The Magic Pill That Makes Oral Sex Taste Better?

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Oral sex. In the '90s, we pondered the question, is it really even sex? Today, we know the answer: Does it really even matter? It feels good. And according to a recent survey, the majority of sexually active men and women feel that giving and receiving oral sex is important in a relationship (to which we say: duh).

The same survey also "discovered" that the way you or your partner "tastes" can be a real obstacle to whether you'll get (or give) some south-of-the-border action. Which reminds us of that "Sex and the City" episode where Samantha is bedding a dude whose spunk is funky. She tries to remedy the situation by getting him to imbibe wheat grass juice, a supposed cure, but alas, in true Samantha fashion, she calls it quits and moves on to her next victim before she can test the conclusion of her little experiment.

Too bad there wasn't a pill you could pop that would improve the taste of sexual secretions. Oh, wait! There is! One created by the same company that released the above survey results, natch. Lifestyle Nutrition recently announced the sale of BOP supplements, easy-to-swallow (pun intended) pills formulated with ingredients such as banana, pineapple, vanilla, cinnamon and ginger, which are "delivered through a unique lipid matrix made from flaxseed oil, safflower seed oil and sesame seed oil." Apparently the foods we consume affect the way our bodily secretions taste, and this pill, when taken two hours before sexual intimacy, has been proven to affect the taste of secretions positively. (Where in the world do they find the people to participate in these studies?)

So, what do you think: Would a pill that improves the taste make you more likely to go downtown?

**End of Article**
dodger's Avatar
I'm beginning to think you have too much time on your hands.

Otoh, I hear that coffee tends to make guys taste bitter ... and I drink a lot of coffee. Makes me stay up at night wondering if I offend.


Really, and you have enough time to decide she has too much time?

She posted, and she has not posted in a while... Give her a break.


I think the question of offending is answered.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 07-04-2010, 04:47 PM
Shea, from what I read people just have a certain taste. You can smell it in their breath, in their sweat...and elsewhere. Apparently it is genetic. Also genetic, they tell me, is that some people find the odors of certain other people pleasant, while others are not appealing. It really is chemistry!!

I'm all for self improvement (and certainly good hygiene is assumed), but taking "smell good pills" may be spitting into the wind if the chemistry is just not there.

P.S. Dodger Bob, no need to lose sleep wondering. You are offensive. Sweet dreams.
I have tried a number of pills, and none of them work if you are on a low-carb/high-protein diet.
Lots of ruby red grapefruit juice and other fruits added to the diet = a better taste for all. At least that's my experience. I understanding smoking can effect the taste, so if you smoke after taking one of the pills, does it nullify its effect?
As always Shea an informative and this time whimsical thread.I have had ladies say I "taste" sweet during oral before.This was after I had been consuming too much candy,cake etc for the previous few days.
It definitely does change the way the bodies secretions taste.
I'm thinking of eating about 20 hot chili peppers before my next appointment with a provider as a test.
See if she notices a difference.
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
Nope, I dig your action "as is", and in your case that even includes the taste of metal! Yum? I say yes.
Pretty sure your sperm can taste like Godiva chocolates, but if the girl ain't into swallowing cum, it's not going to happen.
mtabsw's Avatar
Fresh is fine by me on a lady. Flavored Lotion would be simpler and guaranteed.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 07-04-2010, 08:57 PM
OK, has anyone tried this pill? Does it work? I would be interested in purchasing it if it actually worked.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-04-2010, 09:43 PM
Well a pill might be nice but not necessary in my experience. I enjoy giving very much and I usually don't find any unpleasantness...I like the taste, like the act, like the's a sensory extravaganza. When receiving I have not received any negative comments and even had a few "you taste good" comments. I drink lots of water/juice and eat fruit and it seems to make things okay.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
As far as a lady's taste, I love DATY and the assorted natural tastes of a woman. DATY is more important to me than a BBBJ or just about anything else. I have actually performed DATY for entires sessions. Just my thing...

The only taste I don't like is if a gal has used one of the feminine products to flush away all natural smell and taste just prior to the appointment. Kinda like licking a Listerine bottle. TGO prefers the natural taste and smell of a woman!

As far as my own taste it is a non-issue. Only 3 ladies have ever gotten me to completion by BBBJ, so little concern there.

they have "pills" for both men and women to make you taste better.
As I said though, if you're doing an extreme Atkins/carnivore diet like I am, it wont work for you.
PODarkness's Avatar
I knew a girl who could tell if I had been drinking scotch, as opposed to beer or rum, at the the bar that evening, by my taste. Either she was doing the bartender behind my back, or what you eat and drink makes a difference. (I figure the odds at about 50/50)