CNN Poll........Rand Paul leads Hillary in Pa, Bush leads Hillary in Fl

Wow. Apparently CNN accidentally polled some voters who are not brain dead Morons.

I'm surprised. Despite the media's best efforts to shield her, the word just might be getting out that she is nothing but a lying sack of shit cunt.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Rand Paul?
In BLUE Pennsylvania?

She's done.
So what you are saying is if they have different guys run against her at the same time they might have a chance of winning? I know that both of those guys were known to be "two faced" but I didn't know it was gonna work like that. LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pity the the RWWipes can't run a different candidate in each state.

LMAO @ trending dipshits!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

IF you're gonna cut and paste more RWWipe cartoons, make sure the RWWipe site you're cutting and pasting from has a fucking SPELLCHECKER. Because we all know you're too dim to notice such things. Duuuuuhhhhrrrrr!

Pity the the RWWipes can't run a different candidate in each state.

LMAO @ trending dipshits! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Maybe they should re-think not allowing "straight men" to marry each other. That would give them the advantage they need!!