Cold contact solicitation

Just out of curiosity. How do you ladies and gents feel about ladies making first contact for possible visits? Is it okay if you have visited with the lady before? Or uncomfortable? What if you have not visited with a provider, and she contacts you first? Just a curious question.
I would go through my regular investigative process as when I first notice her unless I had already seen her. Then I would respond. If I were a provider, I would be very careful though.
I have no problem. If they never met me, first contact would be by PM. That is safe and allows me to do my research. If I have met and she uses my hobby phone or hobby gmail, then that is safe too. No problem.

AC, you can cold contact me anytime.
A PM here is always welcome by me.

ANY contact to my phone - unless you know me - is probably not a good idea.

I get dozens of calls and answer my phone in front of lots of people. If I have your number saved, I can just skip your call.

But, if its an unknown number, it could lead to an awkward call.

I've had a girl or two here read a review or comment I did and reach out.

Was a good thing!
If I have met a lady before, I have no problem with it. I even welcome it.
BRdude's Avatar
If I have met a lady before, I have no problem with it. I even welcome it. Originally Posted by Lookin_4_Fun
RichardNixon's Avatar
If it's a pm on here, I'd have no problem with it at all.
We can't recall if we have ever reached out to actually "solicit" someone we have never met. We have, on rare occasion, sent a flirty observational PM though.

We have reached out to people who have expressed an interest in us to advise them that we might be coming to town or asking for some local insight.

However, we leave much of the "reaching out" for our newsletter that we send about once a month.

--Just our 4 cents.
Thank you for the replys, positive feedback. Somtimes it helps to have the guys perspective.
DallasRain's Avatar
Since I travel alot,I will send updates to my regulars and potentials letting them know my scheduled tour dates........I also occassionally will "cold email" guys when i just want to send a flirty hello or a "I like your post/review" kinda email......I just like the guys to know that they are important to all of us gals here {no matter if we met or not}
rodog44's Avatar
I dont mind being contacted at all. As a matter of fact it makes me feel gooood.
skeeter's Avatar
I don't mind at all ..... As a matter of fact I'm flattered
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I guess I'm the asshole in this thread, but:

I HATE cold "calls" (meaning PM's--if I get an actual phone call from an unknown number & it turned out to be an girl I'd never met, I'd be really livid). But what I mean by that is if we've NEVER met, NEVER talked or posted threads to one another--I just get a PM saying, "You need to come see me!" or something similar. I hate that: and it has prejudiced me against otherwise well-thought of providers who did it.

But if I've seen you before & told you "let me know when you're coming back" I mean it--so by all means. Also, even if I've never made an actual appointment w/you, if we've chatted on here through threads, or PM'd back-and-forth about something else, and then you want to send me a PM, that's perfectly fine.

I can't explain why I find the other so irritating, but I do.
myprototype's Avatar
I don't mind at all ..... As a matter of fact I'm flattered Originally Posted by skeeter
what he said
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I don't usually 'cold contact'' anyone I have met before unless I have been asked to do first or unless it's to send a thank you and let them know how much longer I'll be in the area. Even then, that's only if they have told me they might like to see me again before I leave. I also have never solicited a complete stranger for business unless replying to an ISO counts. I'm not knocking anyone else's hustle, just not my style. It seems desperate to me (and I don't like to be rejected,lol). I figure if a client liked me enough to see me again they will let me know.