un benefitis for associating with Trump

VitaMan's Avatar
According to a Washington Post report, former Trump aides are unable to score the lucrative and prestigious Washington jobs they'd hoped for.

Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, told The Post at the time: "If I had a dollar for every time someone in Washington said to me, hey, I'm really looking to hire someone for X job, but they can't have worked for the Trump administration, I'd have a great sum of money."

Top lawyers who worked for the Trump administration are having a hard time finding new positions compared to those who served in previous administrations, Bloomberg reported.
VitaMan's Avatar
No news here...politics as usual.
Well yeah, the establishment worked overtime to push him out because he was shitting on their plans, why would the establishment want any of those people back?
bambino's Avatar
Is “benefitis” like arthritis?
VitaMan's Avatar
No. You really missed this one.

It is like Trumpitis. Look it up.

Trumpitis n. Inflammation of the buttocks brought on by routinely talking out of one's ass.
You're et up with Trump. Seek help.
Trump Derangement Syndrome refuses to leave VitaMan's head, and many others on this board, like matchingmole ..... not sure seeking help will do them any good .....
VitaMan's Avatar
Read all the threads on this board. That will give you a better view for who may need to seek help. As for Trump....he can't leave. He loves the stage so much. When will he seek help ?

LexusLover's Avatar
According to a Washington Post report, former Trump aides are unable to score the lucrative and prestigious Washington jobs they'd hoped for. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Patience is a virtue.
LexusLover's Avatar
Read all the threads on this board. That will give you a better view for who may need to seek help.
BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by VitaMan
What kind of help? This board is about finding pussy.

Some need "help" finding pussy, and others need help trying to work pussy into one's schedule.

The latter category is frustrating. The former group won't get any help. God already served them their reward.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're et up with Trump. Seek help. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's like telling someone to quit their cigarette habit.

Apparently Trump has more to him than some of us thought! These people actually fear him ... and it is appearing every day that they are afraid they won't be able to create enough votes the 2nd go to buy their candidate and so they have to attempt to scare those who legally voted for Trump into not voting for him again!

They have no better candidate to field so their only option is to attempt to scare people into not supporting him. For a bunch of anti-gun and anti-police addicts any intelligent person can see they really are unable to connect logically.

The more they fret about Trump the better he's looking for 2024.
LexusLover's Avatar
According to a Washington Post report, ..... Originally Posted by VitaMan
.... they don't want intelligent people to work for the government.
VitaMan's Avatar
For all those who are having trouble with their dome

That's like telling someone to quit their cigarette habit.

The more they fret about Trump the better he's looking for 2024. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, read since Trump left office CNN and MSDNC's ratings are about a quarter they were 6 months ago.