Senile Biden Cancels Alaska and Gulf of Mexico Oil Lease Sales

berryberry's Avatar
The Senile Biden administration has canceled one of the most high-profile oil and gas lease opportunities pending before the Interior Department. The decision comes at a challenging political moment when gas prices are hitting painful new highs.

This is the intentional destruction of America by Senile Biden and his cronies

The Biden administration has canceled one of the most high-profile oil and gas lease opportunities pending before the Interior Department. The decision, which halts the potential to drill for oil in over 1 million acres in the Cook Inlet in Alaska, comes at a challenging political moment, when gas prices are hitting painful new highs.

In a statement shared first with CBS News, the Department of the Interior cited a "lack of industry interest in leasing in the area" for the decision to "not move forward" with the Cook Inlet lease sale. The department also halted two leases under consideration for the Gulf of Mexico region because of "conflicting court rulings that impacted work on these proposed lease sales."

Federal law requires the Department of the Interior to stick to a five-year leasing plan for auctioning offshore leases. The administration had until the end of the current five-year plan — set to expire at the end of next month — to complete these lease sales.

Until now, the White House had remained silent about the massive Alaska lease. However, canceling the sale would be in keeping with political promises President Joe Biden made in the name of halting global warming. But those promises have become a political challenge in the face of prices at the pump.

"They don't want to get hit by the Republicans in light of the high gas prices," one environmental advocate told CBS News, speaking on the condition he not be named because of the sensitivity of the topic. "They're getting killed on attacks based on inflation. The most visible sign of inflation is high gas prices."

The delicate political situation was evident after a top environmental official showed her hand in an email that copied a CBS News reporter. Gina McCarthy, the White House National Climate Advisor, wrote that "the Cook inlet sale was canceled. It is not proceeding."

Almost immediately, another White House official jumped in to declare that McCarthy got ahead of herself. Interior Department officials said a final decision had not been made. On Wednesday, though, with time running out, the department made its announcement.

Frank Macchairola, a top official with the American Petroleum Institute, the country's largest oil and gas trade association, called the cancellation of the Cook Inlet lease "another example of the administration's lack of commitment to oil and gas development in the US."

"The President has spoken about the need for additional supplies in the market, but his administration has failed to take action to match that rhetoric," Macchairola said, adding that politically it would play "not well."

"In the kind of price environment that we're seeing, there are negative consequences to shutting off oil and gas development, both politically and practically," he said.

On Wednesday, the national average price of regular gas hit an all-time high of $4.40, according to AAA.
American Petroleum Institute senior vice president Frank Macchiarola said in a statement, "Unfortunately, this is becoming a pattern - the administration talks about the need for more supply and acts to restrict it. As geopolitical volatility and global energy prices continue to rise, we again urge the administration to end the uncertainty and immediately act on a new five-year program for federal offshore leasing."
berryberry's Avatar

⛽️ Gas prices hit a new ALL-TIME HIGH national average price of $4.42 per gallon

⛽️ Diesel also hit a new ALL-TIME HIGH national average price of $5.56 per gallon

THIRD day in a row average gas prices have SURGED to a record high

Hell of a job Senile Biden
Alaskans don’t pay any taxes and receive $1,600.00 a year from energy.

Wonder how they will feel when this goes away. Lisa Murkowski the Rino, how do you feel about this.
On the leases the liberals are saying are available. A lease is no good if you can’t get the drilling and pipeline permits which Biden’s administration are not approving.
... See? ... "Elections have Consequences!" ...

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
On the leases the liberals are saying are available. A lease is no good if you can’t get the drilling and pipeline permits which Biden’s administration are not approving. Originally Posted by Chase7
Exactly Chase - it is the intentional destruction of our country by Senile Biden and the Democrats. They need to pay a massive price in November and 2024
bambino's Avatar
People still don’t get it’s not Joey Bribes calling the shots. If so, you could say senility or incompetence. But this is clearly a plan to take down the USA. Joey Bribes is the perfect puppet.
berryberry's Avatar
People still don’t get it’s not Joey Bribes calling the shots. If so, you could say senility or incompetence. But this is clearly a plan to take down the USA. Joey Bribes is the perfect puppet. Originally Posted by bambino
No doubt there - we all know he a an incompetent dementia patient just doing what they tell him. he has pretty much admitted as much in press conferences when he said multiple times he will get in trouble if he answers questions
People still don’t get it’s not Joey Bribes calling the shots. If so, you could say senility or incompetence. But this is clearly a plan to take down the USA. Joey Bribes is the perfect puppet. Originally Posted by bambino
Obama said while in office “Transforming America One day at a time” and it’s only a matter of time America will become brown”.
This is all Obama.

He got Biden elected to do his will. When he’s done with Biden he will resign or they will use his connection with Hunter to impeach him. Biden will not finish his term.
... The sad truth - for dotty earbores like OBama - is what they
DON'T understand... That Latinos (who he called "brown people")
actually don't see themselves as "brown" they considour themselves
white people - and NOT a "minority" ... and also greatly CHRISTIAN.
They won't be dancing to the "let's end religion" tune.

We had THIS discussion in the political forum awhile-back.

#### Salty