So What's Biden's Recovery Plan?

Take more dementia meds? I mean his economic/pandemic recovery plan.

Haven't heard it. Heard part of Pelosi's swamp reclaimation project.

Let me know the specifics. Not "It's not Trump's plan."
bambino's Avatar
He can’t recover. Dementia can’t be reversed.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
It doesn't matter.

If the democrat morons nominate an individual who is literally mentally retarded (Biden is close) and trained him to respond to any question with "black lives matter", "coronavirus", "racism", or "misogyny", they have a better than 50/50 chance of defeating Trump in a national election.
So What's Biden's Recovery Plan? Appoint radicals who hate people based on their race, take this country down the tubes, take away our God given rights and blame it all on Trump.
bambino's Avatar
Trump challenged Biden to take the cognitive test that he took. Go for it Joe!!!!!
Trump challenged Biden to take the cognitive test that he took. Go for it Joe!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
I would like to see Biden fall for that!
LexusLover's Avatar
It doesn't matter.

If the democrat morons nominate an individual who is literally mentally retarded (Biden is close) .... Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Have I missed something?

Unless they let him drive or engage in some other lethal activity ... he's IN!

May be that's why the LOONS in here aren't discussing his "good points"! They believe someone else is going to be nominated as the DNC POTUS CANDIDATE!

There is no Santa Claus.
There is no Easter Bunny.

Ya'll need to start fabricating some good qualities for him other than drinking and getting lapdances......

winn dixie's Avatar
Sleepy joe is under orders to not leave his bunker unless its for a well orchestrated photo op.
  • oeb11
  • 06-24-2020, 01:22 PM
Biden's Plan - Stimulus funds, Stimulus funds, and more Stimulus funds - until the entire US poulation lives on government welfare - and is beholden to a bankrupt (financially and morally/ethically) system - just as Orwell predicted, and AOC and Bernie designed in the Soylent Green New Deal Plan.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I would like to see Biden fall for that! Originally Posted by friendly fred
and Pelosi and Nadler and Schiff and Maxine Waters and ...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nothing can be done until the virus is brought under control.
And I understand why you look to Biden since trump has no plan for the economy or controlling the virus.

Four months to the election and you expect nothing out of trump.
He can't tell you why he should be re-elected other than he is
(in his words) better than Biden.
What has trump done, other than to plunge the country into
Now he says he isn't going to reveal anything till after the election. He'll fix everything then. WTF, it worked once before.
And when he gets blown out;
trump is going to tank the election and then claim it was stolen.

From a post I made 8-2-2016
Talk about calling my shot.

There is one way we'll be able to tell if the elections were rigged.

If trump wins!

And low and behold, the Russians interfered and trump won.

Biden's Plan - Stimulus funds, Stimulus funds, and more Stimulus funds - until the entire US poulation lives on government welfare - and is beholden to a bankrupt (financially and morally/ethically) system - just as Orwell predicted, and AOC and Bernie designed in the Soylent Green New Deal Plan. Originally Posted by oeb11
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing can be done until the virus is brought under control. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Bitten's "recovery plan" ....according to Munchie!


Munchie is going to vote for Nothing again!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-25-2020, 06:30 AM
Take more dementia meds? I mean his economic/pandemic recovery plan.

Haven't heard it. Heard part of Pelosi's swamp reclaimation project.

Let me know the specifics. Not "It's not Trump's plan." Originally Posted by gnadfly
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by R.M.
Hope you don't get dinked for outing Munchie!
He should just steal Trump's magnificent plan for saving the oil industry - notice how nicely fuel prices have risen since Trump met with big oil execs in April? We were paying 1.20 per gallon for gas, which was destroying America. Now it back up to 2.00 an still rising. Thanks Donald!

Art of the deal indeed!