There are a few of you guys I don't know whether to put some WhoopAss on, or give you hugs!
All you guys who wrote reviews of Rochelle77, and especially bigdaddyar and farmncityboy! I couldn't read the ROS, but I could read the rest of the reviews and the comments that followed.
Some of you were insistent that I schedule with Rochelle77.
You told the truth about her.
But look at the effect she has on me - you guys are responsible for me being DESTROYED financially!!!!!!
But on the other hand, you were right about her. She did things to me unlike any other!!!
So I will send you all some HUGS, but no kisses with them. I ain't that kind of guy. I will stick with kissing Rochelle!!!
Thank you guys for recommending Rochelle to me. I had to have a little fun at your expense - lol
She is a blessing to my life, and to have her even just once in a while will be super duper.
Sorry if I left any of you out who recommended Rochelle to me, but my head is still swimming a day after dating her.