There was no noose!

HedonistForever's Avatar
No big surprise here. Another Jussie Smolette moment. When will the MSM stop falling for this act? Never is the answer, they can't and they won't. Wanna bet not one single person on MSDNC or CNN tomorrow, apologizes for a "rush to judgement"? Think any of those NASCAR icons will come forward tomorrow and express sheep like behavior because they had to do what they did less they be "cut from the herd"?

NASCAR Says Noose Found in Bubba Wallace's Garage 'Was Not an Intentional, Racist Act'

Nascar has released a statement on the findings of the FBI's investigation into the noose that was found in Bubba Wallace’s garage and said that it "was not an intentional, racist act."
"The FBI report concludes, and photographic evidence confirms, that the garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose had been positioned there since as early as last fall," the statement reads. "This was obviously well before the 43 team's arrival and garage assignment. We appreciate the FBI's quick and thorough investigation and are thankful to learn that this was not an intentional, racist act against Bubba. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who love racing."

So the next question, that I'll bet will not be asked, "did Bubba Wallace know this and did this on purpose to get sympathy for his cause" A La Jussie Smollett? Naw, this America is nothing but a racist country is to important to the BLM movement to apologize.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
But this idiot and the rest of his NASCAR cucks were able to perpetrate this fraud for 24 hours or so.

Performance art in the era of the submissive white male.

Not Jussie or OJ effective, but still effective.

I would be almost laughable. The "noose" had been there for months. It was a pull cord. To interpret that as a lynch noose demonstrates how psycho the media has become.

That's why you're not seeing pictures of it.
smokedog01's Avatar
We are through the looking glass. At this point it has traveled beyond parody. Good thing the elections are over after the first week of November so we will not have to listen for calls to cancel Thanksgiving or hear about how white Santa is racist. The "movement" has a very clear expiration date and that is when the polls close.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I would be almost laughable. The "noose" had been there for months. It was a pull cord. To interpret that as a lynch noose demonstrates how psycho the media has become.

That's why you're not seeing pictures of it. Originally Posted by gnadfly

a picture is worth a thousand words of hoax ..

if you like that .. you'll love this ..

Hate Crime Investigation Opened After Ropes, One With Noose, Found In Trees At Oakland’s Lake Merritt

only one problem .. they were ropes for swings ..

these dickhead wokester media heads will conflate anything into a racist symbol or meaning.

winn dixie's Avatar
A pull cord! lolling

Most libs have a pull cord 24/7
Their freakin tampon
LexusLover's Avatar
To interpret that as a lynch noose demonstrates how psycho the media has become. Originally Posted by gnadfly

What psycho reported it to the "media"?

If that rope "noose" had been hanging there since "LAST FALL" then the entire crew AND THE DRIVERS who entered the garage KNEW IT WAS THERE since LAST FALL! And subsequently allowed the HOAX displayed on the race track ...

BECAUSE if you didn't get your ass out on the track for this public display of "solidarity" for the FRAUD .... you'd be tagged a "RACIST"! If this FRAUD didn't notice the "noose" for months perhaps he shouldn't be DRIVING!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This country is getting pretty batty. It's time for people to calm the fuck down and take a step back and relax.

I know I am not a sensitive guy; but are we about to go crazy about every single fucking thing now? I don't understand how that is productive.

I've worked in Seattle. It's a great city. Other than having a homeless woman trying to attack me in downtown one night, it's a great city. Just for transparency, I was talking on the phone and I was laughing. She thought I was laughing at her. That crazy bitch could not run at me fast enough to attach me in the rain. LOL

Anyway, it's a great city but it is liberal as fuck so I'm not that surprised this shit is going on there during these weird times. Like most of everyone else, it's going to be nice to me when things get back to normal. Until then, you just grind it out and don't worry about the chaos as much as you can do so.

This country is way too divisive now. It's time for a change in leadership. All Trump does is add to the problem. I don't care whether you Trump lovers agree. All he does is create drama for his own benefit. A leader does not do that. And if you are too obtuse to understand that simple fact, it's called a "you problem".
LexusLover's Avatar
a picture is worth a thousand words of hoax ..

if you like that .. you'll love this ..

