Wendy Davis Stamp?

  • EZ.
  • 11-04-2014, 10:28 AM
We have stamps for hunting deer and migratory birds.
Wander on over to the Political Forum with the rest of the wingnuts and foil hat crew . . .
The kind of "stamp" Abortion Barbie would get ?

Chung Tran's Avatar
I got a call from Hillary Clinton this morning!

well, it was her, but it was a Robo-call that I'm sure thousands, maybe millions of Texans received.. wanting me to vote for Wendy and the Chick running for Lt. Governor.. before I realized it was a Robo-call, I told Hillary the only contact I want from Wendy, is to push a cigar inside her vagina..

ok, I made up that last sentence
bigbob38's Avatar
I got a call from Hillary Clinton this morning!

well, it was her, but it was a Robo-call that I'm sure thousands, maybe millions of Texans received.. wanting me to vote for Wendy and the Chick running for Lt. Governor.. before I realized it was a Robo-call, I told Hillary the only contact I want from Wendy, is to push a cigar inside her vagina..

ok, I made up that last sentence Originally Posted by Chung Tran
LMFAO Tran you crack me up!!!
  • EZ.
  • 11-04-2014, 11:17 AM
Wander on over to the Political Forum with the rest of the wingnuts and foil hat crew . . . Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
Why don't you go fuck yourself
Instead of a frowning puppy (because you have your hand up his ass), you should just post a good video of yourself standing out in your little front yard yelling . . ."Hey, you kids! Get off the grass!"
BirdDawg's Avatar
I can hardly wait for the 2016 election...

Hopefully, other than the random misplaced, inappropriate remark, there won't be much of this.
Actually, I like to see this become a realistic Free Speech Issue. The type of situation where you CAN say something heinous that implies a politician of whoever should be shot, but as in the case of real Freedom of Speech, it doesn't mean you are free of consequences.

The idea that someone in the Dallas area would imply a political figure to shot. It always going to be too soon...
Why is it always the same guys who start this shit? Get out there and do some fucking! You'll feel much better, (and you won't be here to post worthless shit)!
Batman's Avatar
Am I the only one that can't vote for Wendy but secretly want to bang her?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Am I the only one that can't vote for Wendy but secretly want to bang her? Originally Posted by Batman
A little older, but she's VERY attractive in person. You should have seen her when she first was elected to the Texas Senate six years ago. Very, very nice. The six years have been unduly hard on her looks, IMHO. But more to the point, she's a very friendly person and truly believes in the causes she promotes.

A little older, but she's VERY attractive in person. You should have seen her when she first was elected to the Texas Senate six years ago. Very, very nice. The six years have been unduly hard on her looks, IMHO. But more to the point, she's a very friendly person and truly believes in the causes she promotes.

Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yes, and she is a self made, Ivy League school educated woman. No doubt smarter, better educated, and classier than tin foil hat boy who started the thread. I still have no clue what Republicans are going to do about shit, other than stop those marauding ISIS guys from coming across the Mexican border.

Shit stupid stuff for shit stupid voters
  • EZ.
  • 11-04-2014, 05:07 PM
A little older, but she's VERY attractive in person. You should have seen her when she first was elected to the Texas Senate six years ago. Very, very nice. The six years have been unduly hard on her looks, IMHO. But more to the point, she's a very friendly person and truly believes in the causes she promotes.

Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Actually, that was a joke.

Beyond her extreme left wing politics, I think she is a despicable human being; however, if I was serious about wanting to see her harmed, I would have said that I hope someone shoots the bitch. In reality, I don't want to see anything bad happen to her. After this election, she will fall away into obscurity. Now that people know what she is about, she won't even get elected back to the state house. Not in Ft. Worth. She could move to Austin.
Actually, that was a joke.

Beyond her extreme left wing politics, I think she is a despicable human being; however, if I was serious about wanting to see her harmed, I would have said that I hope someone shoots the bitch. In reality, I don't want to see anything bad happen to her. After this election, she will fall away into obscurity. Now that people know what she is about, she won't even get elected back to the state house. Not in Ft. Worth. She could move to Austin. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
Well, you fooled me, and how is she "despicable?" She is the only candidate who has addressed the sorry ass state of education in this state. And this is coming from a Libertarian
  • EZ.
  • 11-04-2014, 05:54 PM
Well, you fooled me, and how is she "despicable?" She is the only candidate who has addressed the sorry ass state of education in this state. And this is coming from a Libertarian Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Beyond the poor taste of her ads mentioning Greg Abbott being in a wheelchair, the whole substance of that commercial was untrue. Even MSNBC found this over the top. After her filibuster on the abortion issue, she stated that it is a woman's right to chose all the way to point of birth.

Actually, I lean Libertarian also. Education is a subject of great concern to me. I sent my daughters to Catholic schools in southern Louisiana. When we came to Texas, both were moved up a grade. They wanted to move my youngest up two. Both graduated on the International Baccalaureate program. They are bright but the difference is in public education. No monopoly produces a quality product at an affordable price. Until we have choice, we will continue to send our kids to unsafe schools where they don't learn and are likely to drop out. Show me a Democrat that believes in school choice. Here is a link to a study that you might find interesting: http://www.cato.org/publications/pol...public-schools