Opt out of dystopia

Depurefymii's Avatar
It looks like the virus was used as an excuse to steal everyone's livelihoods. What can I do to opt out of the dystopian nightmare that is going to come out of knee-jerk central planning?
HedonistForever's Avatar
It looks like the virus was used as an excuse to steal everyone's livelihoods. What can I do to opt out of the dystopian nightmare that is going to come out of knee-jerk central planning? Originally Posted by Depurefymii

If you don't want knee-jerk central planning, then you know who you have to vote for whether you like the person or not. Policy is all that matters. That's too bad, I wish it were different but it isn't.

As a Liberal columnist said about the likelihood that Biden sexually assaulted a woman even though Liberals tell us all women must be believed ( me, I believe in evidence and due process ) he has no choice but to vote for Biden because of Biden's policies. It doesn't matter that Biden has a history of plagiarism. Nothing matters but policy.

I reluctantly agree, policy is all that matters.
Lapdog's Avatar
Trump's policy is to grab 'em by the pussy.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It looks like the virus was used as an excuse to steal everyone's livelihoods. What can I do to opt out of the dystopian nightmare that is going to come out of knee-jerk central planning? Originally Posted by Depurefymii
you are indicting Trump then.. he triumphs the fact that he blocked Chinese flights, and gives regular Corona virus updates.. lets his Fauci and Birks team tell us how bad everything is.

I doubt you or the right-wing section here, will place Trump in the group of Con Artists.. and I dare you to tell me why you won't.
  • oeb11
  • 04-26-2020, 06:50 PM
Then please define your unanswered question - and prove that POTUS belongs in your Defined Group - and any differently than Obama, clinton, Bush 43, Carter, or any other POTUS . - Exception bush 41 - My opinion he was one of the most honorable men to occupy the oval office.

if u please!
bambino's Avatar
Trump's policy is to grab 'em by the pussy. Originally Posted by Lapdog
That’s my policy too. I guess you grad something else.
bambino's Avatar
you are indicting Trump then.. he triumphs the fact that he blocked Chinese flights, and gives regular Corona virus updates.. lets his Fauci and Birks team tell us how bad everything is.

I doubt you or the right-wing section here, will place Trump in the group of Con Artists.. and I dare you to tell me why you won't. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So, you agree that Trump is listening to the medical people and advocating a measured, safe reopening. Good.
HoeHummer's Avatar
They band him from the podium, eh?
Lapdog's Avatar
That’s my policy too. I guess you grad something else. Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, bambi. I "grad" from hi skool and collitch.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump's policy is to grab 'em by the pussy. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Have you been grabbed yet? If not, quit whining.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
They band him from the podium, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Either that or GEPOTUS decides when and where he is going to speak about what he wants to and GASP, without even asking your permission. Go figure?!?.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It looks like the virus was used as an excuse to steal everyone's livelihoods... Originally Posted by Depurefymii

It looks like the virus was used as an excuse to steal everyone's livelihoods and redistribute it to those unwilling to work.