Waltz’s China Connection.


This guy has been to Communist China over 30 times, he even spent his honey moon there.

Of course, he praises the Chinese people for their work ethic, and says he has always been treated like an honored guest.

And, he gives the obligatory speech about “how the Chinese Government needs to allow the people they govern more freedom”, the usual crap coming from a “useful idiot” that these “Thugocracies” find valuable in winning the fight for World Respect.

That being said, we can deduce where he picked up his communist/socialist leanings. Deep down he probably admires the way the Government can control the “masses”, making for a peaceful and utopian society.

Yeh, sure. I am not buying that bullshit. His governorship shows that deep down, he wants to turn the United States into a State where the old doctrine of “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”.

If you are a productive citizen, the first characterization is you. If you are a typical voter that the Democrats cater to, your “needs” will be taken care of, by the likes of Walz, by taking it from those who are hard working tax payers.

Throughout history, it has been proven that he who takes from Peter and gives to Paul, can always count on Paul’s vote.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

This guy has been to Communist China over 30 times, he even spent his honey moon there.
. Originally Posted by Jackie S
30 times? That’s really weird……
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Absolutely ridiculous. Take the time to read this article which explains his many visits to China and his history on U.S.-China relations. Nothing "weird" about it.

Absolutely ridiculous. Take the time to read this article which explains his many visits to China and his history on U.S.-China relations. Nothing "weird" about it.

https://time.com/7008637/tim-walz-ch...-human-rights/ Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Useful idiots always have a good cover story.

Democrats lie. He’s a Democrat.
Absolutely ridiculous. Take the time to read this article which explains his many visits to China and his history on U.S.-China relations. Nothing "weird" about it.

https://time.com/7008637/tim-walz-ch...-human-rights/ Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Obvious that he is a Marxist and promoting Marxist policies.
Obvious that he is a Marxist and promoting Marxist policies. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Or since he is so enamored with China, we could have another “Big Guy” scenario.

Or, perhaps he is Xi’s new guy in the loop, since Biden, just like Hillary after 2016, is getting ready to be relegated to “Joe Who”? Status.
Or since he is so enamored with China, we could have another “Big Guy” scenario.

Or, perhaps he is Xi’s new guy in the loop, since Biden, just like Hillary after 2016, is getting ready to be relegated to “Joe Who”? Status. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Or, ...

Or, ...

Don't stop now. You're almost ready for your Fox audition.
txdot-guy's Avatar
OH MY GOD, it’s marxism, socialism, progressivism, liberalism, IT’S THE ISM.

txdot, you just proved that you don't read history, as nothing good has ever come from Marxism.
Michael8219's Avatar
Free tampons and gobernment cheez-wiz for everyone. Raise those taxes.

Wait. Is this the same Tim Walz who served honorably in the Chinese, Nebraska, and Minnesota Army National Guards, earning medals and deploying in support of Operation Enduring Freedom? And claimed he was in combat?

My mistake. He taught in China. Honeymooned in China. Spent a lot of time in China. And the Chinese’s are strongly downplaying his time in China. So he definitely wasn’t in the Chinese Army National Guard. I apologize.
txdot, you just proved that you don't read history, as nothing good has ever come from Marxism. Originally Posted by farmstud60
There is where you are wrong.

Sure, Marxism/Socialism/Communism ain’t to good for the average Guy out there working so he can turn over the fruits of his labor to “The Bosses”.

These “Bosses” get to live in their “Dachas on the Volga” and enjoy the good life. That’s good for them.

Of course if you don’t do your part, you get a new address too. It’s called the GULAG”.

Or The Wall. Which they will happily stand you against.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
txdot, you just proved that you don't read history, as nothing good has ever come from Marxism. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Go back to HS and learn what Marxism is. Obviously neither you nor Jackie know shit about it.
Michael8219's Avatar
Shared ownership of “the means of production” is socialism by folks who don’t know shit and want power. Forced Robin Hood by folks who strangle the means of production and take his/her cut.

Capitalism works.

Speed - watch this:


No doubt tampon Timmy wants to implement socialism in its ugliest form.
Go back to HS and learn what Marxism is. Obviously neither you nor Jackie know shit about it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
We know the real world reality. You believe the brainwashing lies of Marxism
txdot-guy's Avatar
We know the real world reality. You believe the brainwashing lies of Marxism Originally Posted by farmstud60
And you believe the brainwashing of the Heritage Foundation. Marxism/Socialism isn't inherently bad anymore than Capitalism is inherently good. They both have their good and bad points. It's in the implementation where you get into trouble.

Some socialized policies I think are better than what we have now. For instance socialized medicine. What they have in Canada or the UK is better than what we have here in America.

But your idea that we're going to hell in a hand basket if someone espouses some socialist ideals is just a little crazy.