Republic vs democracy

Ripmany's Avatar
It true the United States is republic but it not about it president or past president who may of really one it seem it not allowed on her. If about issue like global warming, feed the homeless, housing homeless Or abortion, taxes inflation and many more issue some I can't name, arenot allowed. WFT issue are part of politics just as much the people of politics, it seem ever intelligent thought is given points.
This sight seem over board with points and banding it no fund any more
winn dixie's Avatar
Lotta truth rip
HoHound's Avatar
it seem ever intelligent thought is given points.
This sight seem over board with points and banding it no fund any more Originally Posted by Ripmany
I couldn't agree more. Free speech is not welcome here. All the fun people get banned. Very little activity here any more. Speaks for itself. Your right. This site isn't much fun anymore. Do you think the mods adhere to the same rules they impose on us when they are hanging out with friends chit chatting?
ICU 812's Avatar
Well as I understand it from high scvhool civics:

A pure Democracy is when everyone votes directly on laws and perhaps policy . . .while in a Republic the citizens elect representatives to do the work of voting for laws and so on . . .

It is somewhat like (but not exactly like) the difference between a sole proprietorship business where the owner is the chief-cook-and-bottle-washer and a corporation where responsibility id delegated to others.

The Athenian Democracy was direct, any citizen could stand up and speak . . .and any citizen could vote (but you had to be a citizen of Athens).

But the population of Athens in 500 BC was about the size of my hometown in Corn County Michigan in the 1950s.

Does anyone have a different understanding?
ICU 812's Avatar

I am a frequent contributor to the political forum on a gun collector's site . . .and that is sort of an echo chamber.

There are other outlets for my political angst of bourse, but I limit myself to this one. Remember the dys when "they" were only allowing the party line to be expressed on Twitter and other social media? I found that during the panic of '20-'21, I could say about anything here as long as it only addressed issues pertaining to adults over the age of 18 (slipped and got banned on that once).

And yes, there are a limited number of voices here lately . . .but I write here in the hope of influencing some undecided lurker to my ways of thinking.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Understanding Republic versus Democracy is in the math. In your local small town you have a bigger voice, not to mention you can get in their face rather easily. By the time you get to the County and higher it is tossed in with a larger number of voices. By the time you get to the Federal level it is barely noticeable.

If we were a Democracy through and through, the chattering monkey voices of California and NY would over run your voice. Say your town is 5,000 people and your county is 200,000 souls and your state is 1 million peoples. That is just a small section of a neighborhood in NYC. Do the math.

This applies to the electoral college as well. This is why the Lefty-Loons always carp on Democracy, Democracy, Democracy and popular vote.
texassapper's Avatar
The difference between Democracy and Republic is simple. Democracy is the rule of the mob. Assuming you have 51% of the people with you, you can rob the 49% of their property via taxation if you so choose. This is what Democrats want. Mob rule with no rights for the minority... hence why they seek to criminalize political opposition - silence is violence, blah blah blah.

In a representative Republic, the will of the majority is asserted through elected representatives. The rights of the minority are protected via written agreement that prevents 51% from robbing 49% through taxation. Hence why Democrats call the Constitution a "living document". They want it to mean what they want it to mean whenever it suits them... They seek to subvert it at every turn. Because once teh written agreement is null and void (or practically so) then all they need to do is control the elected Representatives and a mob that isn't even 30% to steal from everyone else.

It's a subtle but important distinction that our Founders understood well and helps explain why they set up the government the way they did. They studied history unlike the ignorant fools opining on how our "democracy is in danger, yadda yadda yadda".
ICU 812's Avatar
Some good stuff here.

Anyone have a problem understanding this stuff now?