CCP afraid of christianity???

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
China's Communists Aim to Rewrite the Bible to 'Create a New Version of Christianity'

looks like they are. 200 million converts and growing.

I'm sure they've read what happened to the roman empire.

the best part is they're doing the bible re-write because... its too chinese.


I don't think this will work to kill off interest or reduce converts like they way they did to the Falung Gung.

I think they don't understand the reason for protestantism that took place in europe.
Man has been creating a God in his own image from the instant he looked into the heavens and began contemplating his own mortality. That is “Religion”

Religion has always been about controlling people.

Spirituality has nothing to do with Religion. Religion has been fighting Spirituality and the individuals personal relationship with his creator from the beginning.