Profile Of A Provider

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I was thinking today about what the profile of a typical provider would look like and I could start the ball rolling by throwing out a few ideas.

Once we can get that started, some good observations from others might complete the picture.

Okay, I would say that the profile of a typical provider would be a young and attractive girl, but a few remain to service the older customers.

Secondly, although most girls are chained to their phone, providers are too, but they keep their personal phone conversations distinctly separate from their hobby phones. Consider yourself in the inner sanctum if she gives you her personal phone, but beware! Even if you jump that hurdle, there's already a bunch of other horney guys in that damned sanctum!

These girls are in the business primarily for personal monetary gain, not because they like to fuck strangers.

Okay, your turn to add something to the stew.
Well the posse is getting close enough to consider becoming a profiler ? Sounds insteresting I'll have to watch and see where this goes xoxo chelsea
  • PullT
  • 05-15-2010, 08:42 PM

These girls are in the business primarily for personal monetary gain, not because they like to fuck strangers.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
What's left to add now that you bestowed upon us this truly remarkable nugget of wisdom?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, since you insist that I give you another nugget:

Let me say that sarcasm is the wit of small minds.

I've always liked that one because it says so much in few words.
I was thinking today about what the profile of a typical provider would look like and I could start the ball rolling by throwing out a few ideas.

Once we can get that started, some good observations from others might complete the picture.

Okay, I would say that the profile of a typical provider would be a young and attractive girl, but a few remain to service the older customers.

Secondly, although most girls are chained to their phone, providers are too, but they keep their personal phone conversations distinctly separate from their hobby phones. Consider yourself in the inner sanctum if she gives you her personal phone, but beware! Even if you jump that hurdle, there's already a bunch of other horney guys in that damned sanctum!

These girls are in the business primarily for personal monetary gain, not because they like to fuck strangers.

Okay, your turn to add something to the stew. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Oh really? Shall I even give this one any effort? I don't beleive I agree with anything you have said. I'm not sure which direction to go with on this...let you have the truth (which you are not open minded enough to consider) or bite my tongue and let you continue on in you fantasy world...
tiffany I don't think he means any harm he's just reaching. just like there is no typical hobbiest , there is no typical provider both sides my have some common points , but there are multiple differences between each. still could be a giggle or two come out of these profound thoughts xoxo chelsea
runswithscissors's Avatar
I have no idea where to even begin..........

Are you attempting to profile an entire group of business women across the country as one entity?

you are quoted as saying "Okay, I would say that the profile of a typical provider would be a young and attractive girl,but a few remain to service the older customer"

A few what?

I think I dare you to say what a few what are....

In my opinion, you cannot profile providers in as much as you cannot profile an entire segment of society. Why would you want to? I take from your thread that you are trying to group ladies into a certain category in your mind. Dangerous thinking to try to.

I will make it easy for you; providers are the lady you see walking across the campus of a school, the lady pushing her shopping cart down the aisle trying to decide what to make for dinner for husband and kids; the female executive power walking down the sidewalk to catch the subway to her next meeting; the lady whose son just called to tell her she is now a grandmother.

Here is your profile. They are all Ladies.

And I spell that with a Capitol L.

Good day........
THANK YOU runswithsissors. guess I was wrong Honor isn't dead afterall
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 05-16-2010, 08:22 AM
Yes runswithscissors has the right idea. We are ladies first and foremost and we are all different ages, shapes, flavors, and personalities. We are sisters, mothers, daughters, and some are grandmothers. (not me though) LOL

Many of us love what we do and the monetary gain is just a necessity of life. When you start doing whatever job you do for free, let us all know and we can verify that you just love what you do and are totally not in it for the monetary gain.

I am a 44 yr old lady who loves what I do and I support a large household doing it and I run my business better than Donald Trump ever thought about, but when we're together behind closed doors you'd never know it was a business to me. Why shouldn't I enjoy myself and have fun? You only live once, so enjoy the hell out of life and make it what you want it to be. Enjoy yourself as much as you can, because there aren't any second chances unless Shirley Maclaine is right. What are the chances? I'm having a blast and things are better now than they've ever been and every day just keeps getting better and better. I truly appreciate how this life has given me so much pleasure not only in delights of the flesh but in being able to give my kids all the goodies they want, and being able to take time off to take care of my 94 yr old grandmother when my family needs me to.

So why does everything or everyone have to go into a category?
Just relax and enjoy all that life has to offer. I think you'll like that better.

Take care and have a good one! Literally!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What I am trying to do here is to simply expand my knowledge base about providers and how their thought process operates.

I think that we all fall into certain broad categories and a more thoughtful discussion would help the hobbyists understand the ladies better. That alone would enhance the session. What are their fears and concerns?

I think that providers are risk-takers to a much higher degree than most hobbyists.

I would also say that providers are better able to detach themselves emotionally from their customers than customers can. How do you do that?

I put myself into other people's shoes to better understand them and I know that there is just no way on earth that I could do what they do if I was in their shoes and born with their equipment.

How do you ladies do it? Is it natural or an acquired talent?

Do you find it difficult or does it come easy to you?

Personally, I try to build rapport with providers when I find ones that provide good service, but secretly, I fear that providers see all customers as throw-away commodities and if that is true, it would explain a lot.
I suppose I can see in an odd way what you are trying to do, but the way in which you are going about it will probably lead you nowhere good. The assumptions you are making are extremely inaccurate and bound to ruffle at least a few feathers. We are not paper dolls. We are people. Stop trying to put us in a little box just to help yourself make sense of us. But, since I'm here anyway... here are my answers/opinions.

What are their fears and concerns?
Umm, I'm terrified of clowns, the dark (more specifically, what might be in the dark), small spaces, spiders, and people in costumes through which I can't see their eyes. Hobby-specific fears are that I will be raped, robbed, invited to the police station, not click with a new client, pass gas at a really inappropriate moment, etc. That list could go on for days.

