Have you ever had a Booty call from a Provider? Okay, a DRUNK Provider?

Kelly TNT's Avatar
LOL.... After she's had a few cocktails...
Ever had a Booty call from a Provider?
  • CALL
  • TEXT
  • PM
Wanting to get her drunk Groove on with you??

If, yes....did you take her up on it? Was it fun? Weird? A disaster? No big deal...you've done it before. Er...her before?

Hahaaa.... I was just curious if that happened or not. I mean....it's not ever happened to me. I've never drunk PMed anyone. Here. On the board. Nuh uh.

I was just seeing if any of the other ladies have before.

~Kelly TNT

BobRoberts's Avatar
well damn, should I be giving out my number... what am I missing out on!
JackNapier's Avatar
Don't you remember calling me!?!??? Does this mean the engagement is over?!??!?!?
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Years ago, I had a lady that I saw often, call me when a whale bailed on her for the night. It was 11:30 p.m. and she was at a hotel with jacuzzi and her scheduled big spender cancelled on her for the night. Guess it could have been a freebie all-nighter. I had to get up at 4:30 a.m. the next day for a scheduled long run. Oh well, guess I should have let my little head do the thinking. She was always great BCD.
Spaulding Smails's Avatar
I personally get these calls all the time, but I demand that all booty calls MUST BE SCREENED! Please fill out the form on my website if you would like to see me for a drunk booty call: johnbootycallusemeabuseme.com
I once got a phone call from a provider who I had not seen in years as a client. She called me at 3 o'clock in the morning a few years ago which I thought was just plain weird. In a case like that, I would not see anyone who called again under similar circumstances. I did not know it was a booty call at the time for reasons that won't be explained here. However, I learned later that her boyfriend had dumped her earlier that night which is why she called me. That lead to the strangest 5 days of summer I have ever had with anyone before or since.

In another instance, I had a provider who was well past her limit in alcohol who wanted to see me because she was just plain horny as hell and knew me very well. We met, we did and it was a hoot and a half because she was a lot of fun while being funny and… well, on top! If that situation were to repeat, yep, I would do it again because I was walking sideways for a few days afterwards.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
LOL....Oooh, shit.


Okay, now.....did I mention it was a Group engagement?!

Always near the register Staring at me....when I'm buying my wine!

I mean..I'm still IN if you are!

But, just let me know...cause,
I kinda remember something about booking ?!?

Damn it Kelly!!


~Kelly TNT
Sounds like.... fun.
xperiment's Avatar
Kelly, you know im never too far away...hint...hint...
Kelly was that u that kept calling me at 3am this morning Wanting a booty call"???? LOL
SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 03-23-2010, 12:19 AM
Never happened to me! geez! This is why I don't go to Vegas.... On a totally unrelated topic Kelly, do you have my number? just was curious... lol
Call me anytime Kelly!!!!

Seriously, I would LOVE for a Provider to call me fo a booty call. Anytime Ladies, Please!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Kelly was that u that kept calling me at 3am this morning Wanting a booty call"???? LOL Originally Posted by Makenzee_Ryder
No Kenz...that was me! I was devastated that you didn't answer...:-( Oh, wait a minute......that wasn't you I called, it was Kelly....hmmmm or maybe Fawn.....

tee hee hee
berkleigh's Avatar
Ha! I'm guilty! I did it to my ATF!

drunk text, drunk dial.... awww good times!
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I got a singing chicken once....