Sex so Good it Makes You Cry!

This. Just this.

I'm just going to leave this here and slowly walk away. That is all.
Never had anyone cry during, but after, yeah that's a different story.
Sex, love and intimacy are not synonymous. Sometimes someone comes along and expands our minds by their ability to connect with you on multiple levels, not necessarily just the slampiece for the day. Lol. That's good too. But intimacy while your boning your slampiece... That's special.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
I have made many a lady cry from sex, dont think any was ain a positive way
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
Sex so good it made you cry?!?! YES, it has happened to me a few times, usually when I cum very intensely, and it's usually a cry of joy, from sexual satisfaction.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have had this happen to me only once ...So intense
Treetop78759's Avatar
My ex used to cry after fucking and cumming I would ask her whats wrong she wouldn't ever tell me why she was crying. I could make her cum good tho. I love seeing a woman orgasm.
madmilo69's Avatar
My ex used to cry during love making, I asked her if something was wrong and she just cried even harder and said "no, I just feel so close to you while we are making love." Haven't thought about her in a while. Thanks for the memories.
My ex used to cry during love making, I asked her if something was wrong and she just cried even harder and said "no, I just feel so close to you while we are making love." Haven't thought about her in a while. Thanks for the memories. Originally Posted by madmilo69
Aw c'mon man, don't stop there, I was just getting hard!
I've had several women cry after their first experience with the screaming orgasm. It is very intense and when it's the first time their emotions kind of overwhelm them. A couple of them told me they didn't even know that kind of pleasure existed. From my experience, most women have never experienced this. Not claiming anything of myself, just commenting on the state of affairs (so to speak) out there.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah've had gals fuck meh jus' ta git meh ta stop cryin'. An' Ah'm OK wif dat!
knotty man's Avatar
I made a civie girl cry once during sex. I asked what was wrong.
Couldn't understand a fucking word she said, till I pulled off the duct tape.
Then it was
I promise I won't tell!!
Please let me go!!
Blah blah blah...
You know just the usual stuff they say during sex.
Skip_8's Avatar
I have had that happen once.
This is so over simplified but here goes... Women crazy I meant crave( Freudian Slip)the warm & fuzzies in order to get to the great sex. Men, from what I understand, feel intimacy as a result of the sex. Where this fits into the hobby is maybe here nor there, but it was quite fitting from a recent experience. Just thought I'd share.