Hot Chicks driving Ugly Cars??

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Hot Chicks driving Ugly Cars??

Have you ever seen a Beautiful woman at the gas station…in line paying for gas, and you just can’t stop checking her out?! Then, you watch her walk out the store….to her Busted Old,


Do you judge? Are you kind of turned off by that?

Does it even matter?

Or, are you more likely to say, "Car? What car?? Did you see her boobs? She's Hot!!"?

What about a Provider driving a car like that?

If you booked a dinner date and she pulled up in That car....what would you think?
Would it make you ?

LOL...I'm asking because, I drive an older "Ahem" vehicle. Aaaand, I am Sooo dying for a new car. But, my little tuna can has been the Best damn car on the planet! She just will Not die. Ever.
I'm so seriously.
Bitches asshole.
I had a hard time thinking about buying something else...Because she’s been so dependable. (Until recently)

Hahahaa....but, I gotta tell ya,
When I see guys checking me out...while I'm driving down the road, In The TUNA!?! I actually judge them a little! I'm thinking, Seriously? I know, I need to be thankful.

1 I have a car.
2 That I'm Hot.

What do you guys think of Hot Chicks/Providers driving Ugly Cars?

~Kelly TNT
I think you are NUTS (but that is why I like you!!) and I would do ya in a Pinto if that's what you were driving.

1thatgotaway's Avatar
I would be in the...
"Car? What car?? Did you see her boobs? She's Hot!!"? I would guess a guy has never noticed your car.

what car? LMAO.... I'm in that boat....
Stang1965's Avatar

I'm also in the "Car? What car?? Did you see her boobs, legs, assets? She's Hot!!" group.

If I'm checking out a Hot Chick I don't noticed much of what's around her at the time.
With that said. I don't care what Hot Chicks/Providers drive!!!
WarlockAahz's Avatar
Ok, I'll fess up to being somewhat of a car snob. It certainly wouldn't change my plans if said hot chic/provider wanted to *ehem* "do something" with me. But there would be that moment where I was thinking, "ewww, what the hell is up with that car."

Hot chics and hot cars go together like PB&J, and if that hot chic at the gas station is headed towards something shiney, low, sleek and fast... well, the fantasy just gets that much better!
onehitwonder's Avatar
Thats too funny.

But I have on more than one occasion been guilty of checking out a cute guy and then being kinda embarrassed for him when he jumps in a Gremlin and burns off doin' his 'gangsta lean' However in your/our case the way I see it is if someone is that concerned about our mode of transportation by all means please feel free to upgrade to something more fitting.

Just sayin........
PoppyToyota's Avatar
My dear Kelly....I would do you no matter what car you pulled up in. Now if I can only get you to upgrade your answering service....Then I might actually be able to make good on the first sentence.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Drive that bitch until it either falls out from under you or becomes unsafe. And, when you do make the change - don't be ignert and buy some overpriced something (if you get a new one, *poof* a lot of what you just paid for it disappears when you drive it off of the lot), keep that money for yourself and enjoy more things in life. Like a lot of things, I look to see how clean and well-kept the particular "unit" is.
yaddayadda's Avatar
I once dated a really hot woman in Rome for a couple of weeks, she drove a Vespa scooter. In a tight dress with heels...She worked in a bank and thought that cars were a waste of money period.

Americans are car snobs but I got over that a long time ago. 90% of Europe I didn't like much but the transportation system was pretty good. I hope this new light rail in Dallas works out.

Kelly your a class act and the wheels don't matter.
Sasquatch's Avatar
Who really cares what you drive? So long as it runs reliably and gets you where you are going, who really cares.

If you turn the scenario around - Image the disappointment when a shiny Porsche* pulls into a parking spot and I get out.

* insert any high line brand here (BMW/M-B/Aston/Bentley, etc)
We drive what is within our means...we shouldn't judge poeple by what they drive.
10 appointments per week * $200 per appointment = $2,000 per week

$2,000 per week * 52 weeks = $104,000 per year

$104,000 per year / 12 months = $8,667 per month

Why are providers always broke??? They should all be driving Avalanches, Escalades, BMWs, etc.
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 07-30-2010, 06:56 AM
Hot chick/ugly car?

I would start hoping that her car will break down and she'll need help or a ride somewhere. Best time to be a gentleman and score some points with a good looking lady. There is always hope.
Yea, I am kind of a car snob. I admit it-my name is Avery Blake and I am a car snob. I'm not proud of it but I am what I am.

However, I will get into a tuna can anyday if the company is worth the ride!!!!