Bibi Wins!!

Our ally in the Middle East retained the excellent conservative leader Bibi.(Netanyahu)

It’s Netanyahu’s Israel Now (from the New York TImes)

By David M. Halbfinger
April 10, 2019

JERUSALEM — Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent re-election as prime minister of Israel attests to a starkly conservative vision of the Jewish state and its people about where they are and where they are headed.

They prize stability, as well as the military and economic security that Mr. Netanyahu has delivered.

Though in many ways they have never been safer, they remain afraid — especially of Iran and its influence over their neighbors, against which Mr. Netanyahu has relentlessly crusaded. They are persuaded by his portrayal of those who challenge him, whether Arab citizens or the left, as enemies of the state. They take his resemblance to authoritarian leaders around the world as evidence that he was ahead of the curve.

They credit Mr. Netanyahu, whose strategic vision values power and fortitude above all, with piloting Israel to unprecedented diplomatic heights and believe still more is possible. And they are loath to let anyone less experienced take the controls...
Our ally in the Middle East retained the excellent conservative leader Bibi.(Netanyahu)

It’s Netanyahu’s Israel Now (from the New York TImes)

By David M. Halbfinger
April 10, 2019

JERUSALEM — Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent re-election as prime minister of Israel attests to a starkly conservative vision of the Jewish state and its people about where they are and where they are headed.

They prize stability, as well as the military and economic security that Mr. Netanyahu has delivered.

Though in many ways they have never been safer, they remain afraid — especially of Iran and its influence over their neighbors, against which Mr. Netanyahu has relentlessly crusaded. They are persuaded by his portrayal of those who challenge him, whether Arab citizens or the left, as enemies of the state. They take his resemblance to authoritarian leaders around the world as evidence that he was ahead of the curve.

They credit Mr. Netanyahu, whose strategic vision values power and fortitude above all, with piloting Israel to unprecedented diplomatic heights and believe still more is possible. And they are loath to let anyone less experienced take the controls... Originally Posted by friendly fred
Had a friend of mine come to my office today

in 2017 he moved back to the u.s. from Israel, having lived there the prior 5 years

he was born there and had been in the Israeli military as a youngster

anyway, he was elated bibi won

he added that jews in ameica have turned the corner and now see the light and predicted 75% of them will vote rep here on out
Had a friend of mine come to my office today

in 2017 he moved back to the u.s. from Israel, having lived there the prior 5 years

he was born there and had been in the Israeli military as a youngster

anyway, he was elated bibi won

he added that jews in ameica have turned the corner and now see the light and predicted 75% of them will vote rep here on out Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I believe you are correct - all my friends are leaning that way.
themystic's Avatar
I believe you are correct - all my friends are leaning that way. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Brother Fred I support you and your friends
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Had a friend of mine come to my office today

in 2017 he moved back to the u.s. from Israel, having lived there the prior 5 years

he was born there and had been in the Israeli military as a youngster

anyway, he was elated bibi won

he added that jews in ameica have turned the corner and now see the light and predicted 75% of them will vote rep here on out Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
are you sure about this??? I'm skeptical of your friends claim.

I don't know about 75%. under 50% is more likely.
themystic's Avatar
are you sure about this??? I'm skeptical of your friends claim.

I don't know about 75%. under 50% is more likely. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Its 75 people, not 75%
Its 75 people, not 75% Originally Posted by themystic
Obviously you're not one of those hate the Jewish people..
themystic's Avatar
Obviously you're not one of those hate the Jewish people.. Originally Posted by bb1961
bb how quick you forget. I gave you an Olive branch that was inspired by the story of Noah, a very well know Jew. I love the Jewish people. Jesus was a Jew. I just don't want to support them financially or get involved in all that bullshit in the Middle East. olive can do it. My Peace be with you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Its 75 people, not 75% Originally Posted by themystic

oh yeah? since u know them all, what are their names??

themystic's Avatar
oh yeah? since u know them all, what are their names??

BAHGHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The only one I know is named Jared
bb how quick you forget. I gave you an Olive branch that was inspired by the story of Noah, a very well know Jew. I love the Jewish people. Jesus was a Jew. I just don't want to support them financially or get involved in all that bullshit in the Middle East. olive can do it. My Peace be with you. Originally Posted by themystic
I see you lie about your hate of the Jewish people (you posts to the contrary are all over this forum)...I can't except an olive branch from a REMOVED.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The only one I know is named Jared Originally Posted by themystic

Fogle is jewish? who knew?

from Geekipedia ... without quotes. bahgahaaaa or a link.

Fogle was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, to Norman and Adrienne Fogle.[1][7] He has a younger brother and sister. He was raised in a Jewish home.[8][9] He became a Bar Mitzvah while on a trip to Israel, and then was confirmed by his Conservative-Reconstructionist synagogue.[10]


fyi Jersey Mike's is way better than Subway
themystic's Avatar
I see you lie about your hate of the Jewish people (you posts to the contrary are all over this forum)...I can't except an olive branch from a racist bigot. Originally Posted by bb1961
lol bb. you are so wrong. take the branch I offer. I love all people. People are fucked up and Im a people. your party doesn't want to support Mexicans and Central Americans. I don't want to support Israel in the Middle East, but I love them all. take the branch brother..........reach........ ....
themystic's Avatar
Fogle is jewish? who knew?

from Geekipedia ... without quotes. bahgahaaaa or a link.

Fogle was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, to Norman and Adrienne Fogle.[1][7] He has a younger brother and sister. He was raised in a Jewish home.[8][9] He became a Bar Mitzvah while on a trip to Israel, and then was confirmed by his Conservative-Reconstructionist synagogue.[10]


fyi Jersey Mike's is way better than Subway Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Sometimes you're funny WK. Different Jared
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sometimes you're funny WK. Different Jared Originally Posted by themystic

are u sure? will you testify?

asking for a friend named Mueller. u know .. us Germans!

Heil Hockey pucks!!!!