I think that providers are risk-takers to a much higher degree than most hobbyists.
I doubt that anyone that has met me would describe me as a risk-taker. I'm paranoid about my business. I think more hobbyists are bigger risk-takers than you really considered. I, for one, am not risking a nasty divorce with a very hurt and angry wife, nor would I be putting any children in the middle. Seems like quite the risk to me. Hobbyists are also taking a risk of getting robbed or escorted to a police vehicle. Just saying.

I would also say that providers are better able to detach themselves emotionally from their customers than customers can. How do you do that?
Are you asking how I can resist falling in love with everyone I see? Umm, easy, I left that intention at home. Do I care about my clients? Sometimes. Sometimes I care very much. The difference is I put on my big-girl panties when I set the appointment and decided to respect the boundaries of the arrangement. I don't see why that's difficult.

How do you ladies do it? Is it natural or an acquired talent?
Seems pretty natural to me. I didn't have to learn how to respect my clients' boundaries. I knew from the beginning that it was expected. And also something I expect from my clients. Again, I fail to see why this would be difficult.

Personally, I try to build rapport with providers when I find ones that provide good service, but secretly, I fear that providers see all customers as throw-away commodities and if that is true, it would explain a lot.
Perhaps you need a break from the hobby? I'm sure this is true for some, and not true for others. To make it even more complicated, I think it's a little bit true and false for me. Clients I don't like/click with are expendable to me, because if I continue to see them, they will burn me out, and then I cannot enjoy the time I spend with the clients I like. That's just not good all the way around. If you are seeing girls that make you feel like a dust rag, and you don't like it, maybe it is time to find new girls.

IMO, you should have stopped when you were ahead. That would have been prior to starting this thread. What you are saying is very demeaning to a whole group of people, and not just providers. Whether your realize it or not, you took a swipe at people based on their age. The thing is, when you do that, it's like slashing your own tires.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-16-2010, 01:47 PM

I would also say that providers are better able to detach themselves emotionally from their customers than customers can. How do you do that?


Personally, I try to build rapport with providers when I find ones that provide good service, but secretly, I fear that providers see all customers as throw-away commodities and if that is true, it would explain a lot.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
While i wouldn't put it in such cold terms as "throw away commodities", i think you largely answer your own question. It's a business to them and we're just customers. I liken it to a salesperson (the provider) who calls on a regular clientele (we customers). As a salesperson, she may like her clients, respect them, maybe even enjoy their company, but there's no reason to expect her to get emotionally attached to any of them any more than a Pepsi rep would fall for some restaurant owner whom she calls on pretty regularly.

Whereas the customers are oftentimes in this business because they're lacking something in their personal lives - whether it's intimacy, displays of affection, or just a loving partner who performs CBJ's (yes China, that was for you ) . So it's only common sense that at times the guy is far more likely to get emotionally attached in some way. And let's face it, beautiful girls can be very enticing. But for the guys who do find themselves falling into that trap, fortunately, most of them are able to understand that the smile, the cuddling, and the mattress dancing are part of her job and therefore are able to keep whatever attachment they may feel in proper perspective.
Ok, my 2 cents...and the most tongue biting way
TraciBrooks is right on...I agree with almost all she kudos to Traci for having her head on straight!

I love being with people, I love to please, prove that I can please, being praised for it, and I love to touch, and be it is very easy to understand that I love being in this hobby. Before being a provider, I was a hobbiest myself...I paid for it just like you. Yes, I take the money....I quite my day job due to burn out on careing for individuals that took advantage of me. I'm a giver, and have always been in the business of taking care of people. This is just another aspect of doing the same thing.

Gosh, I hope I make sense here....

IF it was more about the money then the enjoyment of meeting new people, fulfilling my need of giving, and the excitment of having sex with strangers....well then, I would not be a swinger in my day to day life and I would not have my Rude page, which has free and cheap porn on it of me....doing what? Having enjoyable sex with strangers! But those are both realities in my life.

I wouldn't give up not ONE of my dates that I have had thus far. I have had a few I didn't feel as though things were as comfortable as they should be, but some of the same ones came back again, and the second, third time we became very good friends. Sometimes you just need to get past the first date jitters. I will always give someone a second, or third chance.

I do love my regulars. I honestly do love them and care for them. But you know what? I am very happy and satisfied with my life partner, a realationship in which I am not lacking anything in. That part of me, sort to speak, is shut off to everyone else. I am a taken women, and I am not interested in a replacement. I can love you, and care for you, and not be "in love" with you. I consider ALL of my regulars as good friends. I talk to them 'off the clock' about their problems, and we enjoy phone conversations and emails that has nothing to do with setting up an 'appointment'. Would I fuck them for free? No...there has to be boundries for me to be able to pull off doing something I enjoy so much and make my spending money.

Younger? Attractive? What YOU like, is not the same as what others like. Some beleive a breast size A with puffy nipples are ideal...where as others beleive DDs are the most attractive. Some like the man made bodies, other prefer the God made. I'm a Milf, to many I am not attractive, and that is fine. There are still many that DO find me attractive.

Last but not least, my personal phone IS my hobby every date I have had, who has my number, DOES have my personal phone number.

Oh, and BTW, if you would take a moment and do some homework on me, you would find out that I am one of those providers that DO provide a good service, like most that I know do. You don't seem to be trying very hard to build a rapport with us.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Location: two steps ahead of the posse. looks to me you are not even a step ahead and being cooked and your only hope is to before you.have been reading this thread from the first post and was shocked.but you can bounceback if you learn form this thread.good luck. will keep reading to see how you make out. For I dont know how this will go.