New York Times: We blew it.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Is it an apology? Not really.
Is it a 'mea culpa'? Sort of.

More like a grovel...

They're bleeding subscriptions. I wouldn't blame President Trump if he revokes their press credentials. Permanently!

Despite Trump's victory over historic media bias and viciousness, 'Time' magazine will probably still name Hillary Clinton their 'Person of The Year'.

Big mistake!
they were and are wrong in their opinions about most everything related to America

and their opinions are infused in everything they write
The NYT is correct in a 50 mile radius...for now.
I don't believe the NY Times"Yellow Journalist's"... Kinda like 0brobro and the Armenian genocide.

The Great Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine (Holodomor)

Letter to the Editor by Michael Sawkiw Jr.
President, Ukranian Congress Committee of America, New York
Philadelphia Daily News, PHILLY.COM, Tuesday, June 17, 2003

IT HAS COME to my attention that you published an article regarding the recent scandal surrounding New York Times correspondent Jayson Blair.

The national debate on the issue of journalistic integrity associated with this case spurred thousands of Americans to express their contempt for this brand of yellow journalism. In this vein, it is noteworthy to call your attention to a similar incident involving another New York Times correspondent, Walter Duranty. Unlike the Blair incident, however, this scandal involves a renowned international reporter who aided and abetted a totalitarian dictator in covering up a genocide estimated to have killed 7 million to 10 million people.

The case of Walter Duranty and the Ukrainian famine-genocide of 1932-33, which he failed to truthfully report, is alarmingly similar to the Jayson Blair case. After winning a Pulitzer Prize for "excellence in journalism" in 1932 for his reports on the Soviet Union, Duranty witnessed the genocidal policy of Josef Stalin and the Soviet regime carried out against the peasantry in Ukraine.

Privately, Duranty remarked that as many as 10 million people had died. Yet in his official news reports, he denied reports of famine as "malignant propaganda" and even went so far as to libel other journalists who were courageous enough to report it.

This egregious violation of journalistic ethics deserves the same type of attention that has been given to the Jayson Blair case. In fact, since there has been 70 years of silence on this issue on the part of the New York Times, it is even more important to make the public aware that this is not the first black eye the newspaper has received regarding dishonest reporting.

Duranty's Pulitzer Prize remains a blot on the record of the Times, a testament to the unwillingness of many to recognize the enormity of communist crimes, and an insult to Ukrainians living around the world.
Donald Maximus grabbed the "Grey Lady" by her pussy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Donald Maximus grabbed the "Grey Lady" by her pussy. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Rubbing and grabbing is not the same thing, but .....

...regardless ... at least he didn't shove a cigar up in it!
  • DSK
  • 11-12-2016, 02:46 PM
Is it an apology? Not really.
Is it a 'mea culpa'? Sort of.

More like a grovel...

They're bleeding subscriptions. I wouldn't blame President Trump if he revokes their press credentials. Permanently!

Despite Trump's victory over historic media bias and viciousness, 'Time' magazine will probably still name Hillary Clinton their 'Person of The Year'.

Big mistake! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The liberals who control Facebook and google slant the news feeds to the left, and maybe The Times will see how much 47% of America hates them and their condescension.

New phrase, instead of check your privilege, check your condescension!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Rubbing and grabbing is not the same thing, but .....

...regardless ... at least he didn't shove a cigar up in it! Originally Posted by LexusLover

too bad that didn't happen. it would have burnt the paper of fish wrap down.
LexusLover's Avatar
too bad that didn't happen. ..... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Don't smoke, and never cigars, but I know some who do ....

... waste of a good cigar ...
Is it an apology? Not really.
Is it a 'mea culpa'? Sort of.

More like a grovel...

They're bleeding subscriptions. I wouldn't blame President Trump if he revokes their press credentials. Permanently!

Despite Trump's victory over historic media bias and viciousness, 'Time' magazine will probably still name Hillary Clinton their 'Person of The Year'.

Big mistake! Originally Posted by gfejunkie

All of these protestors are reading from the same script. This is funded by George Soros, and lead by Michael Moore and company. MM was just on MSNBC yesterday morning and announced,.we will have 100,000 women marching against Trump at his innauguration and further protests in cities big and small across the US.

All you have to do is look online and you can see people being bused into cities around the US, all having the same protest signs and shirts, all chanting the same thing.

This is not a grass-roots effort at all. Its just a further campaign effort by Democrats and Socialists to undermine the Trump presidency, and to try and obstruct any changes he may make.

It is really an attempt to obstruct the justice of a fair and square election process. These people do not even realize they are part of the Liberal agenda, they have become so disenfranchised in the past 8 yrs with no jobs and only social media to give them that sense of feeling like a part of a tribe i.e. a feeling of being connected to something bigger than themselves.

George Soros owns the Media azzes with all the money he gives them.

How George Soros is looking to start a civil war in America
LexusLover's Avatar
All of these protestors are reading ... Originally Posted by Cherie
They can read?
All of these protestors are reading from the same script. This is funded by George Soros, and lead by Michael Moore and company. MM was just on MSNBC yesterday morning and announced,.we will have 100,000 women marching against Trump at his innauguration and further protests in cities big and small across the US.

All you have to do is look online and you can see people being bused into cities around the US, all having the same protest signs and shirts, all chanting the same thing.

This is not a grass-roots effort at all. Its just a further campaign effort by Democrats and Socialists to undermine the Trump presidency, and to try and obstruct any changes he may make.

It is really an attempt to obstruct the justice of a fair and square election process. These people do not even realize they are part of the Liberal agenda, they have become so disenfranchised in the past 8 yrs with no jobs and only social media to give them that sense of feeling like a part of a tribe i.e. a feeling of being connected to something bigger than themselves.

George Soros owns the Media azzes with all the money he gives them.

How George Soros is looking to start a civil war in America Originally Posted by Cherie
It's the same "gimme,gimme,gimme" crowd that still lives with mommy and daddy, got their "participation trophy" in little league, and have found out their $100,000 college "degree" is worthless.

They are starting to realize that the World is not a nice place. They are starting to realize that there is no free lunch.

I see this as a modern version of the "flower child" movement that invaded San Francisco back in the 1960's. Thousands of Eutopians descended on the city, wanting to live off love and smoke pot.

But then winter time came. Reality set in. Those that didn't leave ended up as bums on the street.

Nothing is new, and the beat goes on.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
They can read? Originally Posted by LexusLover
reading and understanding are 2 different things, hmm?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is it an apology? Not really.
Is it a 'mea culpa'? Sort of.

More like a grovel...

They're bleeding subscriptions. I wouldn't blame President Trump if he revokes their press credentials. Permanently!

Despite Trump's victory over historic media bias and viciousness, 'Time' magazine will probably still name Hillary Clinton their 'Person of The Year'.

Big mistake! Originally Posted by gfejunkie

i bet they wouldn't be saying jackshit for their knowingly biased reporting if their subscriptions weren't tanking because of it

i guess Carlos Slim's gonna be dumping some NYT shares bahahaaaa
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
NYT says they're going to do better & honest reporting.


I'll believe it when I see it. too funny!!!