72% of voters are concerned with the growing level of violence... 31% of democraps aren't and 56% of democraps say they should continue!!

No wonder the left has endorsed this violent insurrection or has definitely not condone it where as the right has condoned it since the inception of this criminal behavior. Easy choice...violence and anarchy or law and order. The left says if bitten doesn't win...THE VIOLENCE WILL ESCALATE...that's all they know. These criminals need to be wiped from the face of the earth...there is no place for political anarchist chanting "death to America" in the greatest nation in the world. Now bitten and his minions say...this is Trumps fault...their lame retort.

Voters Favor Crackdown on Violent Protests; Most Democrats Disagree

Voters are ready for the police to put an end to the continuing violent protests nationwide. Most also say the protests will be important to their vote in the upcoming elections.

When asked which is closer to their own thinking, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters say the police should crack down on the protests to bring them to an end. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 38% disagree and believe the protests should be allowed to continue until the protesters decide to end them. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.

There’s sharp partisan disagreement on this question, though. While 75% of Republicans and a plurality (47%) of unaffiliated voters think the police should crack down on the protests, just 31% of Democrats agree. Fifty-six percent (56%) of Democrats say the protests should be permitted to continue until the protesters want to end them.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of all voters say they are concerned about the growing level of violent protest nationwide, with 43% who are Very Concerned.

Sixty-two percent (62%) say the growing level of violent protest is important to their vote in the next election, including 35% who say it is a Very important voting issue.

The violent protests champion defunding police departments and using that money for social programs. But 66% of Americans oppose defunding the police in the community where they live. Sixty-one percent (61%) believe violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police.

The older the voter, the more concerned they are about the protests.

Whites are more concerned than blacks and other minority voters. But other minorities attach the most importance to the violent protests when it comes to voting.

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Republicans rate the protests Very Important to their upcoming vote, compared to 24% of Democrats and 36% of unaffiliated voters.

When it comes to the violent anti-police protests in several major cities, most voters agree that President Trump sides with the police, while Democratic leaders side with the protesters.
matchingmole's Avatar
All the protests are happening while Trump is president...
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 04:25 PM
Peaceful gathering to express a political viewpoint is a Constitutional right in america

The operative word is - peaceful!

DPST party imports trainied agitators to incite and foment and enable rioting, looting, arson, and violence to destabilize our representative democracy - which the DPST's Hate - and will install a marxist dictatorship under harris if Biden is elected.

Control the Violence - arrest the perpetrators - and charge, indict, and send to trial by jury.

It is the DPST marxist elected officials who not only tolerate - by foist and enable the violence of the 'protests' on America. It is the DPST party way of getting Biden elected.

and if elected - those officials will be inviolate - and foist even more violence upon America.
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 04:26 PM
All the protests are happening while Trump is president... Originally Posted by matchingmole

From one so deep in a burrow as to have no clue as to the function of mayors and Governors ,and limitations on the POTUS sending in the national guard.

Brain dead burrow dweller.

No sense trying to preach - not to the choir - but to the DPST underworld.

To be a contrarian - star nosed mole - I hope the DPST party continues and exacerbates the violence they foist on America - the DPST official's refusal to not crack down - but to enable violence from hired terrorists - is criminal.

But the people will see what corruption and criminality is the modus operandi of the DPST's - and reject racist marxist Terrorism on Nov 3.
Lapdog's Avatar
No wonder the left has endorsed this violent insurrection or has definitely not condone it where as the right has condoned it since the inception of this criminal behavior. Easy choice...violence and anarchy or law and order. The left says if bitten doesn't win...THE VIOLENCE WILL ESCALATE...that's all they know. These criminals need to be wiped from the face of the earth...there is no place for political anarchist chanting "death to America" in the greatest nation in the world. Now bitten and his minions say...this is Trumps fault...their lame retort.

Voters Favor Crackdown on Violent Protests; Most Democrats Disagree

Voters are ready for the police to put an end to the continuing violent protests nationwide. Most also say the protests will be important to their vote in the upcoming elections.

When asked which is closer to their own thinking, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters say the police should crack down on the protests to bring them to an end. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 38% disagree and believe the protests should be allowed to continue until the protesters decide to end them. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.

There’s sharp partisan disagreement on this question, though. While 75% of Republicans and a plurality (47%) of unaffiliated voters think the police should crack down on the protests, just 31% of Democrats agree. Fifty-six percent (56%) of Democrats say the protests should be permitted to continue until the protesters want to end them.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of all voters say they are concerned about the growing level of violent protest nationwide, with 43% who are Very Concerned.

Sixty-two percent (62%) say the growing level of violent protest is important to their vote in the next election, including 35% who say it is a Very important voting issue.

The violent protests champion defunding police departments and using that money for social programs. But 66% of Americans oppose defunding the police in the community where they live. Sixty-one percent (61%) believe violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police.

The older the voter, the more concerned they are about the protests.

Whites are more concerned than blacks and other minority voters. But other minorities attach the most importance to the violent protests when it comes to voting.

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Republicans rate the protests Very Important to their upcoming vote, compared to 24% of Democrats and 36% of unaffiliated voters.

When it comes to the violent anti-police protests in several major cities, most voters agree that President Trump sides with the police, while Democratic leaders side with the protesters. Originally Posted by bb1961

Junior, you really need to learn the difference between "condone" and "condemn." They are polar opposites of each other. If you could possibly learn this distinction, and I know that is asking a lot, you wouldn't have so many people thinking that you are a complete dumbass. I am embarrassed for you.
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 04:37 PM
Puppies who bite cops - wind up at the vet with a needle in their leg.
Lapdog's Avatar
I thought you were ignoring me, Chicken Little. Could you please put me back on ignore?
HoeHummer's Avatar
What percentage of WSNDs are shitting their breeches right now, beebsy?

One-star horse pucky, bubs
HoeHummer's Avatar
Puppies who bite cops - wind up at the vet with a needle in their leg. Originally Posted by oeb11
Another terroristic threat leveled by our short, stubby WSND mouthpiece.

Are yous prepared to back up your threats Ramboebsy?


  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 05:20 PM
DPST desperation in the fern bars.
All the protests are happening while Trump is president... Originally Posted by matchingmole
Protests...yeah right...extreme violence against people and property. Trump sent in federal law enforcement to stop the death and destruction and you leader bullsoey called them stormtroopers. No one is safe from your marxist ilk...who chant "death to America"...you align yourself with the likes of these criminals.
These anarchist say if bitten doesn't win the violence will intensify...you should be proud of your political party.
Lapdog's Avatar
Junior, who in the FUCK is bullsoey? I need a fucking road map just to interpret your obscure language.
Junior, you really need to learn the difference between "condone" and "condemn." They are polar opposites of each other. If you could possibly learn this distinction, and I know that is asking a lot, you wouldn't have so many people thinking that you are a complete dumbass. I am embarrassed for you. Originally Posted by Lapdog
WTF you talking about crapdog you're the dumb ass that licks asses!! I see you condone this criminal behavior.
The right DOESN"T condone criminal behavior.
Junior, who in the FUCK is bullsoey? I need a fucking road map just to interpret your obscure language. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Who the fuck are you crapdog other than an inconsequential
ass licker?? You're fixated on my JUNIOR??
Lapdog's Avatar
Read your original message, Einstein. SMH