Hate Crime Investigation Opened After Ropes, One With Noose, Found In Trees At Oakland’s Lake Merritt

only one problem .. they were ropes for swings ..

these dickhead wokester media heads will conflate anything into a racist symbol or meaning.

SAD Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

And here is the media version ....

  • oeb11
  • 06-24-2020, 05:34 AM
This country is getting pretty batty. It's time for people to calm the fuck down and take a step back and relax.

I know I am not a sensitive guy; but are we about to go crazy about every single fucking thing now? I don't understand how that is productive.

I've worked in Seattle. It's a great city. Other than having a homeless woman trying to attack me in downtown one night, it's a great city. Just for transparency, I was talking on the phone and I was laughing. She thought I was laughing at her. That crazy bitch could not run at me fast enough to attach me in the rain. LOL

Anyway, it's a great city but it is liberal as fuck so I'm not that surprised this shit is going on there during these weird times. Like most of everyone else, it's going to be nice to me when things get back to normal. Until then, you just grind it out and don't worry about the chaos as much as you can do so.

This country is way too divisive now. It's time for a change in leadership. All Trump does is add to the problem. I don't care whether you Trump lovers agree. All he does is create drama for his own benefit. A leader does not do that. And if you are too obtuse to understand that simple fact, it's called a "you problem". Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

LM - i agree with most of what you wrote - and that the Country needs Leadership.

We face a choice -Trump or biden's radical leftist VP to be named and who will inherit the oval Office. I do not see biden as anything but a senile pawn for the DNC and radical leftists to impose their new Green Deal agenda. And with a great deal more racial divisiveness and demonization of anything not OBLM. Biden is being kept in his basement out of sight and won't debate Trump.

trump is not doing well in Leadership at this moment - he tends to shoot from the hip. he is not a politician - it has pros and cons. . What he has done politically suits me far more than a Radical Socialist Dem administration. One that will stifle the economy and move toward a Venezuela style socialist authoritarian controlling government.

Like 2016 - it is a shame America cannot nominate two better candidates for Leadership of the nation. We have a choice - continue a representative democracy - or cave to Marxist revolutionaries.

If America chooses the latter - America will no longer be a land of Equality under the law and opportunity. It will become a marxist ideology first wasteland.

What psycho reported it to the "media"?

If that rope "noose" had been hanging there since "LAST FALL" then the entire crew AND THE DRIVERS who entered the garage KNEW IT WAS THERE since LAST FALL! And subsequently allowed the HOAX displayed on the race track ...

BECAUSE if you didn't get your ass out on the track for this public display of "solidarity" for the FRAUD .... you'd be tagged a "RACIST"! If this FRAUD didn't notice the "noose" for months perhaps he shouldn't be DRIVING! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have been a NASCAR fan since the early ‘70’s. I have seen it all.

But that boo hoo display Monday was absurd.

How irresponsible was it for NASCAR to release all of the info on the “noose” before a investigation was carried out. We live in a world where rioters, looters, and arsonist will take to the street at the drop of a pin.

“Smollet”Wallace needs to go out and win a couple of races.
LexusLover's Avatar
But that boo hoo display Monday was absurd.

How irresponsible was it for NASCAR to release all of the info on the “noose” before a investigation was carried out. We live in a world where rioters, looters, and arsonist will take to the street at the drop of a pin.

“Smollet”Wallace needs to go out and win a couple of races. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Fear! They are afraid to "wait" until an investigation report.

The "Black Lives Matter" BowelMovement membership didn't read about "Crying Wolf"!

They were born in Ferguson with a Fake Mantra and they'll get buried at NASCAR.

RIGHT NOW "Wallace" (interesting namesake) has no business on any track.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
We face a choice -Trump or biden's radical leftist VP to be named and who will inherit the oval Office. Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree. I don't think Biden will last long if elected so you have to pretty much decide about his choice for VP if you vote for him. If he chooses some far left bimbo as VP, you don't vote for the guy IMO.
half-listening to tucker carlson the other night

he said, I think it was 6, yeah, that over the last several years there were 6 noose claims by blacks, not including Smollett's claim

and not including wallace's

and every one of them was false and a hoax

when there is no racist act, they have to create one to keep their schtick going
rexdutchman's Avatar
We are now living the movie idiocy