Since no one wants to waste money on hooked on phonics or translation in french

All things sensual soft that I want to do. As gently kiss your ears, your neck your body. Let me seduce and make love you. Just in my arms, me make your for a certain period of time. I grab you, teach you the language of love and then release you….

really nicolet, give the damn guys a break with this one lmfao!

not many people know french!

english and straight to the point gets the job done dont you think!

and the title is...

Let me whisper
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I know French -- LFK and DFK.
whitecrayonsrock's Avatar
I'm at work I have no problem wasting time. Google translate works fine for me, speaking for me only.
I like Russian also.
lol, i like greek too but you dont see me writing out my ad in greek, even though it was a subject i took in 9th grade after i learned french in 7th and 8th.
Sir Lickalotaclit's Avatar
Mmmmm what activity goes with Southern Drawl LOL.
not quite sure on that one sir, it would have to be tried to see what flies out a ladies mouth. im known to spout off some chinese at times lol, and if i am with a certain group of people in my life, i will listen to the hungarian being spouted off and definitely do not care to speak the language back (even though i secretly know enough of it) because it is a harsh abrasive language.
The translation was pretty close to mine. Although it was proper french, not the French dialect i'm used to hearing my family speak.

GREAT JOB with the translation!!!