Clown Town: COVID Experts Get Buckshot to the Face Over Latest Advice About Wearing Masks at Home

  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2021, 08:17 AM

Even The New York Times is starting to pick up on it. Everyone is done with these COVID protocols that don't really seem to be based on science anymore. Maybe it never was, but right now—this is about power. It's about the political class maintaining their fiefdoms in America. It's about the liberal media helping peddle science fiction. And it's about liberal America treating these so-called "experts" as gods. They're not. They're human. They're flawed. And they can be wrong—very wrong.
Anthony Fauci is probably the worst offender. Rochelle Walensky of the CDC is another idiot. I want to know a full count of the deaths from the Delta variant. Does anyone know? They're low. That's all I know since the variant isn't more lethal and doesn't make you sicker. People are angry, and skepticism of these so-called "experts" is growing. That's good. You reap what you sow, folks. You guys got political. You guys lied to us.
Anthony Fauci even admitted the store-bought masks we've been wearing do zilch in curbing the spread of COVID (via NYT):
…the crisis President Biden once thought he had under control is changing shape faster than the country can adapt. An evolving virus, new scientific discoveries, deep ideological divides and 18 months of ever-changing pandemic messaging have left Americans skeptical of public health advice. So although the White House had promised a “summer of joy,” the nation is instead caught in a summer of confusion.
Only days later did a leaked document deliver the grim reasoning: Delta is as contagious as chickenpox and spreading even among the fully vaccinated, which puts unvaccinated people at risk and poses the threat of yet another viral mutation that could evade vaccines.
“The Delta variant is different from prior strains,” Dr. Walensky said. “I understand this is all frustrating news, and I share this frustration.”
A senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the administration’s thinking, conceded on Monday that many Americans remained perplexed after the flurry of sometimes difficult and seemingly contradictory information.
Another administration official said Mr. Biden would address the nation later this week — the second time in less than a week — to reiterate and clarify his main takeaway points: The vaccines are safe and effective. The reason even vaccinated people have to mask up again is that so many people are unvaccinated. So go get your shots and tell your friends and neighbors to do the same.
And now, we're being told to mask up inside our homes if we have unvaccinated family members who are not eligible to get vaccinated yet. Yes, they were telling parents to wear masks in their homes to avoid spreading it to their kids, who generally don't get it or spread it. That is a fact. If not, then Biden spread misinformation last February.
The kicker is that this advice about wearing masks in the home was promoted by NIH director Francis Collins and undercut by none other than Anthony Fauci who added this was not necessary and that Collins misspoke. Yeah, that contradictory advice part is really showing with this screw-up.
And these experts wonder why no one is listening to them. They don't know anything. NOTHING. What we do know is that Fauci and the rest of them have given Democrats ample ammunition in months past to lockdown their states, destroy jobs, and kill businesses—all of which did nothing to stop the spread.

Parenthood Has Driven Our Policy Elite Mad Ann Coulter

Again, the 180-degree turn-on mask-wearing in your home is a prime example of the experts killing their own messaging narratives. This is painfully obvious when it comes to vaccinations. People have questions because the experts did a crackerjack job convincing people not to get the shot. Now, the Biden administration wants to bribe people to get vaccinated, all the while Democrats mock, coerce, and denigrate the unvaccinated because that will work in boosting those vaccination numbers. My eyes cannot roll hard enough.
We don't have medical professionals. This is clown town. And I want to get the hell out of here.

My,My - the Maoist DPST Communists now dictate One must wear masks inside One's own home - even with no credible evidence of Benefit to the home-dwellers or society.

Science ?? = show me the published studies - DPST lemmings and minions.

Go right on ahead and bow to your nomenklatura - and do what you are told to do - so you can be supported for life without having to work for a living - by taxing teh Rich!
Your hero Bernie and AOC will take care of You - Liberals - just be a docile sheeple and all their 'Promises" of teh DPST lying nomenklatura and :SM 'will magically come true? .

Be a good lemming - wear a mask to bed.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yes sir , look up ( I'm on a roll) "the covid cult and the 10 stages of genocide ( @truestateof 8, 2021
Very interesting