More $ for Greek? Really!

Some women actually enjoy Greek. I presume that some of the Providers offering it here like it too or they wouldn't be willing to slip it up their...well..never mind.

So, if the Hobbyist is seeking a Greek-only session, no other orifices involved, it's an add-on? If the Provider enjoys it (I presume you wouldn't be offering it if you didn't) and the Hobbyist is willing to make it a one-hole session, extra fee?
Greek requires extra prep time and work. I am not an expert by any means but I have made a few lousy attempts. Let me tell ya, douching your ass a few times before the session is not a lot of fun. You have to do it a couple hours in advance just so you can get over the 'violated' feeling and to allow your body time to adjust. It made me break out in a cold sweat. Not fun.

I totally understand why there is an extra charge for it.
Hercules's Avatar
One of the benefits of having a pencil dick is women don't mind a little starfish exploring from me.
But no doubt it's best when she WANTS it.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Greek requires extra prep time and work. I am not an expert by any means but I have made a few lousy attempts. Let me tell ya, douching your ass a few times before the session is not a lot of fun. You have to do it a couple hours in advance just so you can get over the 'violated' feeling and to allow your body time to adjust. It made me break out in a cold sweat. Not fun.

I totally understand why there is an extra charge for it. Originally Posted by Dannie
although i havent traveled there i agree with what dannie said
Guest101610-2's Avatar
+1 to Dannie too.

Lord can you imagine how sore your ass would be if that was just a service anyone could have at any time with no extra charge? Ugh no. My starfish is reserved for real life encounters only (code for... it never ever happens.) One of the only good things I can say about the last boyfriend I had was he was great in bed with my starfish. I don't think I could share that with just anyone at anytime. So I guess basically no one would ever be able to afford greek with me.
rachet3375's Avatar
I cannot imagine someone being prepared for greek all the time. You clean yourself out sure but it isn't long before the body starts filling the void again. I like greek only when the provider says she wants it. I do not go into a session with that as a goal, I look at it as a gift. I think it is special because it can be quite intimate and reserved for special moments. Quite overrated as a sex act if done ALL the time. I will not pay extra for it and will only perfom it at providers request. After all, I am here to please you with the BFE
Mature Companion's Avatar
Greek requires extra prep time and work. I am not an expert by any means but I have made a few lousy attempts. Let me tell ya, douching your ass a few times before the session is not a lot of fun. You have to do it a couple hours in advance just so you can get over the 'violated' feeling and to allow your body time to adjust. It made me break out in a cold sweat. Not fun.

I totally understand why there is an extra charge for it. Originally Posted by Dannie

Your correct. There's a lot of unkind preparation that takes place a 24-2 hours prior to enjoying said greek isle. I can't fathom enjoying it otherwise.

But no way no how, would I add on a charge for me sliding my ass onto a mans dick. If I didn't want it back there to begin with. Then I'd say no.
I don't offer it anyways. I just take it. It's a natural part of the whole sexual experience with a man.

But some women don't like it nor do they like the unkind preparation that comes with it. So they charge extra. AND regardless of the size of your dick. You can cause pain & thus put her out of commission for days or longer. Again, a good reason why she may charge more.

It all boils down to the fact that it's her body. She can charge whatever she wants to whomever wishes to enjoy it.
I cant believe you even need to ask this question. Seriously.

How about the guys that "wonder why" should have a few sessions with a provider and a strap on. THEN maybe you'll understand. Seriously.
How about the guys that "wonder why" should have a few sessions with a provider and a strap on. THEN maybe you'll understand. Seriously. Originally Posted by Sophie

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
lol @sophie
be quiet Sophie, that is a terrible idea
Some women actually enjoy Greek.

So, if the Hobbyist is seeking a Greek-only session, no other orifices involved, it's an add-on? If the Provider enjoys it (I presume you wouldn't be offering it if you didn't) and the Hobbyist is willing to make it a one-hole session, extra fee? Originally Posted by txcwby6
Some women also actually enjoy sex. But every woman here charges for it so what's your point? This isn't a "I love sex so much I want to be an escort" business. If it were, women would just be giving pussy away out of both pant legs in the local bar scene. This is a "I really like sex AND money" business. Forget the whole "you are paying for my time" bullshit. We all know what one is paying for.

You can't fly first class without the upgrade fare. You can't purchase the #4 at McDonald's off the dollar menu. You can't go to Greece on a B&G budget. Trust me when I tell you that porn stars add that into their contracted monetary arrangement too.

Is Greek only even an option? I mean, most times a woman wants to do Greek it's because the guy has her so excited in other ways. There is a lot of sexual build up required for Greek. So I just don't see the "come on over, I will bend over and you can ram it up my poop shoot" type of session being offered.

Then again, people have done stranger things.

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
I cant believe you even need to ask this question. Seriously.

How about the guys that "wonder why" should have a few sessions with a provider and a strap on. THEN maybe you'll understand. Seriously. Originally Posted by Sophie
badhusband's Avatar
Met a married escort in Indiana, north of Indy, who preferred Greek to anything. Got right down to business with mish and within a few mins, she gets on her hands and knees and asks me to put it there and to drive it home! It's was a good thing that the condom was ribbed, got better traction thru the mud. All kidding aside, there was no extra fee, and like I said she wanted it there. I read reviews prior but thought they were exaggerating. They were right on! I've got a wild side to me, so I didn't mind making her happy!


Some women actually enjoy Greek. I presume that some of the Providers offering it here like it too or they wouldn't be willing to slip it up their...well..never mind.

So, if the Hobbyist is seeking a Greek-only session, no other orifices involved, it's an add-on? If the Provider enjoys it (I presume you wouldn't be offering it if you didn't) and the Hobbyist is willing to make it a one-hole session, extra fee? Originally Posted by txcwby6
pyramider's Avatar
Why wouldn't Greek cost more? When you take your car to get an oil change you pay a premium when you want 100% synthetic.