Bringin Out The Big Guns

Dunno if anyone else will find this entertaining, or just interesting, but I know it woke me up.

For those that don't know, guns are totally illegal here in the UK. Even the normal LE force do not have them, they have pepper spray, tazers, night sticks (truncheons as the English call them), cuffs, etc, but no guns.

They do however, have a special police force called the "armed response unit" (or something like that) and these special guys do in fact carry firepower (as well as drive around in special, fire engine red BMW police cars, thank god I don't pay taxes over here, or I'd be pissed).

Well I saw one out on the street for the first time the other day, and holy macakrel, this man was holding a fucking oozy, I swear to god. Ok, maybe it wasn't sooo huge, but it was some type of machine gun (I'm sorry, my knowledge of such man things is limited), with a strap around the guys shoulder, and he had to use both hands to hold it and everything.

I guess it just freaked me out a bit, seeing something of that size out in public, on a normal street, in the middle of the day, in a "civilized" country, and the guy was just trotting up and down the road like he hadn't a care in the world. I swear I don't think I've ever seen something like that in real life before.

Anyways, I just find it funny that a country that doesn't believe in letting people or even regular cops carry guns, will then in turn, give someone with supposed "specialized training" a weapon of that calibre.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-06-2010, 06:40 AM
Not High Jack your thread but your site came out lovely. James did a wonderful job as usual
Not High Jack your thread but your site came out lovely. James did a wonderful job as usual Originally Posted by Reese McClain

Thanks hun! And yes, he is awesome!!!! :-)
SofaKingFun's Avatar
If guns are outlawed, then only outlaws would have guns.

These are troubled time in which we live and it would be absolutely foolish for a Country not to have some sort of special force to deal with some of these lunatics should they ever face that threat.

Sure it may be shocking but just remember that terrorists, or any criminal for that matter, don't play by the rules; so I'd be relieved to know that there's at least some body of power trained to combat these people/groups. et al.


Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I'm surprised you didn't see them at Heathrow. The ones I saw there carried HK MP-5's. With all the anti-semitism (I know, I know....they pretend it's anti-zionism) in UK I doubt they'd buy Uzis from Israel.
They do issue the HK MP5 in the UK.
In fact I don't think anyone other than Isreal uses the Uzi anymore.
First, you can rest easy about the Brit police driving BMWs. Once you eliminate U.S. import taxes and the cost of trans-atlantic shipping, BMWs aren't that expensive in Europe, as long as they aren't 5 or 7 series. I saw them everywhere when I was living in Germany and at first thought, "Huh, Germans must be rich..." They're not. BMW is just the Ford of Europe.

Second, I agree with you completely that the Brits take on guns is weird. When I visited London, I encountered numerous people who were mystified by the fact that, being from Texas, I owned a gun. I talked to several older men who had never even held a gun, much less fired one. I find it disconcerting that their government forbids their citizens from arming themselves but equips their enforcers with the most powerful hand-held cyclic weapons on the market. Totalitarian much?

In the U.S. we're just as backwards. Our favorite lib politicians have attempted to outlaw weapons but failed because its unconstitutional. So instead, they've slapped restrictions on the only people they can control -- the police. And we get instances like the North Hollywood Shootout, where criminals are better armed than the police. People would be alarmed to see police officers with AR-15s or MP5s, so instead they have 9mms and shotguns for "riot control". Those weapons are frequently modified to be double-action only with 17-lb+ trigger pulls, while I can go out today and buy an AR-15, a full-auto modification kit, trigger modification kit and armor-piercing bullets. Theoretically, I would be spraying 800 rds/min with an effective range of 800m area target, while the police are squeezing out ~45 rds/min with an effective range of 50m. This, of course, only applies to your average patrol officer. SWAT is a different story.

Both takes are confused IMHO.
When I was down in Cozumel last year, I had a picture taken standing next to a security guard at a jewelry store. The security guard had, I believe, an Uzi. That was the most terrified I have ever been asking someone if I can have my picture taken with them...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
First, you can rest easy about the Brit police driving BMWs. Once you eliminate U.S. import taxes and the cost of trans-atlantic shipping, BMWs aren't that expensive in Europe, as long as they aren't 5 or 7 series. I saw them everywhere when I was living in Germany and at first thought, "Huh, Germans must be rich..." They're not. BMW is just the Ford of Europe.

Second, I agree with you completely that the Brits take on guns is weird. When I visited London, I encountered numerous people who were mystified by the fact that, being from Texas, I owned a gun. I talked to several older men who had never even held a gun, much less fired one. I find it disconcerting that their government forbids their citizens from arming themselves but equips their enforcers with the most powerful hand-held cyclic weapons on the market. Totalitarian much?

In the U.S. we're just as backwards. Our favorite lib politicians have attempted to outlaw weapons but failed because its unconstitutional. So instead, they've slapped restrictions on the only people they can control -- the police. And we get instances like the North Hollywood Shootout, where criminals are better armed than the police. People would be alarmed to see police officers with AR-15s or MP5s, so instead they have 9mms and shotguns for "riot control". Those weapons are frequently modified to be double-action only with 17-lb+ trigger pulls, while I can go out today and buy an AR-15, a full-auto modification kit, trigger modification kit and armor-piercing bullets. Theoretically, I would be spraying 800 rds/min with an effective range of 800m area target, while the police are squeezing out ~45 rds/min with an effective range of 50m. This, of course, only applies to your average patrol officer. SWAT is a different story.

Both takes are confused IMHO. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Brother Ender's on target, as usual. The reason I avoid going to the UK unless I absolutely have to is because their laws do not recognize self-defense as a justification for homicide, or even GBH. Their laws require "good" citizens to just bend over and take whatever any criminal wants to do to them. But don't worry; there's probably a photograph of the crime on file somewhere.

Fuck that. The only thing Britain's good for, alas, is as a cautionary tale illustrating the consequences of pussification and socialization.

AND, Guardia, militia, caribinieri, whatever you choose to call them armed will full automatic rifles are the rule, not the exception. I'll never forget the gang of Uzi-toting Peruvian Policia, ready for anything the Sendero Luminoso dared to send their way, laughing their asses off at this Gringo Loco living his dream: running atop the cars, jumping from car to car, ducking just in time to avoid beheading by tunnel, on the train from Lima to Machu Picchu. You try that in America, they'll shoot you....for your own safety. Thank the abogados.
Did someone say, lmao
boardman's Avatar
Did someone say, lmao Originally Posted by babydollsnow
That's the British spelling, you know, kinda like "colour"
Timk48's Avatar
I wouldn't mind having an AR-15.

Both takes are confused IMHO. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

I agree completely, and was in no way implying we are more right than them. Hell, think about it. In the US a man and woman can be arrested for engaging in a natural act just bc of one eensie little exchange of funds, yet anyone who is 18 and can prove it can buy a hunting rifle, which can still kill people.

Uh, can we please think about which one of those acts has the more potential to actually hurt someone???

But yeah, the whole f'in world is backwards, it just freaked me out cause like I said, I have never seen a weapon of that magnitude in public like that when nothing was even happening.

And as far as BMW's over here, you should see how many f'in Mini's there are as well, they are like roaches in this country!!!!
Htowner's Avatar
Do you make outcalls to Houston yet?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Did someone say, lmao Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Yeah, Baby....Born to Ooze, let's Cruise.

And, Hey Vic! This one's for YOU: