If we went to war with Russia, who among us would be rooting against Obama winning

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  • WTF
  • 03-24-2014, 11:06 AM



the dickhead from Pittsburg?

Inquiring minds want to know
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  • CJ7
  • 03-24-2014, 11:19 AM



the dickhead from Pittsburg?

Inquiring minds want to know Originally Posted by WTF

DaliLamaboy would have his head so far up Putins ass he couldn't root.... so to speak
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  • CJ7
  • 03-24-2014, 11:29 AM
Reagan sepnt a big portion of his life fighting for and protecting amreican people from Russian bombs and nuclear attacks, not to mention the countless tax $$$ American citizens gave to support the fight against communism...

and now Putin aka commie bastard is an American hero ?

talking shit like the right is talking now could have got the living shit beat out of them during the 80's... too bad it took them 30 years to grow a pair of communist balls... kept me from going to jail for bustin' up sorry motherfuckers like JD and Lamaboy.... commie bvastards.
It truly is pathetic. The mouthbreathers are all too stupid to understand that by touting how wonderful and strong Putin is while shitting on our own President, they are the ones engaging in conduct, solely for political gain, that is self-destructive to our national interests. Set aside the fact that their complaints about Obama have no basis in reality. They promulgate national disunity when faced with what could turn out to be a global crisis by siding with the fucking KGB thug. And, they pat themselves on the back and talk about what great patriots they are while doing it.

Stupid, clueless buffoons.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
"Putin aka commie bastard is an American hero" why do you think he is a hero? An American hero?

If we go to war then I back my shipmates in the US Navy. Some of you can't say that because you didn't think it was worth it or you couldn't hack it serving your country. You're non-hackers. My boys;

Unlike you we recognize how dangerous Putin is and how pathetic Obama is. Go back and read some Nimitz, Halsey, and Mitscher. They had a lot of respect for Yamamoto but they still ordered his assassination in 1942. Of course, history and military planning are a couple of things (among many) that you know little of.
lustylad's Avatar
Reagan sepnt (sic) a big portion of his life fighting for and protecting amreican (sic) people from Russian bombs and nuclear attacks... Originally Posted by CJ7
You are right, CBJackass, and he was quite successful at it, wasn't he?

I have a question for you and your tranny twin WTFagboy:

Whose diplomatic skills vis-a-vis the Russians would you rate as superior (and why) - Ronald Reagan's or Barack Obama's?

(Side note - In case anyone is interested, I'm taking bets that neither of these sycophantic dick-licking Odumbo apologists will answer my question straightforwardly without deflection or evasion.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
By the way CJ (and your little dog EVA) and Timmie, those were SOVIET bombs.
I think what we all should be concerned with is America winning. Obama is temporary. I would like to think America is permanent.

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  • CJ7
  • 03-24-2014, 02:48 PM
By the way CJ (and your little dog EVA) and Timmie, those were SOVIET bombs. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Soviet eh, speaking of Soviet leadership ..

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, a former KGB official, has pursued a program of systematic human rights abuses and violations against the freedoms and liberties of the Russian people. Like his comrade, Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko — who still commands the Belarusian KGB and has been cited by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and other groups for his persecution of political opponents, journalists, Westerners, and Christians — Vladimir Putin is a ruler whose control over Russia threatens the long-term strategic, geopolitical interests of the United States and continues to perpetuate a cycle of neo-Soviet totalitarianism.

None other than former Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev has decried Putin’s totalitarian and statist policies. In other words, Putin is more communist than a former officially communist Soviet premier — in the words of the Soviet premier himself. This was reported in an interview Gorbachev gave with the New York Times in October 2010, in which Gorbachev voiced growing frustration with Putin’s leadership, saying that he had undermined Russia’s fledgling democracy by crippling the opposition forces:
“He thinks that democracy stands in his way,” Mr. Gorbachev said. “I am afraid that they have been saddled with this idea that this unmanageable country needs authoritarianism,” Mr. Gorbachev said, referring to Mr. Putin and his close ally, President Dmitri A. Medvedev. “They think they cannot do without it.”

In an interview, Mr. Gorbachev even described Mr. Putin’s governing party, United Russia, as a “a bad copy of the Soviet Communist Party.” Mr. Gorbachev said party officials were concerned entirely with clinging to power and did not want Russians to take part in civic life.

Mr. Gorbachev was especially disparaging of Mr. Putin’s decision in 2004, when he was president, to eliminate elections for regional governors and the mayors of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Those positions are now filled by Kremlin appointees. The impact of this change was illustrated in Mr. Medvedev’s dismissal last month of Moscow’s longtime mayor, who was replaced with a Putin loyalist.
“Democracy begins with elections,” Mr. Gorbachev said. “Elections, accountability and turnover.” Mr. Gorbachev feels that he put Russia on the path toward being a functional democracy, only to have Mr. Putin block its progress. “Russia has a long way to go to usher in a new system of values, to create and provide for the proper functioning of the institutions and mechanisms of democracy — the institutions of civil society.”
Most recently, Gorbachev leveled further criticism at Putin and Medvedev, as he is approaching his 80th birthday celebration, which ironically, will not be held in Moscow, but at Royal Albert Hall in London. Gorbachev is upset that Russia is regressing to totalitarian ways he thought he defeated during his stint as the harbinger of perestroika and Russia’s supposed transition to democracy. He described Russia as an “imitation” of democracy where parliament and courts lack independence from the government and the main pro-Kremlin party is a “bad copy” of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Referring to the ruling United Russia Party, Gorbachev also said that Putin should step down from office and not seek reelection next year:
I criticize United Russia a lot, and I do it directly. It is a party of bureaucrats and the worst version of the CPSU — the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Regarding our parliament, I cannot say that it is independent [and] also our judiciary does not fully comply with the provisions of the constitution

OK , Reagan and Putin are the same...anything you say !!!

Mr. Gorbachev even described Mr. Putin’s governing party, United Russia, as a “a bad copy of the Soviet Communist Party.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It truly is pathetic. The mouthbreathers are all too stupid to understand that by touting how wonderful and strong Putin is while shitting on our own President, they are the ones engaging in conduct, solely for political gain, that is self-destructive to our national interests. Set aside the fact that their complaints about Obama have no basis in reality. They promulgate national disunity when faced with what could turn out to be a global crisis by siding with the fucking KGB thug. And, they pat themselves on the back and talk about what great patriots they are while doing it.

Stupid, clueless buffoons. Originally Posted by timpage
Are they worse than those who opposed war in Vietnam and Korea, which were meant to contain communism?
What about Truman, who refused to allow MacArthur to pursue Chinese planes across the Yalu River? Was he a stupid, clueless buffoon?
Dissent is essential to a democracy. It isn't allowed by dictators. Putin is a dictator, why would anyone want him to win?
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  • WTF
  • 03-24-2014, 03:43 PM
. Putin is a dictator, why would anyone want him to win? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Ask JD, he is the one sucking Putin's dick like it was Ronnie Reagans!

By the way CJ (and your little dog EVA) and Timmie, those were SOVIET bombs. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are a disgrace to the janitorial service.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-24-2014, 03:49 PM
Ask JD, he is the one sucking Putin's dick like it was Ronnie Reagans!

Originally Posted by WTF

thankfully sanity pretty much rules the world and the republicans are busy trying to defund Obamacare for the 50th time
Should America go to war with the Soviets, chalk me up as one who wants us to kick JD Idiot's love interest (Vlad's) ass. It doesn't matter who is the President. Even if it is Governor Quitter. Heaven forbid!