NC/NS for a Hobbyist is OK but NC/NS For a Provider Is Certain Death???

I've noticed in my couple of days being here that clients & people off of this website set appointments & just simply don't call or cancel leaving an open slot where someone who WAS coming would of been able to visit...Then I was late to an appointment that I told the guy I probably wouldn't make it & he made it as though my career on eccie was done & how he would ruin my name & business.....>WTH!! So I decided to write a thread to see how everyone else feels about NC/NS for clients.....I feel if you set something you should keep it or let the person know you can't make it.....not simply stand them up
Sometimes people with hard penises aren't able to think logically. I think it has to do something with their cum backing up into their brain or something. I'm sure there's a term for the condition.

I wouldn't let it bother you. Shit happens. As long as you called and let him know as soon as you found out, that's all you can do. Same goes for the hobbyist - sometimes shit happens and you can't make your appointment.

I certainly don't expect a provider to try to charge me for a NC/NS if I tell them I can't make it. Now if I made a habit of doing it, then yeah, I could see some issues coming out ouf that.
Thanks for your input & response
tsrv4me's Avatar
I was once told ."the only thing you have that is REAL is your
word ".... it should work both ways if you say something stand behind it ..if you run into a problem or a delay when trying to make an appointment ......Call ahead and explain to the other doesnt make any difference if you are a Hobbiest or a Provider .....common courtesy works BOTH ways ...I have had it happen both ways ...I ve had things come up wher I had to cancel BUT never have I been a no show or NC/NS...but I have had it happen to me ...They give "College Degrees" in almost Everything BUT Commom Sense will have good days and Bad Nikita ...but I hope the good out number the bad by a large margin .....Good Luck ..T
P.S. Loved The TV show of the Same name ..LOL
lol thanks for your input............very true
Unfortunately, this site has people on it who think they control the "hobby" and can make or break providers and "hobbyists." I think the mods and frequent posters on eccie, just like it was on ASPD, think they control prostitution in the U.S.

You look great and you will be okay.
lionheart's Avatar
It is no more or less of an offense either way, no matter which side does it. It is very disrespectful no matter how you slice it. Just to clarify, I couldn't tell from your post when you notified the guy. Did you let him know in advance that you weren't going to make it, and if so, how much notice did you give him? However, if you called him after the scheduled appointment was to have started and told him you weren't going to make it, then I would call it a NCNS on your part. If so, it's good that you actually called him, but if you did so after the fact then it probably doesn't help things much unless an attempt was made to rectify the situation.

On a side note, if you are in the wrong, an apology and trying to find a way to make it up to the guy will go a long way and beats the hell out of a NCNS post. I guess bottom line if I understand your question, no a clients's NCNS to you does not justify NCNSing someone else, or vice versa. There is no connection here. All you have to go by in this world is your personal integrity, and I wouldn't suggest compromising your own just because you were wronged. You are definitely a cutie, and I suspect that a good reputation along with your looks would gain you more business than you could handle. Now where do I get in line?
RoDunn's Avatar
Except for true emergencies, NC/NS are wrong and rude for either side. It's so easy to make a call, send an email or send a text. And if something comes up where that's not possible, the person should follow up as soon as possible.

It sounds like you just cancelled on this guy. While it's a disappointment if a lady cancels at the last minute, I've never had a problem with it. Things happen. For me, this is about having a little extra fun so I try not to get too worked up over anything.
LazurusLong's Avatar

NC/NS by either party is bad.

What you're seeing here is that the guys post in the review forums when the girls do that to us.

BUT, there are many areas and forums that are ladies only where they too can share the names and handles of guys who are known to do this.

I recall hearing about one guy who set dozens and dozens of appointments and never kept one. It was like a hurtful game to him to have providers block out that time and never show up.

Make sure to use the Provider's area and look over the guys who not only rip the girls off but who also do this more than once.

The purpose for guys to post this behavior of providers is to see if this is a pattern so guys don't waste time trying.

The purpose of escorts posting this in their area is so the escorts don't miss a potential clients due to some asshat fucking with them because if they have a habit of doing this, don't accept the appointment.
People just need to respect eachother's time. We(Providers) don't want to be NC/NS just as much as you (Hobbyists) don't want to be NC/NS'd.

thats what it boils down to, IMHO
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-28-2010, 12:24 PM

Great advice here on this issue and you are definitely on my radar

Your word is all you really have in this world that no one can take away from you. If you run into to someone who breaks their word with you, they will do it again so why put yourself through it.

Good luck and keep your head up!

You are a cutie
gashpump's Avatar

Recently I was snubbed not once but twice in one day by a body rub provider. The first happened was while I was still at home. I had called at 4:30 p.m. to confirm a 5 p.m. appointment just prior to leaving the house, only to be told "I thought our appointment was for 6 p.m." (It was not.) I reluctantly rescheduled for 6:15 at her suggestion, but ironically, was then told - please don't stand me up, because I will will be staying late waiting for you. I arrived at 6:10 and then watched previous appointment leaving incall. Called at 6:15 after curiously watching another client enter incall. I was basically told "Sorry, I over-booked."

This whole encounter pissed me off, and for a few days, I considered posting for all to see, even though she had offered a modest discount for a future session, in order to make up for her screw up. I'm still pissed, but would not be so much had it not been for the "...don't stand me up ..." routine.

My point is that the factors involved in her decision to double-book are hers to own. Retribution would not get back the afternoon I wasted, nor would a dollar discount. I have no desire to ruin anyone's livelihood. If that business practice is continued for much longer, then she will be responsible for her own business failure.

What goes around, comes around. The piper must be paid.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Is it terrible that I just love her for her name? Nikita was going strong right as I was joining the coast guard and I couldn't get enough of her. The hottest bitch with a gun on TV. Holy crap you are my new favorite person.

OK wait, what's this thread about...
As for me if it's a no show with a no call - time to move on -
TexRich's Avatar
LFN, I had a session this weekend not go through because of piss poor communication from a new provider. Sure, I was upset and sure it sucks, but by no means is her career going to be defined by her lack of TCB in this one instance. If she doesnt correct it, and start to appreciate others time and efforts, then she will start to have a downward spiral.

For guys that have their own TCB issues, if they cant fix their own shit, they will become black listed and will find it harder to see ladies for sessions.

It works both ways, but unfortunately it effects the ladies more.