Provider NCNS

gswho's Avatar
  • gswho
  • 03-26-2014, 09:27 PM
I did my homework on a verified provider. Had a tentative appointment time set up for 7pm. Something came up and I called her about 3pm to try to reschedule for later the same eveningabout 9:30 . She told me that was fine to call her later. I called her at 9 and she said 10 would be great. I told her where I was located and she asked me to call when I was on my way. I did as was instructed and got no answer. I called her again after driving 20 miles and got no answer. I guess the question is do I rat her out for not being reliable or next time should I just have a backup plan?
Try to contact her once more to see if she had a valid excuse and if not or no reply, put it in the Men's Room
gswho's Avatar
  • gswho
  • 03-26-2014, 10:45 PM
mzluvly's Avatar
i was the ncns!!! i had fell asleep I do apologize to you hun! hope we can meet up still sometime... again, i apologize!
gimme_that's Avatar
fast responses always come up when threads are started lol.

I just don't see the purpose of writing ncns threads myself. Because I always confirm an hour before meeting. And if she doesn't answer I won't start driving to her location hoping she's gonna still respond. If the communication before meeting is not frequent for me Ill cancel. If she doesn't respond ten minutes from that time I book someone else. No hard feeling just won't book her again. Ill talk backchannel about it if people asked......but in my time hobbying.....90 percent of the ladies I saw were late.
This is why I do avoid situations like these.