sweet infiniti

this past friday morning i had an appt. that was to began at 10:00
long story short i had to end up putting plan B together quickly.

my choice for plan B was sweet infiniti she was visiting from dallas she answered the phone promptly and pleasantly she stayed on the phone with me as i talked her thru how to access my old reviews so she could verify me on the spot. she was very patient as we worked thru it together. she verified me and accepted my last minute call to see her within the hour, actually more like 30 minutes.

as i was heading her way plan A now about half hour late herself chimes in. i decided to stay with plan A.

so the purpose of the post is to say that i do appreciate what sweet infiniti did for me, and she is on my to do list as soon as she gets back here

Awww well i think you should of stuck with plan b, after all she did for you! Should of been plan A's loss and Plan B's gain... IMHO. But either way, glad you got taken care of!! Make it up to Ms. Infinity, she sound sweet and seems to know how TCB
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a review to follow I am hoping...