More classified docs found at VP pence's home

Will the gop mega morons go ape shit again or just ignore?
VitaMan's Avatar
Let's see.

The thread about classified documents and Biden has 75 replies (so far).
Some of Bidens documents go back to when he was in the Senate more than 14 years ago Trump and Pence have only been out for 2 years That's comparing a first offender to a career criminal And BTW the formula for invisible ink was a classified secret for 93 years.
More cult bots available on here to post about Biden docs and ignore trumpy and pence docs. I'd guess 99% angry mega cult bots living on here. We libs actually have a life and it's not on here. Bye bye lifers. Gonna keep living my life
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-24-2023, 06:02 PM
Pence and Biden gave them back immediately after finding them.

Trump would not give his back!

VitaMan's Avatar
It's no different than when it was found out Bankman-Fried was giving donations to Republicans as well as Democrats. First the cult says it wasn't as much. Then they had to use page 14 of the playbook, and said Sam must be lying about this. Probably next they will try and introduce the word "rigged" somewhere.
They all three need to be prosecuted equally.

That is, until we find out that good ole Joe was giving classified information to China, Ukraine, and Russia by way of his son Hunter.

By the way. Anybody checked former President Obama’s house?
Pence and Biden gave them back immediately after finding them.

Trump would not give his back!

Originally Posted by WTF
Why hasn't the FBI arrested Trump yet?
Ripmany's Avatar
There should go in the recycling bin, come on we need to be environmentally friendly..
ICU 812's Avatar
Well, I am OK with giving the search treatment to every living president at tis point. Letys just get to the bottom of all this.
Pence and Biden gave them back immediately after finding them.

Trump would not give his back!

Originally Posted by WTF

You really believe such idiotic things?

We have no way of knowing if Biden gave them back, just his word. We also have no way of knowing how many documents Biden may have destroyed.
Is pence in a court claiming that those documents are his and not the govts? Did he too use telepathy to declassify the docs?
Is he trying to keep the docs rather than returning them to the govt?
Some of Bidens documents go back to when he was in the Senate more than 14 years ago Trump and Pence have only been out for 2 years That's comparing a first offender to a career criminal And BTW the formula for invisible ink was a classified secret for 93 years. Originally Posted by LayingPipe
Lemon juice was a big secret huh?
Biden gave them back immediately Originally Posted by WTF
Stealing classified material for more than 14 years is NOT "Immediately"

You cannot claim to be a feeble minded ignorant and qualified to be president at the same time

"Some of the classified documents dated from Biden’s tenure in the Senate according to his lawyer, Bob Bauer."

Ripmany's Avatar
Cool beans