why does it matter about Cleopatra's race? I didn't exactly say race you know. That was your conclusion. Why it is important and political is that the left has been most vociferous about cultural appropriation, and this is the left. The left attacks anyone who they think they can damage but then become some of the biggest offenders.

I left a lot unsaid in the OP to give people like you a chance to reveal yourselves. Thanks for playing along.

That bitter, old timer thing...where did that come from? Almost sounds like an attempt at a thread hijack. I was not aware that the 60s and 70s were all that great either. Maybe the 50s or the 80s. Nope, the 60s and 70s were pretty fucked up for a lot of people.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You unloaded a lot with your statement. Why does it matter about Cleopatra's race? I didn't exactly say race you know. That was your conclusion. Why it is important and political is that the left has been most vociferous about cultural appropriation, and this is the left. The left attacks anyone who they think they can damage but then become some of the biggest offenders.

I left a lot unsaid in the OP to give people like you a chance to reveal yourselves. Thanks for playing along.

That bitter, old timer thing...where did that come from? Almost sounds like an attempt at a thread hijack. I was not aware that the 60s and 70s were all that great either. Maybe the 50s or the 80s. Nope, the 60s and 70s were pretty fucked up for a lot of people. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
you aren't giving Rifle Dude or anyone else much to go on here. i know what the controversy is. it's this ..

Cleopatra was light-skinned, Egypt tells Netflix in row over drama

you could have included this link or several other about this upcoming film. he'd have more to go on about it.

just sayin'
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I made a choice to not reveal too much. Let people figure it out. Maybe while they're doing that they will stop being tribal and think about it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I made a choice to not reveal too much. Let people figure it out. Maybe while they're doing that they will stop being tribal and think about it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

i gave them what they need to think about without being vague about it.

this discussion has been going on for centuries. was Cleopatra a dark skinned arab or a light skinned black? or was she Liz Taylor?

How Elizabeth Taylor Redefined Cleopatra

probably not Liz.

ManSlut's Avatar
Elizabeth had some great tits and hips back then, so my fantasy vote, on a Whore Board, is she was of the PAWG race.

And I am 100% confident Luscious McCain knew what the OP was referencing in his original post, he stays on top of current national and world news, like most us. I read about Egypt’s position on the film days ago and I could care less about the subject. I totally agree with Luscious, wtf does this have to do with politics?

Mods please move this thread to the Trash Bin Forum.

Side note for those keeping score: I ‘Liked’ Luscious’ post and I downgraded the ‘Thread Rating’ from 5 stars to 3 stars by giving it a 1 star. My guess is the OP self-graded this Shit Topic 5 stars.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't vote on my own stuff. And if you can't see the politics, I'm sure that someone will make that plain with their comments.

And Arab refers to someone from the Arabian Peninsula. Arab is not Egyptian but since Cleopatra was a Ptolemy. It is a moot point.

It's also late (early?). I'm going to let others expose themselves.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You unloaded a lot with your statement. Why does it matter about Cleopatra's race? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I didn't unload shit with my statement. I just stated the obvious that it was related to race. Look at your subject title. Do you even know what "ethnic" means? In addition, you put the word in front of "African". What color are the vast majority of people in Africa? If you want to try to be slick with me and then play dumb, try harder.

On a lighter note, I used to hoop with a kid named Cleo when I was in the 2nd and the 3rd grade on our YMCA basketball team. He was definitely black. He also was a chubby kid. When we went shirts and skins in practice, I hated guarding his fat sweaty ass... that's about the only thing I got out of this silly ass thread - a reminder of horrible memories of guarding Cleo when I was 7 and 8 years old.

If you want people to actually have a political discussion in this extremely vague thread, you may want to point them in the right direction about it because for me, I am just going to have long suppressed nightmares about guarding Cleo's fat ass in practice... I don't give a flying fuck what Cleopatra's race is. I just know that my Cleo teammate was black and also really sweaty when he played basketball.

As far as you wanting people to "reveal" themselves; are you a slow learner? I knew who everyone was after my first view of 10 of their posts. This is a simpleton forum. It doesn't take a genius to know who is whom. LOL
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...How Elizabeth Taylor Redefined Cleopatra... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I didn't know until this very day that it was Elizabeth Taylor-zini all along.
People who are ignorant of History, Geography and things in general just assume that people from Africa have be of the Negro Race, as opposed to one of the other races.

Cleopatra was of course the descendent of one of Alexander’s Generals, Ptolemy, making her a Macedonian Greek.

Truth is, even the Egyptian Pharaoh’s before here were not “Negro”. We have the mummies of many of the great Pharaohs and all have what are considered Caucasian features.

Having a Black Woman play Cleopatra is akin to having Al Jolson playing a Black Man.
matchingmole's Avatar
Have fun talking about this lefties:

Remember, cultural appropriation.
Remember, the historical facts.
Remember, that Egypt is up in arms.
Remember, this is Jada Pinkett-Smith. The wokest of the woke.
Remember, black facing is wrong. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Trump wasn't either....but no figure has been more flushable since the days of Cleopatra........
Lucas McCain's Avatar
People who are ignorant of History, Geography and things in general just assume that people from Africa have be of the Negro Race, as opposed to one of the other races.

Cleopatra was of course the descendent of one of Alexander’s Generals, Ptolemy, making her a Macedonian Greek.

Truth is, even the Egyptian Pharaoh’s before here were not “Negro”. We have the mummies of many of the great Pharaohs and all have what are considered Caucasian features.

Having a Black Woman play Cleopatra is akin to having Al Jolson playing a Black Man. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What does any of that have to do with politics? That's kind of my point in my initial post.

Damn. This NFL draft has me talking about Cleo and Cleopatra. I really need to reevaluate my life.
I made a choice to not reveal too much. Let people figure it out. Maybe while they're doing that they will stop being tribal and think about it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I think I know what you're driving at. Hollywood is doing remakes of past movies and replacing major characters that were originally white with Black actresses. They recently did a remake of the "Littlest Mermaid" the main Character Ariel was replaced with a Black Actress. Not that it really matters much.
ManSlut's Avatar
What a stupid fucking thread to be discussing in the Political Forum, but what do you expect from a bunch of MAGAs - logic, rationality, common sense? Lmao, good luck with that.